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Monday, June 27, 2022


Today’s story is recycled because I’ve been busy trying to keep this blog site gluten-free.  Please enjoy this story that is every bit as applicable today as it was in October 2020, when it was written.


We’ll return next week with fresh material; until then, enjoy life and smile lots.


Vote Wisely



In case you are not one of the roughly 24,000,000 people who have already voted for the president, I need you to be aware of something important.


Practically daily, candidate Joseph Robinette “Plugs” Biden utters another inane statement that should be taken into account before you vote.  Another important point is that over the past week, information has been bubbling about Plugs and his involvement with both the Ukrainians and Chinese governments.


It should come as no surprise that both the Ukrainians and Chinese are corrupt governments run by corrupt leaders.


Ukraine was front and center in the news since the election of President Donald Trump in 2016.  Speaking of corrupt, U.S. Congressguy Adam Schiff has been over-enthused about Ukraine and its leaders, and an association betwixt the Trump administration and Ukraine and Russia, for some years now.


Not to beat a dead horse, Schiff has been singing the same tired song about President Trump being in collusion with the Ukrainians, because he hates both President Trump and his followers.


Special commissions, hearings, investigations as well as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) intrusions, have been a constant in an effort to exact
 revenge and ire upon the Trump administration, to no avail.


Although the proverbial deck was stacked against President Trump, no evidence was found that could implicate him in anything as smarmy and illegal as Schiff has been involved.


All the while, the Democrats were carefully selecting a new candidate to run against President Trump during the upcoming 2020 election.  After a comical field of idiots and racists were paraded around for our scrutiny, the Democrat Party selected Plugs Biden.


I’ll wait until you finish laughing.


Biden, who has genuine trouble speaking off-the-cuff, continues to speak off-the-cuff with familiar disastrous results.  He forgets where he is, what position for which he is running, names of associates, and he even fails to recognize his wife.


His problems may only worsen – even though the mainstream media and social media, alike, are ardently protecting him – because of his son, Hunter.  It seems as though Hunter has been the recipient of quite a job coup with both the Ukrainians and Chinese.


Those same people Comrade Schiff interviewed and investigated for evidence on President Trump, are now found to be in collusion with Hunter and his Dad.  Monies of Hunter’s salaries number in the nose-bleed arena of $83,000 per month, from Ukraine.


Chinese influence brings the amount to well-over $10,000,000, for a guy whose only asset is his last name.  Stevie Wonder could clearly see this is influence peddling, but Representative Schiff sees otherwise.


Schiff, once again, sees Russian involvement on behalf of President Trump and his re-election.  Talk about poor judgment by voters.  But I digress.


In any case, neither Biden nor Trump has clinched the election yet.  And this added-value information should be enough to sway the minds of honest voters – the ones who repeatedly cry for truthful candidates who will be straightforward with their constituents.


Those 24,000,000 already voted crowd members are SOL.  Something tells me it wouldn’t matter to them anyway.  But I digress, again.


But here’s more information that usually doesn’t reach the voters until after the election, the truth.


This is the position of the Biden/Harris ticket as printed in the official Democratic Party Platform for 2020:

  • Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • End online sales of guns and ammunition.
  • Ensure [that] the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “have sufficient resources to study gun violence as a public health issue.”
  • Enact universal background checks.
  • Halt the safety valve that allows would-be gun buyers to receive a firearm after a background check has stalled out for more than three days.
  • Require guns be safely stored in homes.
  • Push for states to enact licensing requirements for owning firearms.
  • Incentivize states to implement extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws.
  • Prioritize repealing the law that shields gun manufacturers from lawsuits.


If you don’t want the ability to protect yourself, and you believe the police will be defunded, and the Second Amendment will be repealed or over-ridden by Executive Order, and you think you might enjoy being enslaved in a Socialist government, please vote for Joseph Robinette “Plugs” Biden.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Smoke and Mirrors

 “A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”  That passage was excerpted from Kurt Vonnegut’s book Welcome to the Monkey House.


Today’s world seems out of control by most standards.  Gasoline and diesel prices are soaring, leading to much higher consumer goods such as food, medicines, and clothing. 


