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Monday, January 29, 2024

Lots of Words

 As much as I hate to waste gas, electricity, food, time and money, I hate to waste words.

Being frugal – a polite-company word for “cheap” – is a name tag I wear with pride, and have done so since I attended Moses’ 412th birthday party.

No, I don’t save tiny pieces of string, bottle caps, dryer lint, or even old newspapers, anymore. Rather, I use the technique my ancestors did during the Great Depression (called that not because it was really terrific, but something no one should forget.)

I still perform surgery on old, tattered t-shirts and once-useful towels and washrags in an effort to recycle them into new useful applicators for paste wax and cleaning the wheels on my truck.

In a display of total honesty, I once saved bottle caps to manufacture a fish scaling device by combining a slat-like stick with some bottle caps that worked fairly well. But I discovered that a commercial version worked better and cost 99¢.

And let’s not forget about corks from wine bottles. My sainted wife collected them for about a decade – until corks ceased being made from “cork,” but were switched to a tan plastic material. You see, I began re-configuring old wooden boards into trivets for hot pots and pans. Cork works well since it doesn’t burn; plastic, on the other hand, melts. No bueno.

Rubber bands, if you feel the need to horde them, save much better in the freezer than a kitchen cabinet drawer. FYI. But I digress.

While on a recent well-deserved vacation in God’s Waiting Room, aka.: Florida, I read a “newspaper” article from the Tampa Bay Times Sunday Edition which they entitled, News Extra. Evidently this was supposed to be more than their usual birdcage lining because of the color pictures thereon featuring a Public Works employee in knee-deep water maneuvering warning signs about high water.

The headline of this hard-hitting, attention-grabbing story read, “It’s been wet, dreary. Here’s why.”

Now I was really curious. I had to know.

Not enough rain in sub-African deserts? Too much snow in the mountains? More hurricanes last year? An inordinate amount of tornadoes across middle America? Two of the hottest summer temperatures on record? Sink holes in Florida? Earthquakes off the Japanese coast and in the mountains of Iran? Colder than normal waters near the Bahamas?

In order to be economical with words, I’ll simply cut to the chase. You probably guessed the reasons for all these issues: climate change.

For at least the past fifty-years I recall hearing from renowned scientists and other money-grubbers that they have the definitive answer to all the worlds’ woes – it’s the weather, stupid.

This hurricane could only have been
caused by climate change
A very in-depth News Extra was consuming way too much in the way of ink, time, paper, and electricity for the computer to write this story. Although feeling dirty from such waste, I continued to read.

Although anyone with an annually-published almanac available from tractor supply stores, pharmacies, and big box stores, could tell you exactly why the weather has been anything except consistent for hundreds of years.

The weather is subject to global climate patterns. Climate patterns are forces of nature that control winds, clouds, and, subsequently, rain, and snow – both or which are critical to growing things along with our mere existence.

Without precipitation there would be no one to complain about “the weather,” use our planet’s natural resources, or pollute. Sure, Bill Gates and his ilk would be tickled pink, but uneducated schmucks like myself would be one of the disposable deplorables.

In any case, surprisingly, this News Extra proceeded to explain what most people my age already knew because of decent educations. Unfortunately, today’s kids are much too busy learning about systemic racism, transgenderism, DEI, social justice, abortion rights, and how not to repay their debts, to learn about weather basics. Alas.

Firstly, there’s El Niño, one of the two global contributors to our ever-changing weather patterns. According to the Times, “When the globe falls into an El Niño period, the northern United States is likely to be drier and warmer while the Southeast tends to be cooler and wetter.”

Further, the article states, “El Niño also increases the threat of severe weather in Florida.”

La Niña, in the other hand typically fuels hurricanes while El Niño stymies them,” adds The Times.

Whoa! “What’s this all about?” you ask. I’m glad you brought this up.

During unusually heavy snowstorms, waves of torrential rains, or equally rare periods of drought and excessive heat, weather folks on television and the radio regularly cough up inane statements about the weather at that time being attributed to “global warming” or “global cooling” or simply “climate change.” Of course more money – special taxes – in the form of carbon credits will solve all that.

