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Monday, August 30, 2021


For decades, elitists around the planet have been goading weak-minded Americans into following their lead.  Whether it is over-priced gas, mail service, organic produce, miniature vehicles, or population densities resembling sardine cans, foreigners have elevated themselves into a position of acme.


Of course, our own overly educated, easily-influenced citizenry has proven not to be the deep thinkers they’d like to be.


This past year marked another season that happens only every 17-years, the return of the cicadas.  I’ll put that in a title form to help you better digest the gist of this story.  “The Return of the Cicadas” almost sounds like a B-movie starring Christopher Lee.  But it is not.


It seems as though nature contains a creature that eerily resembles Nancy Pelosi, replete with bulging eyes and giant wings.  They rise from their underground homes every seventeen years to procreate, and then die.


Mouth watering delicacy, and Nancy Pelosi look-alike

These two-inch long creatures make no effort to hide their mission for emerging from their underground sleeping accommodations for just a brief period, during which they molt, re-harden their exoskeleton, mate, and after laying their eggs, pass on to a giant insect Heaven.


Seventeen years later, the cycle restarts and we are tormented once again because of the eggs laid by their ancestors..


However, the torment doesn’t come from the cicadas themselves; rather it oozes from the media, who appear to be desperately searching for something important on which to report.


Forget about hapless President Joseph Robinette Biden, wretched VP Kommie La Harris, COVID-19 lies, out-of-control inflation, soaring interest rates, oil pipeline moratoria, systemic racism fibs, anti-science mask-wearing mandates, fake global climate emergencies, hyping electric vehicles, athletes disrespecting our national flag, dumbing-down our students, and elevating George Floyd to religious icon status, all the media could find on what to report was bugs.


I’ve had my share of ants, cockroaches grasshoppers, crickets, bees, flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and other annoying Democrats, over the years.  I found that just a spritz from a can of aerosol insecticide usually does the trick of eliminating many of these common annoyances.  But I digress.


But uncreative reporters have resorted to inundating the media, which I usually follow, with inane stories about the 17-year cicada “Brood-X.”


This is the granddaddy of cicada appearances during which literally millions of these virtually harmless critters dig their way out of the soil only to loudly chirp, in unison, mocking what I would expect a UFO to sound like.


This chirp is a mating call which they hope will lead to a successful “hookup” with an opposite sex cicada.  The opposite sex part is necessary for the Brood-X to make a return visit to the Earth’s surface in another 17-years, you see.


In any case, the media has been preoccupied with the way other countries around the world have been handling this same phenomenon.  Now they expect Americans to adopt the practices of Latin America, Asian, and African countries: eat them.


Yes, indeed, they want you and me to gather these sex-driven noise-makers up and bring them inside to summarily turn them in a culinary masterpiece, something seen only by the likes of a fellow named Andrew Zimmern. 


Zimmern has/had a show on one of those cooking networks that features bizarre “foods” such as leeches, tarantulas, and liver.  As an aside, I’m just kidding about the liver, which I personally enjoy.


But with actual headlines such as:  “The Cicadas are Coming.  Let’s Eat Them!” “Earth Notes: Eat More Bugs”  “Can You Eat Cicadas? Yes…”  “You Should Start Eating Bugs.  Here’s How” and “Cicada Pizza…”  Yum.  My mouth is watering as I write.


Of course the gist of all this is not to consume cicadas or any other type of bug, rather it is to compare Americans to other nations around the world that are starving because of poor soil, lack of water, non-existent farm machinery, oppressive governments, and state-owned farms whose harvest is largely used for the benefit of their armies.


This all plays into the monumental leap of attempting to call America’s lack of consuming bugs, racist.  It’s supposedly racist on our part because we have overcome the trials and tribulations now experienced overseas and otherwise outside the continental United States.


So when you hear the anointed talk about recipes for pancrustacean hexapod invertbrates, tell them, “You first!”