If that wasn’t enough to ruffle your feathers, equally high is the cost of electronics along with their individual components.  This is because America seems to rely solely upon Communist China for its processor chips which build computers, phones, vehicles, and aircraft.


Should you not care about those trivialities, baby formula – the stuff used to nourish infants, and beyond – is also in short supply.  That’s largely due to a miscalculation when the guvment closed a baby formula manufacturing plant that produced over one-third of our supply.  I’m not even venturing into the waning tampon supply.


For the past few weeks we were totally immersed in a confidential note from the Supreme Court concerning abortions.  Since the moment of its unauthorized release to the public, violent protestors have been illegally marching, parading, and threatening the six conservative Justices, at their homes.


AG Merrick Garland
This exercise in bullying would be a felony if the United States Attorney General, Merrick Garland, was interested in the fair application of the law.  Rather he is highly partisan in meting out justice against conservatives, totally sparing the ruination of lives of Leftists, who regularly receive immunity.  He’s clearly not the Supreme Court Justice material you’d think.


To add insult to injury, the Bill of Rights has come under attack by important pundits who use the words but don’t know what they mean.


Proof is that the word “abortion” does not appear in The Constitution.  Period.


On the other hand, the Second Amendment and its reference to keeping and bearing arms shall not be infringed, does.


Still, abortion is an exercise in what stupid, selfish women term “pro-choice,” giving them select control over the machinations of their bodies.  An inconvenient pregnancy, to them, is determined to be a sacrificial non-human.


On the other hand, the right to own a gun – which clearly exists in the Bill of Rights – is considered null and void by these same eager-to-kill baby haters.


But let’s assume that the mother allows her non-viable life to be brought to term.  In that case the child will be in for a wild ride, indeed.


It seems as though the newly anointed among us are now agog in trying to turn boys into girls, and girls into boys.  If you don’t believe me, continue reading.


The true freaks of nature have climbed out of their sordid sewers during June’s Pride Month.  Evidently this 30-day awareness train wreck is designed to indoctrinate both impressionable youngsters and their weak-minded parents, alike.


Using ‘drag queen’ venues and targeted books for their coaching, most of our long complacent society is gleefully engaging in teaching 5-year old boys how to strut like a transvestite – with pride.  Such in-your-face tactics are designed to intimidate non-conformists.


If a parent refuses to allow their already born child to participate in these sorts of mental programming they are simply publically labeled anti-transgendered bigots, not unlike the travesty in which the public schools were engaged while teaching Critical Race Theory.


That episode into psychological catechization has been driving a wedge between the races for some years now, resulting in blacks demonizing whites to gain superiority.  Not the “unity” which the traditional race hustlers, media, and not the Biden administration have been touting.


And each day, as the price to drive to the doctor, store, work, or school, soars, we tune in to the regular White House briefing, only to be met by Colonel Rosa Klebb’s replacement, Karine Jean-Pierre.


Jean-Pierre’s unique qualifications to assume this critical role is four-fold: black race, woman, lesbian, foreign born.  You couldn’t ask for more check boxes.


Unfortunately, Jean-Pierre’s credentials don’t include candor, quality information, or integrity.  But she checks four qualification boxes anyway.


Meanwhile, young adults who have spent most of their lives in mind altering public schools are now demanding they receive the treatment and dignity they so richly deserve.  How?


By insisting their existence is met with the compliance of others, evidenced by the pronouns by which they are addressed.  He, she, xe, zha, are just some examples of the desired pronouns the balance of America should learn and use when addressing these people.


Here’s a thought: Just ignore them until they go away.


In any case, all the above has one common denominator: the Biden Administration, not Vladimir Putin as the White House and its occupant insist.


It seems clear to me that to wade through this current swirling toilet President Joseph Robinette Biden has created we need only remember that elections are in fast-approaching November.


Many Democrat Congressfolk, along with some Republicans in name only (RINOs), are going to up for renewal of their terms.  Send them packing for real jobs in the private sector to see how they’ll fare.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Q-Tip Swab

 With all the talk about the soaring price of fuel – both gasoline and diesel – caused by a big lie fabricated from the lips and mind of President Joseph Robinette Biden, I thought it time to do some investigating.


