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Monday, February 27, 2023

Grab the Reigns

 A recent change in America’s temperature has found not only a new year – 2023 – on the calendar, but also a renaming of a former staple in the movie industry.


America was amidst the throes of seemingly endless crises way back in the 1960’s: the Vietnam War was in full swing, Chevy’s Camaro was fighting it out with the

Ford Mustang, and I was desperately trying to make my way into high school and a reputable college.


First things first…the latest, greatest movie on the silver screen at that time just happened to be subject to a new system of rating movies from the National Motion Picture Association of America, (NMPAA.)


In case you’re unfamiliar with the NMPAA, it was established in 1968 to better assist parents who were, at the time, too stoned on weed, heroin, Sangria, cocaine, and LSD, to decide what their underage kids should be watching in movie theaters.


In 2023, the NMPAA title was summarily changed to the National Motion Picture Association (NMPA), while America awaited more exciting news from this brilliant maneuver.  Until then, we’ll simply wait for any further renaming updates.


The NMPA, not unlike other bloated industries, has a penchant for over complicating even the simplest tasks in society.  In other words, they turned an effortless process for making toothpicks into a complex, seven-day procedure of whittlin’ down telephone poles.


Their rating system is so overly complicated that it involves letters, numbers, as well as a stern finger-wagging to preclude innocent eyes and ears from bearing witness on the debauchery offered by the movie industry.


Let’s begin in 1968.  “Jack Valenti, a former aide to President Lyndon Johnson, replaced the Production Code with a system of voluntary film ratings, in order to limit censorship of Hollywood films and provide parents with information about the appropriateness of films for children.  In addition to concerns about protecting children, Valenti stated in his autobiography that he sought to ensure that American filmmakers could produce the films they wanted,” according to


Wikiwand further stated, “Valenti also oversaw a major change in the ratings system that he had helped create – the removal of the ‘X’ rating, which had come to be closely associated with pornography.  It was replaced with a new rating, ‘NC-17’, in 1990.”


This is about the time you’re probably thinking now is an appropriate time to fake your own death.  But read on for the usual brilliance usually only found at www.EasternShoreFishAndGame/

As of late, the world news has been busy hiding under their desks not doing their jobs.  Their jobs consist of locating and reporting items of interest to followers of the mainstream media ({MSM), to readers, watchers, and listeners of what has unmistakably morphed into MSM drivel.


It seems as though Kindergartens, elementary schools, scouting organizations, and coffee houses, have apparently joined with other ostensibly innocuous fraternal and scholastic meeting centers to help promote “drag races.”


Drag races of days of yore consisted largely of mechanically handy people who would scavenge parts and tools of old automobiles, in order to build and race quick cars known as drag cars; they competed in races on closed ¼-mile long tracks, eventually becoming an auto sport known as “drag racing.”


Today, however, the words ‘drag racing/drag show’ has been co-opted by people who are clearly of the opposite sex, yet dress as their anti-sex.  A man becomes a woman, while a woman becomes a man. 


Evidently, this behavior has been occurring behind closed doors at select homes across the world.  Unfortunately, their bedroom doors opened to the public with their odd conduct now on display to everyone with eyes and ears.


In essence, what was once hidden is now open for public consumption, like it or not, take your medicine!


If you failed to fake your own death and are, indeed, still reading, please bear in mind I am not a prude.  As a kid I spent some time with my equally nefarious movie critic cohorts, attempting to visit theaters using the then-new NMPAA rating system.  In fact, we were desperately trying to see an X-rated movie titled “Fritz the Cat.”


As an aside, I am sorry to report that I have yet been able to watch this 1972 animated movie.  I don’t believe any of my buddies have seen it yet, either.  Of course I’m neither mentally stunted nor psychologically superior for not watching Fritz.


In any case, the new version of drag shows are, simply put, another weasely way to attempt to normalize aberrant behavior of children and their easily swayed, weak minded parents and teachers.


The NMPAA/NMPA, and today’s schools, alike, should be playing off the same proverbial sheet of music to protect our children, families, and society.  Unfortunately, too many of today’s parents are frightened, or unable, to identify a sociopathic personality and point out its current and future problems.


While the federal guvment piously pushes for blinders to cover the eyes of impressionable children, the local and state counterparts seem willing – even agog – to ram it down the throats of kids and their parents, alike.


School boards are regularly caught lying to parents about their “educating” America’s rug rats about the virtues of cross-dressing, transgenderism, along with obtaining hidden abortions from their parents.


What seemed like a noble idea to shelter future generations from filth, violence, and age-inappropriate movies and television programs, has been jettisoned in favor of making our youngun’s more worldly by encouraging them to surgically alter their sex.  What could possibly go wrong?


Where are the sensible people to grab the reins when we need them?  Let’s find some strong adults to end this mayhem before it ends us.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Money Will Fix Everything

Once again, we find ourselves in a quandary.  To better describe our situation, I found several words that could be more appropriate than others.


