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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Keep It to Yourself

Vinyl was once the king of media.  Not those shiny garments or seat covers – all of which consist of vinyl – but rather records, more specifically LPs, or long-playing records, from days of yore.


It seemed as though every home in America had a record player, also known as a hifi.  For the youngsters in the audience, these were delicate machines with a platter upon which you would place the LP.  The LP spun while a tone arm gingerly sat atop the LP.


As this arrangement spun the tone arm would reproduce the sounds from the grooves in the LP with the benefit of a needle inside the tone arm.  The rest was purely magic.


Vinyl record player with an LP

LPs played at a speed of 33 1/3 revolutions per minute to recreate some of the most wonderful music, as well as some of the worst.  Still, the sound was often full of static because of damage from the needle on the easily damaged vinyl.


Seasoned audiophiles can readily discern the difference of compact discs and LPs simply by the pops and hiss emanating from the hifi’s speakers.  And there is no real comparison as to which sounds best.  Amen.


Vinyl records were eventually discontinued from sales, summarily replaced by compact discs; the only available LPs were obtainable from secondhand stores, garage sales, or friends who were clueless about their perceived value.


But these classic records have recently made a commanding comeback, as have the record players and hifis.  Instead of a few dollars each, these “re-pressed” records now easily surpass $30 each.  Record players are commanding upwards of $150.


Still, the war over which sounds better remains up for debate.  Personally, I never left the LP world, but still made the transition to CDs to remain up-to-date.


This minor bickering may not seem like a big deal to most people, mostly because we, as a society, have the right to our own opinions.  I have opinions just as the next person, and the next, and so on.


And because I feel I’m correct in my opinion about LPs, I am not part of a crusade to stifle or silence someone else’s thoughts or opinions because they are just that: opinions.


Likewise, when the topic of conversation changes from LP vs. CD, I have no desire to demean or silence another person when we begin chatting about the intelligence of politicians, or veracity of podcast hosts, or the genuineness of climate change.


As we established, those personal beliefs are opinions, something everyone has.


However, it seems as though we, as a nation, have crossed the Rubicon of civilization.  No, I’m not saying we’re headed down some sordid path to annihilation, rather I am saying we largely feel anointed to the point we can demand others think and feel as we do.


For some years, the public school system has become flooded with fabricators about America’s society, schools, attitudes, and biases.


We are reminded annually that White Europeans overthrew the untamed land now known as the United States of America.  We have been forced to accept that the fun-loving natives were passive and caring to all, and that the newcomer White intruders intentionally killed the native off with diseases.  Thanksgiving Day should be criminalized.


We have been told that if was not for humans, the Earth would not be dying at an alarming rate: we have only nine-years remaining according to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who said that as fact with conviction.


Our current situation of dire financial straits is because we are NOT spending enough money, according to President Joseph Robinette Biden.


Public officials allowed millions of illegal aliens freely enter the United States without proof of identity, health status, or criminal record.


Newly elected district attorneys and co-opted judges are releasing countless violent criminals based on race, to the detriment of civilized residents and other victims of this sordid social experiment.


School children are being forced to wear COVID masks in class, only to be penalized by creating an inability to learn correct word pronunciation, as well as causing health and breathing concerns.  Meanwhile, elected officials openly lie to their constituents by telling them they are not following the COVID mask rules because they “held their breath” to comply.


A podcast host is vilified for saying things that a smattering of his listeners deem inappropriate.  He was subjected to a campaign to silence him for having an opinion, as was a stand-up comedian for his routine.


And so it goes, with wacky Marxist organizations like BLM, and other racially divisive gangs of thugs.


Speaking of thugs, school “educators” – have you noticed no one is a “teacher” anymore? – are now hell-bent on ensuring our children are subject to Critical Race Theory?  That’s where educators separate children mentally and physically based on their race.  Separate but equal?


Of course, most Americans are too busy trying to keep their heads above water to become involved in the mechanics of daily living.  Others are complacent while feeling their children’s needs in school are being met.  Yet some are concerned and becoming involved to stem this tide of immolation for the sake of transition to Socialism.


These are but a few examples of disagreements between otherwise sensible friends and neighbors that are now winding up with silencing the opinions of others.


People are quick to point out The Constitution, especially its Bill of Rights portion which contains the First Amendment of Freedom of Speech, as a means to silence the opinions of others. 


Not unlike my opinion on the unique, unmistakable sound of a vinyl LP, my opinion is just as valid and important as to Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, Christmas, and ignorant or wanton actions directed by district attorneys and lame judges.