Monday, August 23, 2021

Have a Nice Trip

Here’s a fact: I did not watch one-second of the 2020 Summer Olympics.  Some will view this as blasphemy, others as a badge of honor.  I’ll wear the latter with pride.


Exasperated, is probably the best way to describe my not watching, and you may already know why.


In the events leading up to the Olympics, several potential athletes felt compelled to produce unwanted and unattractive awareness of themselves.  A few protested the American flag – the very flag under which they are participating, one promised to burn the American flag if they won, and several more knelt during the playing of the American National Anthem.


While you can’t govern poor taste, you can weed out the malcontents.  The Olympic torch hadn’t been extinguished before some companies decided it may be time to think about the fans as well as the athletes.


A business called Subway sells submarine sandwiches that are mediocre, at best.  They sell franchises to the public who then operate them at the behest of Subway corporate headquarters.


Subway HQ appeared to have jumped the gun with its advertising and enlisted the USA Women’s Soccer Team to advertise for them.  At least one woman thereon, Megan Rapinoe, an outspoken lesbian with dyed hair, was one of the USA athletes that knelt for the National Anthem.


Evidently, she was protesting racism.  In the event you never saw her, she is white.  Not normally being a betting man, I’d wager Rapinoe hasn’t been discriminated against because of her race, ever.


Nonetheless, America was subjected to a parade of “woke” self-anointed do-gooder, anti-American types, attempting to explain her child-like shenanigans away for weeks prior to The Games.  And what a poor job they did.


I’ll spare you the event details, but the story continues.  Those Subway franchisee owners felt that Rapinoe was a less-than-ideal selection for representing their businesses, and protested to corporate HQ to drive their message home.


This morning, over coffee, I heard about President Joseph Robinette Biden’s American troop removal from Afghanistan.  This essentially ended a 20-year occupation of a Middle Eastern toilet.


Since 2001, the number of coalition troop deaths in Afghanistan numbers 3,500, with more than 20,000 U.S, soldiers injured.  Our mission there was to exact revenge upon for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on United States soil.


Once again, I’ll spare you the details of the mechanics of this quagmire.  But I’d like to wade into something very interesting.


Code Pink is a Leftist international organization that is opposed to wars.  Period.  So beginning in 2001, Code Pink felt it necessary to badger then-President George W. Bush.  After all, he started that war – kinda.  In fact, he retaliated for the murder of over 3,000 innocent American civilians on 9/11/2001.


The mainstream media (MSM) was all over this story, just like they were all over the Rapinoe story, on the subject of hating America and its residents.


Code Pink set up a “permanent” booth across the street from The White House to continually remind people about the horror of Bush’s war to prevent another terrorist attack.


Biden’s announcement of the U.S. pullout of Afghanistan was done well in advance of his target date of 9/11/2021.  Not an arbitrary date, but rather very specific to his grandstanding to inflict more discomfort on former President Donald Trump.


Today we are weeks away from that magic 9/11/2021 number.  And Afghanistan is crumbling.  Biden’s generals are stuttering while attempting to explain away the total collapse of that blood-soaked country.  His press secretary is on vacation, her whereabouts unknown.  Biden, himself, is on vacation in Delaware as well as Camp David.  His Secretary of State is clueless.


Potential U.S. citizens from Afghanistan
who will be proud Americans

But the amusing part of all this is the MSM has declared this violent Afghanistan overthrow, somewhat peaceful.  Videos of Afghanis desperately clinging to exiting military planes, an Air Force C-17 cargo jet packed with nearly 500 people over its limit, and indigents pleading for help out of fear of execution, are plastered around the internet.


With all this riotous behavior, no one is reminding Americans – all of us – that Rapinoe and her associated whiners, flag disgracing, nation maligning clowns, still have a better life here, much as do Code Pink and its gaggle of irritating women with a perpetual gripe.


In Afghanistan, those same people would be stoned, beaten, jailed or executed for such heinous crimes as homosexuality, protesting, and disrespecting their national flag.