Nothing new to see or hear here. Shallow reporting based upon poor or lax research yields results that border on sensationalism totally avoiding the truth and logical reasons behind that massive “hundred-year-storm,” or devastating xerotes.

Sending the world’s populace into absolute panic because reporters and writers need substance for a story should be criminal. Equally so is ignoring the facts to energize a cause of global socialism bankruptcy in the name of the fragile climate. We have no control over the weather, so stop lying about it by using lots of words to simply say, ”There’s really no story here.”

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Love is in the Air

 Let’s take this opportunity to head in a different direction – somewhere lighthearted, seasoned with a bit of humor – but, as usual, all true.

Once upon a time, there was a strong, African-American woman (we’re still awaiting a ruling from the Supreme Court on her sex,) who just happened to be the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney.

This African-American District Attorney (AADA), was so terrific that she hired a “special” prosecutor to help her with the prosecution of former president Donald J. Trump. The person-in-question is DA Fani (She pronounces her name: “Strong African-American Woman Persecuted for being Blacque and Strong”) Willis. Her special prosecutor is a fellow named Nathan Wade.

Wade, according to the Atlanta Constitution Journal (ACJ) is a private attorney who “paid for lavish vacations he took with Willis using Fulton County funds his law firm received. County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation,”

A January 19th New York Post story pointed out “Bank records show Nathan Wade bought tickets for himself and alleged lover Fani Willis to fly to San Francisco in the midst of their probe into Donald Trump and election fraud in Georgia.”

It seems as though Wade, who is married to someone other than Willis, is subject of ongoing divorce proceedings. Details of the case were unavailable due to the documents being sealed.

But the ACJ adds “It is unclear if the explosive issues in the filing undermine the validity of the indictment against Trump and the remaining 14 co-defendants or simply muddy the waters by questioning Willis’ professional ethics.”


That ACJ segment doesn’t bode well for Willis or her presumed paramour, Wade. You see, recalling that famous line: “No one is above the law!” from Saint Nancy Pelosi, as well as a gaggle of other self-righteous Democrat politicians, should apply here. Unfortunately, the silence is deafening.

Clearly hoping this can all be washed away with a simple explanation, Willis appeared at the Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, on January 14th, to admit she was “flawed” and “imperfect.” Well, at least she got that part right.

The part she got wrong, though is “she blamed the criticisms on race,” the BBC reported.

Although she spoke for roughly 30-minutes, she “did not mention Wade by name or address the allegations of having an improper relationship, the BBC continued.

She focused her speech “on the role she felt race has played in the accusations,” according to the BBC. She did, however, defend Wade’s credentials.

Prison jewelry for lovebirds

The BBC further stated, “she was ‘a little confused’ why so many questioned her decision to bring in multiple special prosecutors to the case and asked if her critics were ‘playing the race card.’”

If you’re still following this fairy tale, the definitive answer is: Yes. All her critics are ganging up on her to bash her for being Blacque, just because of systemic racism she was taught about in school and likely at home.

This apparent lapse in judgment on the part of Willis and Wade, alike, is merely another example of affirmative action at work.

In recent weeks the country has been exposed to the shortfalls of hiring based on race and sex.

Former Harvard University President Claudine Gay was exposed for her racial hatred toward Jews. United States Secretary of Defense Gen. Lloyd Austin who didn’t ‘call-in sick’, Liz Magill resigned as president of UPenn because of her anti-Semitism, all of whom are persons of stature hired to perform jobs, perhaps well above their abilities. Of course, the reasons for their being hired is clearly not their knowledge, skills or abilities.

Although this fairy tale is far from over, it should serve as an example that using criteria such as race and sex for filling positions of importance is more than bad form. It is dangerous to a free society based on laws.

Best wishes to “Strong African-American Woman Persecuted for being Blacque and Strong” Willis and her buddy, Mr. Wade.