If you don’t have anything of substance to offer without attempting to punish dissenters, you are the problem.  You are not creating anything; you are destroying.


And vinyl rules.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Get on the Bus

A few weeks ago, I injured my shoulder installing a television antenna on the roof.  It’s a long story that didn’t involve paramedics, broken bones, bandages, or gaping holes in the ceiling.  Rather, it was a pretty lame move on my part that involved a damaged bicep.

OUCH!  Good enough.


So it was off to see the doctor who specializes in collecting payments for his new sailboat.  He determined my arm needed rest in order to heal; that time frame – according to Doc – was estimated to be roughly 3 to 4 months.  MONTHS!


My days on Earth are numbered so, three months is quite a long time.  At my insistence, Doc gave me a prescription for some muscle relaxers.  I immediately read the bottle dosage instructions and tossed one little round, white pill down the proverbial hatch.  And it was off to bed for me.


Waking the next day, I found myself full of vim and vigor.  My sainted wife was already up and about, so I decided to watch the world news from bed, with Smokey the Cat next to me.


“Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seeking an exploratory committee to determine her viability to run for President in 2024…” was all I needed to hear.


Like a lightning bolt, I jumped from the bed to find a calendar to check the year.  It was mid-February 2022 when I took to bed, but this news seemed to be months – even years – in the future.  Could that one little round, white pill make me sleep like Rip Van Winkle?


Smokey eventually came down off the ceiling fan to investigate the ado.


It would appear as though some short-sighted Hillary staffer thought it would be a splendid idea to dust her off and polish her up to shine in the spotlight.


As luck has it, narcissistic Hillary has been dipping her big toe in the election waters for some months now.  She recently released a book, but who hasn’t?  She has been making the speech circuit touting her leftist ideas, and she has been haranguing every American that didn’t vote for her in 2016.  Evidently, she has run out of hobbies.


Now she wants to know if the time is right to throw her pointy witch's hat in the political arena for another go-around.  The last time Hillary did so, Donald Trump, her opponent, caused her to take home the First Loser Trophy in the 2016 Presidential Election.


And Hillary has yet to forgive him.  She spent years bouncing from Leftist television show to Leftist television show, carping about how President Trump stole the election from her.  But wait, there’s more.


Not only did she traipse about the countryside banging her tinny drum, but she also decided to write words to this horrible, R&B-like song. 


With lyrics to the tune of ‘he cheated,’ and ‘the Russians,’ and ‘collusion,’ Mrs. Clinton desperately tried to turn America, Americans, and even foreign leaders, against the newly elected President Trump.


Her efforts were noble in that she – not unlike the old Soviet Communists – repeated the mantra of misdoings by President Trump both far and wide.  But she had help.


CNN, MSNBC, MSN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, all rounded up the wagons to create a circle for protection from the victorious Trump Administration.  Not to be left out of the character assassination, Facebook and Twitter thought they’d like to help The Cause, too.


Accusations of Russian manipulation, FBI shenanigans, CIA involvement, foreign collusion, hotel hookers, trysts, smarmy lawyers, exotic dancers, and lies about racial division, made this newly-forming regime read more like a cheap pulp novel than an Oval Office victory.


The mainstream media (MSM) were more than compliant to help the rightful owner of the 2016 White House reach her goal, even though she rightfully lost.


Several non-stop years of legal actions, writs, bipartisan stonewalling, and MSM assistance kept the news bleak and hopeless.  We, as a nation, were supposed to believe that Hillary Clinton was the only cure for what wrath Donald Trump was wreaking on polite society.


Daily, parades of slanted pundits called for impeachment, while even the assclown mayor of London, England, authorized a caricature balloon of President Trump to fly – a symbolic finger in the eye of our duly elected President Trump and all who voted for him.


Conservative voices were drowned out and eventually silenced to give the misimpression that only dissenting views were legitimate.


President Trump appeared with CBS’s Leslie Stahl in an interview, during which The President mentioned a wiretap on his phones.  Ms. Stahl, always the voice of reason, poo-poohed Mr. Trump, complaining he “had no proof!”


Unfortunately for Leslie, there is videotape of that interview.  Just in time for the big reveal.


And now, a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney, John Durham, who has been working on this tawdry effort to smear President Trump and America’s electoral system, has the proof Ms. Stahl so desperately demanded.


It seems as though Attorney Durham has conducted copious interviews and followed countless leads to determine that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign had paid for infiltration of the Trump campaign and the Official White House computer servers.