Here’s my idea: let all those Americans who feel slighted or those hankering to make others aware, move to Afghanistan.  There’s plenty of room there, and I’ll wager, again, you will be welcomed with open arms.  See ya!

Sunday, August 8, 2021


It was the early 1970’s, and Janis Joplin sang a hit song “Me and Bobby McGee.”  A line in that song goes: “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”


That line has been subject to interpretation ever since.  One interpretation of it is “that being free isn’t the most important thing in the world.”


Kris Kristofferson, the original author of these lyrics, attempted to show that freedom is a double-edged sword and that you may be free, but it can be painful to be that free…” according to a fellow named Bill Kerr.


This is important because Kristofferson actually penned this song and has made his intentions known.  And he may be right about freedom and the pain it brings.


As of late the world, in general, America, in particular, has been undergoing a massive and unbelievable upheaval within its varying societies.


Largely brought about by Leftist “educators” and biased and slanted parents, our newer generations of replacement world citizens have been attempting to effectively transform any logic of order into absolute chaos.  And boy, have they been successful.


With the blink of an eye, America and its solemn institutions – law and order, respect, civility, camaraderie, common sense, religion, unity, and understanding – have been virtually abandoned.


Replacing these basics of politeness and graciousness appeared to have happened almost overnight.  Old words were transformed into a new lexicon of public discourse, with terminology such as racist, and woke, and bigot, taking on new meanings prescribed by phony wordsmiths attempting to direct every sentence into a dead end.


For decades, the races have been begging for “dialog” about any number of things to include race, poverty, housing, fairness, hiring practices, and simply opportunity.


Suddenly, any and all headway made via the much touted dialog was thrown out the proverbial window, not because of anything done by society, but because of perceptions felt by society’s malcontents.


I don’t need to go into great detail to point out how our races have divided themselves because of changes in perceptions, based upon lies, tales, and misplaced anger.


There’s and old saying by the late politician Lee Atwater that stated: “Perception is more important than reality…if someone perceives it to be true.”  I abbreviated this powerful, often used quote, to demonstrate how damaging something – in this case words – can be in a society that relies upon truth in order to function.


That dialog abruptly vanished and was replaced by clever terms such as “black lives matter,” “hands up, don’t shoot,” and “defund the police.”


And while that communication sleight-of-hand sounds catchy, it is not practical for society, its people, or continuation of the safety of anyone living therein.


The simple minded grabbed onto so many of those bogus sayings to generate substantial anger and only further assisted in dividing a truly cohesive America that was approaching a “color-blind” status.


With dialog now effectively shut down by anyone without counterpoints invoking the words “racist,” “bigot,” “misogynist,” “xenophobe,” or “extremist,” each and every attempt at bringing a sense of cohesion and good judgment back into any conversation is moot.


I find it difficult to imagine anyone with a modicum of intelligence crying for the dissolution of law enforcement as a means to a safer society.  People have become more and more brazen as of late because of the defund the police movement engineered by the criminal element itself.


Of course the unlawful and immoral in our society want our police to vanish.  How else would they be able to freely ply their trades of theft, assault, mayhem, and murder, otherwise?


A good look into what the future holds for us is coming into focus before our very eyes.  Shoplifters are stealing goods with impunity, particular ethnic groups are being freely attacked, unsuspecting children are being taught to hate other people because of their race, school board members are having concerned parents arrested during contentious meetings, and United States of America athletes are disrespecting the country they are supposed to be proudly representing.


This out-of-control movement is largely being ignored by the mainstream media.  And The Constitution is under attack by rabble rousers from within.


Our current situation in America appears to be the definitive translation of Kristofferson’s “Me and Bobby McGee.”


Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, may be a distorted feeling from some anti-Americans, but certainly not all.  Although appearing dire, our situation can still be brought under control and back to “normal.”


Don’t allow total strangers to dictate how you should think and behave.  And don’t forget you, too, have the right to a “pursuit of happiness.”  That’s freedom.