Perhaps they will wind up with new jewelry as a memento of this lucrative situation they created. After all it’s kind of ironic that the objective that brought them together is likely the very same thing that may put them out of jobs and into prison.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Romper Room

 It’s been quite some time since the smart people invented something really, really great. Oh, sure, you immediately think of the cellular telephone – the gadget on which many of you are reading this essay, but that would be getting ahead of the story.

Since the current administration – the Biden administration, in particular – took office in 2021, the world has been on fire, figuratively. Almost immediately, President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., hired all sorts of clever people to his bidding.

His bidding has been to change the United States from a self-sufficient, freedom-loving, capitalistic country into a weak, desperate, needy nation, in an apparent effort to thank the millions of special interest voters for electing him. It’s now payback time.

Environmental, race-driven, anti-life, pro-minority, counter-nuclear family, racist hiring, anti-religious organizations seem to be the constituency that gleefully elected Biden and, subsequently, his cadré of children who are now running and ruining this once-great nation. I call this “Child Think.”

Because of decades of dumbing-down curricula in schools, we are now reaping what we have sown. Ignorant ‘educators’ have been teaching drivel as science to young students since the 1970’s as a concerted effort to change America from a democratic-republic to a socialist/communist system.

This may make many of you think I have lost my direction, but please hear me out.

One of the first items of business on Inauguration Day 2021, was to block leases for oil drilling in the United States. Nearly immediately, the price of petroleum products skyrocketed due to the law of “supply and demand.” If you limit the supply while the demand remains steady, the price will increase.

You can now write the rest of this paragraph: gas prices shot up, air travel soared, long-haul truckers began paying more for diesel fuel, and homeowners were going to get socked for higher fuel oil rates, all because of this Child Think.

The reason for this market manipulation is pretty simple for the Child Think crowd. They believe that if you stop refining oil into a variety of fuels, or merely cause the price to dramatically rise, people will be forced to stop driving or look for an alternative means of transportation.

What a terrific idea, right?

A thinking person would now ask the common-sense question: “How are we going to get our cars, trucks and SUVs to go from once place to another without gas or diesel fuel? How are we supposed to travel to work, school, vacation, the supermarket, doctor visits, and to the store to buy that 75” HDTV,” should be your next question. Imagine toting that TV home on public bus.

Remember that transit system consisting of buses that come by following a 55-minute wait, or those quaint trolleys our aldermen and city council members demanded for decades? Those are supposed to serve as our new modes of transportation. Those are the Child Think solutions for the ‘little people’ who will be unable to get petroleum products without a special voucher. Special voucher?

Not unlike the sugar, meat and gas rations during World War II, certain, privileged individuals will be able to buy the means to start and move their vehicles if they earned the right to travel for special needs.

Sounds silly and far-fetched. But how did we get here?

Child Thinkers have been creating solutions for non-existent problems since Paul Ehrlich and his wife wrote the book The Population Bomb, in 1968. This book “predicted hundreds of millions of people were going to starve to death in the 1970’s,” according to an article in The Guardian.

Of course he was wrong; it’s 50-years hence, and we are still alive and well. What happened?

According to Ehrlich, this fate “was avoided by the green revolution in intensive agriculture,” again cited by The Guardian. It further states “Many of the details and timings were wrong, Paul Ehrlich acknowledges today, but he says the book was correct overall.” Sure it was.

Further, The Guardian states, “Population growth, along with over-consumption per capita, is driving civilisation over the edge: billions of people are now hungry or micronutrient malnourished, and climate disruption is killing people.”

Pretty scary stuff, especially for an elementary school student force-fed this tripe for a half-century. Doom and gloom, waters polluted by chicken farm runoffs, Peruvian sheep going blind due to ozone disappearance, smog causing lung diseases in civilized societies, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Suddenly, we are now getting information about meat-eaters adding to the demise of the planet. It seems as though vegetarians thought it prudent to hop aboard the terror train to oblivion by announcing how cows and other farm animals are the latest scourge helping society reach its end sooner. Let’s eradicate them from the planet.

