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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Buying the Farm

 While in the midst of mind-numbing lies, lies, and more lies from the Democrat presidential candidate, and the peace not now raging in the Middle East, plus the newest perpetual war in our 51st state - Ukraine - I thought this an excellent time to revisit this brilliant offering from only six-months into President Donald Trump's term to help point the "dialog" in the correct direction of truth.

Please enjoy it, as it is as relevant today as it was in 2017.  Thanks for stopping by.


Let’s begin today’s story with a quiz.

Q:  What do Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, have in common?

A:  They all tried to rally America against Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

Yes, they all fought hard and said some nasty things about our Commander-in-Chief.  Why?

Because Mr. Trump said he wanted to repeal the ever punitive “Estate Tax.”

In case you don’t know what the Estate Tax is, it is otherwise known as the “death tax,” which is imposed by the greedy among us on people who die.

Indeed, we all will die, and this is just another easy way to make money.  Not unlike taking a large insurance policy out on someone, then killing them for it, the estate tax is something that benefits some of us while punishing the rest.

How can we, as Americans, lose if the dead must pay-up for the right to die?

Let’s examine this simple question.

Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews are also performing at this year’s annual Farm Aid concert.  Yep, Farm Aid.

Farm Aid is one of those inane feel-good efforts used by The Left to make sensible Americans feel stupid.  Allow me to explain.

In 1985, this benefit for the egos of Willie and John began to counteract the perpetually greedy banks from “stealing” farms and their equipment from multi-generational farmers.

You see, some farms are pretty large and require updated, reliable machinery to till, plant, spray, harvest, shuck, dig, sort, and perform a multitude of other necessary tasks, to keep their homesteads operational and efficient.

Unfortunately, many of these farming families often find themselves in financial straights, with buying some of these tractors and harvesters on credit, with the farm itself as collateral.

The problems arise when the farmer dies before the loan is paid off in-full.

The banks then foreclose on the farm because the family must sell it to pay for the loan.  Or, they must allow their new equipment to be repossessed, for lack of payment.  Where did the money go?

Remember that estate tax?  Democrats have been killing hard-working Americans for years with the ‘death-by-a-thousand-cuts’ method.

Tax the land, tax the machinery, tax the fuel, tax tires twice, and now, tax the inevitable – death.

It aides Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, to sanctimoniously appear to help these down-trodden farmers who suffer from one major loss of life, then their homes, then their livelihoods, and eventually their dignity.

This is all for money to take from the hard working farmers, to redistribute it to the lazy among us.  And now the Farm Aid egoists want you to feel bad about this situation.

“Keep the family farms in the family,” could be the motto of these simple-minded musicians.  It must be the fault of the banks.  Wrong.

It is the fault of the greedy Democrats who need more of your money to keep the sloths languid.  If Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, really want to help, they would personally petition their Democratic representatives to repeal that over-burdensome tax.

Incidentally, Donald Trump expressed an interest in repealing the Estate Tax, much to the chagrin of his Democratic opponents.  I’m just saying.