This information is just the beginning of what appears to be a blizzard of high-profile indictments of many individuals and organizations with less-than-pure intentions enough, in fact, to get a bus for Clinton cronies’ trips to the hearings and subsequent trials.


But if Ms. Clinton would like to not go through all the expected legal and publicly humiliating hoopla, I could give her Doc’s number so she might be able to get a prescription for some of those little round, white pills.


They might help her sleep through all her legal woes.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Random Thoughts IX


They’re back.  Those awful Random Thoughts that paint a broad picture of today’s society in an unvarnished way have returned.


Pour yourself a stiff drink, or light up a doobie, and enjoy the ride to next week’s story.  And thanks for reading.


  • Is Joe biden still president?  Or was he ever really the president?
  • Why is Dr. Anthony Fauci not in a federal prison?
  • Where is Vice President Kommie La Harris?
  • How are we going to recharge electric vehicles without electricity?
  • Hooray for critical race theory!  Now everybody can legitimately hate everyone
  • With all the Blacks being killed in Chicago, do Black lives still matter?
  • I thought our country was overpopulated; why are we allowing entry to all those illegal aliens?
  • Thanks, “President” biden, for the ultra high gas prices!
  • Let’s not forget about inflation-in-general
  • Facebook is too smarmy to use, as is Twitter
  • So, guns are responsible for shootings – clearly I have lazy guns
  • Why is Joy Bahar so quiet?
  • Maxine Waters is still a turd
  • Mimes are still the worst
  • Afghanistan is still a giant toilet
  • Since Pope Francis is so concerned about refugees, he should put some up in the Vatican;  I’ll bet he has extra space
  • Do all those people getting free checks from the guvment know they could be paying their rent with that money?
  • Where are all those trigger happy shooters in Chicago getting their ammunition?  I thought there was a shortage
  • Does “President” biden even know where Afghanistan is located on a map?
  • Gas prices are skyrocketing because of President Trump, according to Joe biden.  He hasn’t been in office for eight months, you know
  • It seems as though “President” biden may very well be suffering from ice cream brain freeze
  • Donald Trump is living rent-free in Joe biden’s head
  • What is a dictator?  Joe biden is a dictator
  • I hear the NFL is now playing the “Blacque National Anthem” before its games.  I wouldn’t know because I no longer watch overpaid minstrels
  • Bette Midler is still off her meds, according to her rants
  • Where in Hell are Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi getting all these trillions of dollars from?  Your kid’s future, that’s where
  • The biggest threat to America is: the economy, systemic racism, English, endless wars, COVID-19, Donald Trump supporters, climate change, student loans, snail darters, MAGA hats, COVID-19, xenophobia, UFOs, math, waning supply of illegal aliens, computer coders, COVID-19, and climate change.  Pick one.  ONE!
  • If Kommie La Harris can be elected as Vice President, there’s still hope for me
  • Liquor stores should be sprouting up like weeds around the Capitol, if only to serve biden’s speech writing staff
  • Someone needs to start a biden bingo game.  Every time he stumbles through a speech, you fill-in a square toward a “win.”  Categories could include mumbling, ripping off his mask, falling asleep, saying “COVID,” and race-baiting
  • Fried green tomatoes with soft shelled crabs are the best
  • What is serial liar Adam Schiff up to these days?
  • Why did Obama buy a $14,000,000 house on island Martha’s Vineyard if climate change was going to drown coastal areas?  Is he really as stupid as he looks?
  • Smokey the Cat says, “Hi!”
  • Is the NFL still in business?  Who really cares?
  • Haitians and Syrians are crossing the Mexican border into the USA.  Does anyone in the biden administration realize they needed to arrive by boat?  Not an easy walk
  • Jen Psaki closely resembles James Bond movie character Colonel Rosa Klebb 
  • Global warming or climate change…which is it today?
  • I’m considering moving to South America; it must be pretty empty about now
  • If someone needs to drive a driverless car, it’s not a driverless car
  • A California city is considering paying its criminals not to commit crimes; on an unrelated note, the NY Giants are paying their fans to not kill themselves
  • So now biden has angered France over his nuclear submarine deal with Australia; I thought he was the ‘great healer?’
  • The Pope needs to stand up to biden, Pelosi, and other Dems who promote murdering innocent babies
  • When is an “insurrection” not an insurrection?  When Nancy Pelosi says so
  • I recall hearing that health care was a “right;” If so, how can doctors deny health care for the unvaccinated?



That’s enough for this iteration.  Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you back next week.