We are told these animals are, simply put, fart machines. Because they, themselves, are vegetarians, they fart a lot, thereby generating methane gas. Keeping this in mind, please remember that all vegetarians fart a lot; it’s difficult if not impossible to process greenery through our intestines. Now, vegans are part of the problem, too, not the solution.

What is a good, loyal environmentalist to do? Hold your breath. A Child Thinker in Great Britain is encouraging others to “stop exhaling” in order to prevent poisonous gasses from exiting and entering the atmosphere. While I wholeheartedly agree, I won’t be participating inasmuch as I need air to continue living; you all can do what you feel is necessary to save Mother Earth, though.

Which brings us back to saving the population of the planet, Earth. Child Thinkers globally know they have the definitive solution to this self-generated mayhem.

Rather than rely upon steam, nuclear, hydro, and coal generated electricity, the Child Thinkers have caught the attention of our doddering President Biden who literally needed cue cards to recall his favorite food (Hint: it’s chocolate chip ice cream.) This is part of that payback scheme.

Since that Inauguration Day Executive Order signed to cut back on oil drilling, the push began again in earnest. Being conned by start-up solar companies promising “FREE” electricity from the Sun, as well as windmill manufacturers harnessing every puff of moving air, these hucksters swindled the American taxpayers via our elected politicians in getting grants for this snake oil, under the Barack Hussein Obama regime.

Like Lazarus, more and more solar and wind companies have been sprouting like weeds in a garden to get their fair share of this guvment gravy, once again. Even Chinese companies are harvesting this seemingly endless supply of cash, all in the name of a cleaner environment.

But the big stumbling block remains vehicles. Yes, the cars, trucks, SUVs, upon which rely heavily for our lives are being outlawed by smarmy politicians who have become drunk with power by exerting their faux power.

Child Think once again brought a solution to all these problems: electric vehicles (EVs). Biden’s Children have decided that if you want to drive, you must buy an EV. End of discussion.

EVs are not new. In fact, EVs have been around for nearly 200-years, in one form or another.

An early EV from the 1800's


Indeed, an EV was created, according to Car and Driver magazine, in the 1830’s, in Scotland by Robert Anderson. It was a motorized carriage powered by batteries – although they were not yet rechargeable.

Other tinkerers and inventors dabbled with EVs for years thereafter, eventually centering around rechargeable batteries. Robert Davidson, Thomas Parker, William Morrison, Pedro Salom, Henry G. Morris, and Isaac L. Rice are also mentioned by Car and Driver, as early pioneers of EVs.

But, as Car and Driver points out, Thomas “Edison and his camping buddy Henry Ford tried their hand at an electric car and built a prototype before both decided that the gasoline engine had a more promising future. One factor was that electricity was not yet widely available outside city centers, severely limiting the market for car tied to that infrastructure. Divers could carry spare cans of gasoline for long journeys, but spare batteries were a lot heavier per unit of energy.”

It seems as though way back when, automotive engineer, designers, and industry titans realized gasoline powered vehicles could easily overcome hurdles in technology. Still, Child Think is alive and well in today’s society, with no end in sight.

But I say give them what they demand. Biden and his Child Thinkers are demanding Americans modify their lives with EVs. Period. No debate necessary.

To that end, I say let President Biden and his Secret Service buy and solely use electric vehicles. “The Beast” is the presidential limousine whose curb weight is an estimated 15,000-20,000 pounds, likely because of its armor plating, bullet-proof glass, electronics and other redundant systems.

Of course, there are additional vehicles in Biden’s motorcade that include Secret Service Agents transportation, a medical team, a decoy vehicle, as well as press personnel.

I contend that since The White House feels so strongly that EV technology is readily available and reliable for the average American, he should lead by example. You know he won’t, though. EVs are as unreliable today as they were in the 1830’s and should not be forced down our throats because of a dream from Child Thinkers. Forward to 1832 is not the direction in which we should go.

