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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Just In Case


  My late Mother so desperately tried to mold me into someone who was far removed from being mistaken for a Neanderthal.

Mom ensured I regularly carried a handkerchief “just in case” there was an emergency. I dare you to find a hankie for sale anywhere today. Still, our shoes were shined, clothes clean and pressed, allowing any of our immediate family to “fit in” to society. Being cultured wasn’t expensive.

And that’s good because we weren’t wealthy, but we had books to read about places we were likely never to visit or experience. Chinese food was about as close to the Orient as any of us were going to reach. But we were delighted to simply interpret those publications to suit our still developing imaginations.

I, personally, had no idea our family wasn’t moneyed largely because our worldly reading adventures took us to the same places my classmates physically visited. Ah, the benefits of developed creative thinking.

Which leads me to something interesting I heard coming from the mouth of our presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.

Not being an economist – or anything else of value to anyone – Harris has been repeatedly asked about the dismal state of affairs now plaguing America’s financial sector. The product of hate, spite, ineptitude, plus a dash of arrogance, America’s road to perdition has been welcomed – no, celebrated – by the Biden administration for nearly four-years now.

Harris, being an integral part of policy making under her boss, President Joseph Robinette Biden, has succored Biden’s intentions and actions, driving our national well-being into a chasm of financial despair.

Yet another DEI hire

Being a lawyer, and a poor one at that, Harris likes to latch onto anything that will make her popular (Read: Likable,} damn the consequences and constant flip flopping.

Harris clearly has a knack for rambling, usually interjecting the latest new words she discovered, in speeches, rallies, and interviews, alike. You’re quite familiar with them: “Venn diagrams,” “systemic racism,” “climate change,” “reparations,” and suddenly “holistic.”

Attempting to appear more worldly than she genuinely is, Harris has a penchant for trying to fool everyone into believing she is the smartest person in the room, any room, all while being an imbecile.

Blaming all the world’s problems on former President Donald Trump, Harris has been traipsing about the country in a concerted effort to hornswoggle voters into making another mistake of voting for her to enable her to continue her trip down the road of certain ruin for our nation.

A quick look into the rear-view mirror of the last four-years, Harris has been – as practically any cat owner can attest – a “good traveler.”

Put your cat into your car for a trip to the veterinarian, the pet sitter, or your vacation home, and the average feline will scream loud and long enough to wake the dead. It’s not as much fun as it sounds. Finding a cat that actually seems to enjoy a ride is not only rare, it is fodder for a Vatican miracle. Hence the term “good traveler.”

Harris has been that good traveler touring hither and yon to visit a sorority gathering, a yarn shop, as well as make more mindless speeches about space travel and yellow school buses. And while overtly critical to the nation’s well-being, those jaunts did little except waste precious time and guvment money.

One appointment from President Joseph Robinette Biden was Harris’ mission to stem the tide of illegal aliens flowing freely across our southern border. In alarming numbers, literally countless invaders streamed from Mexico – a conduit from other central and south American countries – into a once-sovereign United States.

But the open encouragement on day one of the Biden-Harris administration for people to cross our border willy-nilly has resulted in an out-of-control economic hurricane, the likes of which have never been imagined or seen.

With pious Biden-Harris aids and cabinet members passing out t-shirts prominently emblazoned with those two names on the chest, to the first 2,000,000 invaders, it is impossible to deny whose denial belongs where.

An estimated 12,000,000 to 18,000,000 “newcomers” are now living free – FREE – on your tax dollars. Of course someone has to be responsible for the well-being and safety of these leeches.

Yes, leeches. They arrived with little in the way of skills, very few unable to communicate in English, and are now owners of free cell phones, thousands of dollars in debit cards, housing, meals, and offspring sucking resources in the way of an education plus medical care.

This is the peculiar segment of the story. These people came to America to receive their promises of goodies, along with good jobs and a better future for themselves.

To get here, many of those travelers paid sleazy “coyotes” who are merely smarmy smugglers. At costs of roughly $5,000 per person, a family of four needed $20,000 to set foot on our soil. Unfortunately, they now need money from you and me to exist.

Because very few of those invaders had $20,000 in coyote fees, they often transported drugs into our country as payment for their voyage. Suddenly, we have a monumental drug epidemic that is virtually unstoppable.

Now for the good part.

Harris, as vice president, was anointed the “Border Czar,” by President Biden. As Border Czar, Harris was to find the solution to the problem both she and Biden created. With nearly every mainstream media (MSM) organization covering the administration’s back, the border remained open and accessible to anyone, worldwide.

Feigning the good fight from the beginning, Harris regularly spoke about her attention to this issue, even going as far as proclamating “the border is closed.” It wasn’t 3½ years ago, and isn’t to this day.

Even Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, appeared numerous times in front of Congress to talk about the state of the border. And each time he appeared, that smug little weasel lied claiming, “The border is closed.”

The big question is where is all this support money coming from? Cell phones, related service, debit cards, repaying hospitals, El-Hi plus college educations, apartments, hotel rooms, police and other emergency services all cost money.

In between the Executive Orders Biden signed on his first day in office erasing Trump’s previous four-year term, he modified the immigration statutes into a very, very liberal policy. It was this action that created the massive influx of foreigners into America.

The odd part is that throughout her tenure as vice president, Harris has seemingly done everything but her job. Throughout all that travel, she never visited the Southern Border, although she did travel near the border once.

But all that changed in a phony display of concern when Harris visited the Southern Border this last weekend in September 2024, a convenient time for a photo op in an attempt to appear presidential.

With our debt out of control, and the interest on that debt exceeding our entire military budget, lately Harris has been terribly busy traveling about the country in a campaign to become our 47th president.

Talking in platitudes about the future, and joy, and unity, making everyone legal, and giving even more money to anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and college debt, potential home buyers, and EV car shoppers, and baby killing procedures, Kamala Harris is still a bit thin on the details of how this wonder gimme, gimme, gimme grift is going to be paid.

Answer: TAXES. And lots of them. After all, she knows better how to spend your money than you do.

Yep, simply tap the working people in America who can barely make ends meet between exorbitant gas and food and housing prices. But just what sort of tax could be instituted on these overly-enthusiastic people who are more than willing to push Harris up the final ladder rung into Supreme Boss status?

I’m glad you asked.

The latest contrivance to removing more funds from our wallets is something called “unrealized capital gains tax.” It’s quite a sleazy tactic to collect monies from you that you don’t yet – or may never – have.

For example, Everett Piper from The Washington Times explains,” Your mom purchased her home 40 years ago. She paid $50,000for it which is great because Mom lives on a fixed income, it’s now worth $500,000! Kamala Harris wants her to pay 25% of that gain even though your mom has no plans to sell the home. Now, Mom has to take out a $112,500 loan on the home to pay Kamala’s 25% unearned capital gain.”

Of course, Harris didn’t conjure up this moment of brilliance up herself; she’s too stupid for that. It’s likely her sycophantic aids, Biden’s marionette-master, and Barack Obama are the presumed sources of such financially destructive nonsense.

There you have it. Just what the United States of America needs at its helm: another empty, hapless suit, but a suit with a hankie in the pocket for your tears. Just in case.