That big lie from President Nitwit is that fuel costs are the result of Vladimir Putin.  Clearly, because he has no character and is a textbook narcissist, Biden likes to blame others for his shortcomings, and often does.


Biden’s false claim is that Putin has been driving up the obscene cost of crude oil because of his current war with Ukraine.  It is, in fact, rising like a Roman Candle because Biden cut off all domestic drilling thereby causing the United States to be reliant upon foreign oil.


Putin’s Russia has so much crude oil available that it is selling those excess barrels of crude to Iran, another country of bad guys, as well as China – the great polluter.

Q-tip swabs headed to Capitol Hill


Not unlike sports scores the numbers change daily, never seeming to decrease.  And each day, newspapers and television information programs gleefully publish the latest prices while adding the words, “Reaching a new record today…”


With curiosity I looked toward Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, who just recently – with a straight face – told Congress that “policies implemented under the Biden administration had no impact in the rising energy prices.” 


Once again, this guvment stooge blamed Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine invasion for our fuel price woes.  The good news is that Granholm is not in charge of anything else in America, like our health care system; the bad news is she believes the words coming out of her own mouth.


Next, I turned to Mayor Pete Buttigieg, our national Transportation Secretary.  As the Transportation Secretary, Mayor Pete oversees America’s highways, airports, and our road infrastructure.  This is a guy who I’ll wager never even rode a city bus.  But I digress.


Since Mayor Pete assumed office he has adopted twins, requiring extended family leave.  Upon his return to the Seat of Government after a significant absence from his critical duties he promptly accused critics of homophobia, of course.  You see, Mayor Pete is gay.


During this important time in both his private and public life, as well as a national time of supply chain turmoil, Pete’s nonappearance at his office exacerbated our shortages of goods and resources throughout our country.


Evidently these three masterminds – Biden, Granholm, and Buttigieg – put their collective heads together to arrive at a viable solution: Buy electric!


Electric vehicles (EVs) have been around for decades and have served society with only modest success.  In the 1960’s and ‘70’s, EVs were designed and built and sold primarily as city transportation.  Created รก la golf cart style, they were promoted for use to quickly run to a bistro or the beach; on the other hand, they were not designed for long distance trips.


With restricted speeds and battery ranges, EVs never really took off inasmuch as that was the era of suburban building and subsequent population creep.


But today is a new day.  Those youngsters, who were indoctrinated into the new environmental movement, with scare tactics about melting glaciers and drowning polar bears, are now college graduates with grand ideas of using “renewable energy” in lieu of fossil fuels.


How do we eliminate fossil fuels from our lives?  Raise the price of everything – EVERYTHING – to “encourage” all Americans to buy EVs. 


This false narrative regarding the planet Earth being on the precipice of total destruction is utter nonsense.  Unfortunately, people world-wide have been brainwashed about our “dire” situation since at least 1970.


With the irreversible damage claims bubbling throughout the media and movies and within schools, this EV push has spread like wildfire.  And although the EV resurgence has become a neo-renaissance, they still have limited ranges.


Although the secret ingredient to making long-lasting batteries is lithium, America has a limited supply.  The obvious solution is to mine it where it lays – Afghanistan.  Remember Afghanistan?


On a personal level, I drive to and fro Florida pretty regularly.  The trip is roughly 1,000 miles, which I turn into a two-day trip.


In an electric vehicle whose range is 250 miles means that trip extends to at least four-days, plus motel rooms and recharging fees.  Suddenly that gas-free trip increases by more than $500; that’s not nearly as cost-effective as the Three Stooges would lead you to believe.


The bottom line, though, is who is feeling the brunt of the Biden-made crises?  Certainly not Biden, Granholm, or Buttigieg – they have limousines and drivers who touch the gas pumps and watch the dials spin like slot machines.


November elections are on the horizon, and that is a perfect time to send these guvment goofs the message that we are onto their sleazy tactics to modify our behaviors for a giant scam.


A red wave would help clean their ears out better than a Q-tip swab.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Where Did They Go?

 We find ourselves at the beginning of a new cycle of an ending school year and the beginning of summer vacations.


Summer vacations have evolved, throughout the years, into more than a few quick trips to the lake or the ocean, or even to visit family in nearby towns.   Today, Americans are more adventuresome and curious as to what is on the other side of the country.