Neurotic, worrywart, and anxious, are the top three words I located on the interweb that could describe where many Earthlings mentally reside.


Then there’s “Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD),” that is, according to website ‘’ describing GAD as “a mental illness.  It belongs to a group of illnesses called anxiety disorders.”  It is also called hypochondriasis, if you really want to sound smart.


I’m not trying to label anyone for any reason, although today’s essay involves world bullies punishing everyone else because – well, they can. Legally.  For decades, the people who use the word hypochondriasis have also been telling the rest of us dolts we aren’t smart enough to realize we’ll all be dead within a matter of mere months.


Way back in the early 1970’s, smart scientists promised we lesser humans would freeze or starve to death if the already icing Earth was not able warm up, and pronto.


When that arbitrary deadline came and went, the climate prognostication changed to a heating planet Earth that would require asbestos sandals, as well as portable fans to prevent us from turning into ashen mounds on the street, awaiting the next gust of wind.


Normally reserved for the annual almanacs sold through farm stores and other book vendors, the aforementioned climate guesses grew like weeds among those smart people looking for a noble cause – saving the planet.


But by this time, the federal guvment became fully involved in this grift by offering money to anyone and everyone talking about our certain demise because of normal climate cycles we’ve experienced countless times before; El Niño and La Niña are two of those cycles.


Not using the term “opportunist,” I noticed that professional deadbeat and former Secretary of State, John Kerry, aka: Ol’ Boltneck, who closely resembles Frankenstein’s monster, was tapped to be another Biden sycophant as the first United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.  Wow!


John Kerry
Presidential Envoy for Climate
As such, Ol’ Boltneck’s job is to flit about the world chastising and finger wagging his crooked little finger at us peons.  Those admonishments are over us unskilled, undeserving Americans wanting things like cars, heat, food, and freedom.  How silly.


During his recent trip to Davos, Switzerland, to attend a meeting of the World Economic Forum 2023, a gathering of the super rich and uber anointed  wanting to control even more of the world than they do now.


According to the Wall Street Journal, “Geopolitical rivalry, technology decoupling and protectionism have increasingly altered the world’s business and political landscape, adding new risks and threats and, for some, opportunity, say executives and officials meeting the week at the World Economic Forum.”


In other words, the Davos 2023 attendees needed to purchase more endangered species alligator luggage to haul their lucrative financial takes back to their respective kingdoms.


That’s awfully fortunate for them to be able to mimic Ol’ Boltneck in berating lesser residents of the Earth on behalf of the elite representing the World Economic Forum, in Switzerland.


I need to reiterate this soiree is being held in Switzerland because travel to and fro makes walking, driving, swimming, and horseback riding to reach Switzerland, virtually out of the question.  The truly unfortunate part is that most participants were forced to use jets – private jets – to gad about the smog-filled skies – adding even more pollution.


This effort was another annual attempt to figure out how to prevent the non-participants from using anything but censored social media to communicate about the questionable state of our planet.


Now is the time to think waaaaay back to 2019.  In early 2019, the world was forced to deal with something you may have heard of called COVID.  People were forced to work, and kids were forced to attend school, on-line via computers.  It was deemed ‘good enough’ for the common folk.


After all these years into the future since 2019, the elites were thought to be far above and beyond sitting at their home kitchen table talking to a computer.  And so, they traveled to Switzerland to decide what strict measures were needed to be imposed on the rest of society.


Not to be left out, renowned environmental scientists Bill Gates of Microsoft fame, as well as genius and credentialed climate researcher Leonardo DiCaprio, found time in their science-packed schedules to use their own private jets to be part of this planet-saving gathering.


And it worked!


No, sadly there’s not a solution upon which anyone could agree to save Mother Earth, but absolutely brilliant ideas were offered.


Electric vehicles, solar panels, and windmills were all offered as viable solutions to the most dire problems with our planet.  Let us not forget Bill Gates’ ardent desire to eliminate much of the world’s population.  Yea!


Of course not every solution was realized to be 100% viable.  Sitting in darkness and cold because of uncharged storage batteries would have been discussed if there was time betwixt the French wine samples and lightly sautéed sea scallops.


But the gist was there, as was the hot air.


Feasting on dried bugs and mealworms as a sustainable means of sustenance was discussed, although not experienced.


Unfortunately, residents from third and fourth world countries, whose regular meals are chock full o’ bugs, snails, and leaves were not in attendance to offer harvesting and seasoning advice.


And the cooking challenge was not addressed, either.  You see, since air pollution is at crisis levels, using anything but small sticks for cooking their meals outdoors was the obvious choice.


Not to worry.  Eliminating meat – any kind of meat – is first and foremost on any thinking person’s agenda.  Methane, you know.