Perhaps those children running The White House Romper Room should go back to a school with real educators and a curriculum of history who will tell them the truth rather than terrify them with conjecture. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Wrong Again

  We need to retreat to the year 2000 to tell this story.

The presidential election was well underway with George W. Bush vying against then-Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., for the presidency.

After eight years of impeachments, a sex scandal, infidelity, as well as lying about sordid affairs to an entire nation, America was ready to wash its hands of President Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Americans desired a different path to the future; with that in mind, George W. Bush, aka: “W,” was elected the 43rd President of the United States.

Almost immediately, sleazy Democrats poured out of cracks and crevices of television airwaves, radio signals, across print media, eventually winding up on the silver screen, to knock the new president as a buffoon. Period.

Calling W an idiot, dolt, goof, stupid, embarrassment, the Left exuded giddiness each time another weak-minded person felt compelled to jump onto the train of malignment in an attempt to summarily ruin both W’s and America’s reputation. And boy, did they try. But they were wrong.

Clinton personnel destructively removed the letter “W” from most typewriters, computers, and word processors, to create administrative nightmares as a way to show good will. Pretty swell, eh?

About nine months after being sworn-in to the office, W was reading a book to an elementary school class when a Secret Service Agent entered the room to whisper something in W’s ear. Immediately, his smile turned into a look of disbelief upon hearing the stunning news that America was under attack.

Let’s stop here to make some things abundantly clear: I am not a cheerleader for George W. Bush. I feel he was and is a fine businessman involved with the oil industry, besides being a part-owner in a professional baseball team. He also was the last sitting president to have served in the armed forces. For these things I admire the man rather than chastise him for his business acumen. Now let’s continue with the story.

Lest anyone forgot, it was September 11, 2001 when 19 Muslim terrorists commandeered commercial jet airliners only to use them as flying bombs. After killing the pilots and necessary “unruly” passengers, these terrorists flew those planes into The World Trade Center, the Pentagon, with one being overtaken by those unruly passengers and intentionally crashed into Pennsylvania dirt.

By the way, if you re-read the last paragraph, you’ll notice I did not mention Catholics, Jews, Episcopalians, Baptists, or any other religion. I used the word “Muslim” and I used it correctly.

Trying and saying anything to punctuate their intense hate for W, some malcontents started conspiracy theories to the effect that no planes actually crashed into the Pentagon. Although video recordings from the Pentagon’s expansive parking lot clearly showed a jet airliner speeding through the outer-rings of that historic building.

Since conspiracies were circulating, another theory was introduced that The World Trade Center Towers’ collapse was an inside job. It was theorized W secretly gathered a modest army of fellow military special forces rogues to surreptitiously dismantle interior walls to plant high explosives therein as an excuse to drag America into a new, lucrative war for both he and his vice president, Dick Cheney.

Suddenly, this guy went from idiot, dolt, goof, stupid, embarrassment, to a clever, sly intrepid conniving, man who was pulling the proverbial wool over everyone’s eyes. Wrong again.

According to history, W did drag us into Iraq to overthrow its ruler, Saddam Hussein. Hussein publicly threatened W’s father, George H. W. Bush, the 41st president; after Hussein bragged about his ability to destroy the Middle East with his “weapons of mass destruction (WMD),” international support was quickly gathered.

An allied contingency assembled to prevent the use of these WMDs against the Middle East alliance, as well as the United States. Approved by Congress, America’s entry into a war with Iraq to overthrow their dictatorship was met with applause – a true effort of unity to save the world from an assured guarantee to erase many nations and civilizations within only a matter of minutes.

Unfortunately, Hussein exaggerated his military capabilities to gain an edge – although imaginary and overinflated – as a means of fending off his many Middle East neighbors who were eager to find peace.

Once again, the lies began with U.S. Senators, Leftist politicians, and professional crybabies trying to trip up W so that his re-election would be impossible. Wrong again.