Sunday, August 1, 2021

Back to Skool

It was just May, and the school year ended; it seemed like only three months ago.  Actually, it was.  August, to me, was the downhill slope of vacation time and the quick approach of another dreadful school year.


Family vacations in our modest hometown were rare and short, revolving around the factory maintenance and available money to escape the city for a few days.


People who had access to “camps” on forest land or lakes were fortunate enough to be gone, but not the less fortunate such as me, who were subject to making a few dollars mowing lawns, cleaning-up overgrown yards, or even caddying on the municipal golf course.


During this dismal time most money we earned through menial tasks was saved, only to be spent come August to purchase pieces of school uniforms that our parochial school required.


Our uniforms consisted of charcoal gray slacks, black dress shoes, a white shirt, and plaid tie.  The girls’ uniform was a plaid jumper, white blouse, white sock, and black patent leather shoes.  These combinations were unique to our particular school to differentiate our juvenile delinquents from those of other parochial schools.  But I digress.


Those uniform purchases included several of each ensemble to facilitate washing rotations and extra sets in case of playground mishaps.


Any additional money went to needed pencils, paper, protractors, colored pencils, pens, and binders.  My parents insisted last year’s book bag was still useable, just as it was from the previous year.  Hint: When purchasing a book bag and lunchbox, choose wisely.


I didn’t need to worry about that lunchbox thing because we were flush with brown paper bags, FYI.


In any case, as an adult out of elementary school for nearly 50-years, I now find it amazing how and what school supplies are incorporated into children’s lives.


Today, we are on the cusp of dutiful television news stations’ annual campaign to instill guilt into the minds of unsuspecting citizens in communities across America.


This flood of guilt-to-feel good emotion begins simply enough.  A small advertising blurb mentions how kids will be going back to school and desperately need supplies.  Those supplies include pencils, paper, protractors, colored pencils, pens, and binders, not unlike my list from a half-century ago.


The difference is these modern day ads include the need for backpacks, pencil cases, and the latest fashions for both girls and boys.  And of course, those fashions are different from last year’s, and far more expensive.


Here’s where the fun begins.


If you’d like to reread today’s story anew, please feel free to go back to the top and do so.  You may remember how I worked mowing lawns, cleaning up overgrown yards, and washing smoke-baked walls for local widows, to earn money to buy this same stuff.


We didn’t have video games or summer sports camps, rather we had bicycles and local parks, whiffle balls and bats, and imaginations.  Our parents weren’t wealthy, they were hard working.


They filled-in the gaps for the money my sister and I needed for our supplies and uniforms, and they did without for themselves until more money was available.


Our car – yes, car – singular, was a modest Ford; we couldn’t afford a second car.  There were no SUV’s, and no mention of handouts of any sort.  We bought what we could afford and only that.  Period.


Today, kids are raised under an umbrella of privilege expecting only the best and without delay.  Not having to work, kids from ages twelve to twenty-four, and beyond, have little sense of responsibility.  They never held a basic job which teaches a person how to tell time, get along with others, take the initiative, and handle money.


I couldn’t find a kid to help me spread 80-bags of mulch, so I hired a 51-year old hungry roofer to do the job.  He needed the cash and was delighted to make a couple of bucks to help with household bills.  At least he knows the mechanics of work and reward.


So when these school kids begin making the rounds to sell wrapping paper, overpriced candy, and other crap for their schools, they should not be surprised to hear a resounding “NO!”  They would be wise to read this story for a thorough explanation why.


Let their parents fork over some dough for their school supplies instead of buying a giant SUV, or make their kids get odd jobs to gain something called “work ethic.”  That is something even the wealthiest of the wealthy can buy – much like a personality.


This year should begin a new era of teaching kids, and parents alike, about how life really works and how to be either a success or a failure.  The choice is yours.  Put the critical race theory material aside and learn how to get along and function in the real world.


Otherwise, a terrible disappointment for both parents and their progenies is just over the school horizon.  Then it’s too late.