How to ultimately fix these issues?  Money.  Lots of money.  It seems as though money cures everything except being a first class boor.


Tax cows, tax oil, tax miles driven, tax electricity use, tax food, tax electric vehicles, are all terrific ideas.  But then, where will the money come from?  Tax the oil producers, tax farmers, tax vehicle manufacturers, tax electric companies.  Do you see a pattern here?


Those are the results of the great minds of Davos 2023.  If only they could effectively use them for something other than their narcissism.  Nah.  Tax them into poverty and submission.  However, not once was outlawing private jets.


Hypochondriasis, at its finest.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Un-fun Balloons

 In the early 1940’s, Oregon and Montana, along with a small number of other northern United States, found themselves rife with forest fires.  Without reason, the largely uninhabited Northwest Territory near the Canadian border was suffering from mysterious fires for no apparent reason.


In fact, many of those fires were often unrealized for months until a cursory search was done providing a more comprehensive idea of this odd situation.


Located within the scorched earth and ashes, investigators discovered something unusual and unexpected: machined metal parts that had no place in the wild.


The U.S. Military, local police, state troopers, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were all in on this now massive undertaking.  After throughout this spate of troubling arsons, six adults and at least one child were learned to have been killed.


After a laboratory examination by the FBI, it was determined these fires and metal parts were connected, and their origin was Japanese.


America was in the throes of World War II with Italy, Germany, and Japan, at that time.  Japan had attacked an island chain called Hawaii, which was a naval base and hospital for U.S. Navy and Marines, in the Pacific Ocean.


That surprise attack on Pearl Harbor sank numerous ships while killing and maiming countless American service personnel, dragging the United States into WWII.


It seems the Big Sky fires were caused by something termed “Japanese Balloon Bombs.”

The Japanese manufactured roughly 4-foot diameter machined rings; those rings had holes in the sides all around the circumference.


The holes were necessary to contain fuses that supported bags of gunpowder that acted as both ballast for the balloon that carried this apparatus, and bombs for maximum destruction on innocent civilians below.  These contraptions were largely ineffective as destructive devices and were even less effective for war propaganda on behalf of the Japanese; it was one of those, “But it sounded so good on paper,” moments.


Fast forward to the beginning of February 2023.  Sixty-thousand feet in the air, drifting through the skies over Montana, is a balloon that is about three-school buses wide.  It is thought to be from China and contain listening devices for spying and data collection.  (Anyone remember TikTok?)


Varying branches of our military are discussing the future of this seemingly innocuous balloon, pooh-poohing such counter surveillance tactics as shooting it down, largely because the military is unaware the total population of Montana is 1,103,187; it remains sparsely inhabited as of this writing.


Of course, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley, seem to be in a dead-heat race to see who can do the least to protect our sovereign nation from the Chinese government.

Two of The Three Stooges


You see, Montana is home to sensitive military equipment including nuclear missiles. 


With a box chock full o’ excuses as to why no action has been, or should be taken, you have a need and a right to know about how the Chinese military feels about the United States.  The Chinese government said, “Ooops!” in Chinese, of course.  They claim this balloon was a “weather balloon;” they’re lying because they’re Chinese commies.


When George W. Bush (43) was president, an American military jet entered airspace near Taiwan and China.  The plane was shot down with the pilot paraded about the Chinese press to show the world who the real spies were during a perp walk.


Tough negotiations eventually led to a release, but not before a world-wide exposé about America’s intrusiveness on ‘a friendly country.’


Roughly 20-years later, we find ourselves, once again, in a proverbial international stalemate with American military “experts” and ambassadors afraid to make a decision on an equally intrusive, war-like situation that could easily drag the Unites States into another World War.


As an aside, our nation is full of anti-missile tracking, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) countermeasures, and radar to detect and prevent a surreptitious attack from a hostile nation.  Yet, nobody – NOBODY – in American military ranks saw a giant balloon wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward our country; they travel a lot slower than ICBMs, just for the record.


It appears as though there might be some shenanigans going on here with the apparent capitulation of the United States, its assets, and its people to a clearly hostile China.  No word on Hunter Biden’s regular collection of millions of dollars from the Chinese government, and a possible link to selling out America.


Not personally being a military guy, perhaps it’s time to take decisive action in shooting down this intrusive balloon, cleaning up the debris, and returning it all back to the sender – with a bill for damages and labor.


There is good news, though.  The balloon is being “monitored” by the Pentagon.  The better news is that General Mark Millie and Secretary Lloyd Austin are very busy “conquering systemic racism in the military.”  That should terrify the Chinese military.




Just before this posting on February 6th, 2023, the United States Air Force shot down this Chinese weather balloon over the coast of South Carolina.  The Biden Administration has already claimed several similar episodes occurred during President Donald Trump’s service; these Biden claims demonstrate simple lack of candor.