W was returned to office in 2004 to serve another term, albeit lame duck, this time with constant criticism directed toward that genius president. Allegations of misdeeds over invading Iraq without proof of WMDs, and falsified evidence presented to Congress, were bandied about by Democrats with an axe to grind still angry over Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Wrong again.

And so it went. Until we entered the Obama era, that is. Barack Hussein Obama tossed his hat into the presidential ring from his feckless gig as an Illinois Senator in 2008. With Senator Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., riding Obama’s coattails to the White House as an affirmative action hire, the games began.

Collectivist tendencies toward anything and everything were regular fare under Obama. Socialized medicine, control over vehicles on the roads, higher taxes, making questionable atonement to Iran in the form of billions of confiscated dollars, plus making copious other affirmative action appointments to varying government positions virtually guaranteed the establishment of a doomed-to-fail system.

Proudly accompanying Barack was his wife, Michelle, a woman who averred her disdain for America itself. Always adding race into the conversation, Michelle proved her mettle by taunting White America – just as her bigoted husband did – at every possible chance. They were wrong again.

Reaching from the White House to local police matters, Obama regularly took the side of Blacks, further dividing a nation on the mend from days of slavery and segregation. Using race as a defining criterion for even releasing black criminals from prison. Of course, their right-to-vote was suddenly reinstated.

Wrapping up eight-years of reinventing the government as well as its medical insurance system, Obama needed to pass his freedom-destroying baton on to the next socialist. Enter Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is the same Hillary Clinton married to the Philanderer-in-Chief, Bill Clinton, from ¶ two.

Ms. Hillary has been a media magnet for decades, constantly seeking out cameras and microphones in an effort to tell the world how terrific she is. And it seemed to work.

Saint Hillary Clinton, praise be
She was on the Richard M. Nixon impeachment team in 1973, the First Lady of Arkansas while Bill served as governor, First Lady of the United States when Bill was busy with interns, followed by NY State Senator, thereafter, followed by United States Department of State Secretary, all without much in the way of qualifications.

Leftists, to this day, are delighted to see her proudly waddle up to an easy chair on a stage to be interviewed regarding her stellar life and associated accomplishments. They often last longer than the expected few minutes, but the droning from Ms. Hillary usually drifts to complaining about her run for president against Donald Trump in 2016.

Fully expecting to run away with the election, Ms. Hillary lost because of the Electoral College, and has never recovered. Rumors had it that she needed to be led away from her presidential victory location party with some muscle and enthusiasm over her unexpected defeat. But that’s just a rumor. She was wrong again.

Traveling about the country carping about how the election was stolen from her, she makes regular snarky remarks concerning Trump and his ability to lead America – although he did a splendid job while under constant attack by angry Lefties.

But four years after her loss, President Trump found himself out of his guvment job. Joe Biden of the Obama-Biden team won the last election in 2020. In what many Americans have been calling questionable, that 2020 election produced results an honest person would best describe as iffy.

As such, Trump associates, supporters, and friends have been sued, brought to trial, chastised publicly, and even incarcerated for “trespassing” and “parading without a permit,” while expressing their concerns over the election.

Today, we are approaching a crossroads to another presidential election in 2024. With Donald Trump preparing to run for a second term, he handily leads the Republican pack of candidates who are less-than-supportive of another run from Trump.

Resorting to name-calling, Republican contenders are fighting one another to outdo their opponents – business as usual. But the Democrats and a handful of RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), have been tirelessly working to undermine not only Trumps efforts, but the future of America itself to remain alive.

Opening the Southern Border to anyone and everyone has been a bane on our infrastructure literally since Biden’s first day on the job. Eleven million people have invaded our nation, most of whom are now receiving benefits. But those sanctuary cities that welcomed them are: wrong again.

American kids are unable to read, write, or formulate math problems, can’t find jobs, are unable or unwilling to repay their student loans, not buying homes or cars, protesting Jewish residents, unwilling to serve in the military, while increasing crime and contributing to homelessness.

Our proud Socialist politicians are wrong again. Bottom line: It’s time to elect Donald Trump once again. I hate to think about the results of America being wrong again.