You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a “sport utility vehicle,” otherwise known as an SUV.  They are motor vehicles that are roomier than the average car, and generally more comfortable because of their size and weight.


SUVs traditionally have four-wheel-drive, or all-wheel-drive, to facilitate safe passage along our streets and byways in inclement weather, too.


And while significantly larger than the average sedan, SUVs are usually smaller than a pickup truck.  Trucks are becoming more stylish and comfortable these days, with practically every model available with four-doors, for easy loading the entire family or crew.


Suddenly, loading the kids, the dog, boogie boards, countless suitcases, kayaks, and bicycles, began making vacation trips along with Mom and Dad plus the coolers full of food and adult beverages.  Yeah!


But have you ever wondered where SUVs came from?


Back in 1970, with advent of Earth Day, busy bodies, who I like to call “buttinskis,” due to their sticking their noses into anything and everything that usually wind up disrupting other people’s lives, appeared like weeds across the nation.


Take, for instance, the propaganda pushed by the new crop of environmentalists – they were the pioneers of the climate change movement – screaming to everyone to “do something” about the dying planet on which we live.


Rumor had it that without significant changes to our lives, the Earth would die a horrible death, and take each one of us along for the trip to oblivion.  A drop-dead date for the demise of civilization was predicted.


On the website appears some updates to these three dire predictions: Paul Ehrlich, renowned scientist and essayist, wrote, “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions.  Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s”


Harvard biologist George Wald estimated the “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”


“It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” wrote Denis Hayes.  He was the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness.


These three poseurs made a partial living terrifying peoples far and wide over a contrived idea that Mother Earth was deathly ill, relying on saviors such as Ehrlich, Wald, Hayes, and others, to ‘do something’ to save her.


Station wagon still in its original box

A quick glance around the country found station wagons hiding in plain sight.  Yes, station wagons.  They were once the camels of the roads.  Much like a Nepalese Sherpa, a station wagon was a regular sight laden with aluminum lawn chairs, umbrellas, and sleeping bags lashed to the luggage rack, neatly secured to the roof.


These workhorses lasted from their inception in 1910 as a Ford Model T, until the buttinskis felt they deserved a timely death.


President Richard Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970, and played a major role in the station wagon’s disappearance.


Eager buttinskis immediately cozied up to EPA officials in an attempt to regulate all things environmental including vehicle gas mileage; those MPG stickers on new car and truck windows are there with the blessings of the EPA.


In their opinion, station wagons were excesses that needed to disappear, pronto.  And buttinski pleas – driven by what is now known as faulty computer data – convinced the EPA to simply punish station wagon buyers.


EPA officials decided to place a buyer’s premium on certain vehicles they felt were unrestrained or extreme.  In their infinite wisdom, EPA officials began using strong arm tactics to steer people away from station wagons, all in the name of the Holy Environment.


Those premiums were financially-based and consisted of a “tax” on any vehicle that had extra space, large engines, and consisted of heavy construction that were unnecessary for the public’s general use.  In other words, no one needed a station wagon to drive to the office.


Using common sense, the EPA regulation scribes exempted pickup trucks and semi cabs from these regulations inasmuch as they needed the extra horsepower and beefy frames to pull trailers and tote building materials.


Once the proverbial dust settled, lawyers and engineers from the Big Three – General Motors, Dodge, and Ford – realized that merely placing a more luxurious body on an exempt truck frame would be able to circumvent the new rules made by guvment lawyers.


And so the SUV was born.


Oddly enough, these creative concepts were well received by the public desperate to replace their old station wagons with something new, spiffy, and perhaps safer than what they were driving before.  Alas.


SUVs have been around in one form or another since the 1980s.  Jeep is often credited with marketing their Wagoneer to sportsmen, adventurers, and active families, with much success, and much to the chagrin of the EPA and rabid environmentalists, alike.


And the rest is history.


So the next time you stuff fishing poles, mulch, wet pets, bags of groceries, bikes, car parts, skis, and the like into your SUV, remember that this intentional action to punish you failed, not unlike other attempted modifications being pushed down American’s throats, all in the name of The Environment.