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Monday, September 16, 2024

The Last Laugh

  Last week, during an informal powwow with some neighbors, the topic turned to the recent Trump-Harris debate. The only liberal in our group began her comment with a definite chuckle.

That Trump is sooooooo stupid,” she averred. Attempting to make a point as to how intelligent Kamala Harris appeared compared to Donald Trump, this woman now thought she was smartest person in the room – not unlike a giant headed Jeopardy contestant.

The good part was about to reveal itself as she seemed prepared to defend her last statement. Unfortunately, the remaining three participants were far more ready for this upcoming bloodbath than our token female associate.

She continued, “Trump did nothing but lie throughout the debate! He foolishly said our guests were eating neighborhood cats and dogs...How stupid is that?”

Suddenly, she proved exactly what VP Harris had been saying during her debate: Donald Trump lied every time his lips moved. Who in their right mind would imagine that people would opt to capture, kill, process, and finally, eat someone’s pet?

Now for the good part.

This deep thinker who pretended to have her thumb on the pulse of world politics – along with everyone else who gleefully chuckled along with smirking Kamala – would be able to guffaw, but only until someone with a good memory opened the door to recent history.

The chaotic collapse of the country’s socialist economic model has created chronic food shortages that have fueled malnutrition and left millions seeking food anywhere they can find it, including trash cans and dumpsters,” NBC News reported in August 2017, in an article on Venezuela’s dire economic condition.

President Nicolas Maduro blames food shortages on opposition protests that have blocked streets and highways, and a broader ‘economic war’ led by adversaries with the help of Washington,” the article continued.

It seems as though President Maduro ran for office as a staunch Leftist, promising to give everybody everything – free. Free!

Free housing, free food, good paying jobs, all on the house. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m glad you asked.

With everything “free,” there was no incentive to work. The Venezuelan populace received all they needed to survive, until the food ran out. And the housing was no longer available. Plus the jobs disappeared because non-competent workers created inferior products. But what was a hungry Venezuelan to do now?

Hunt and kill your own food.

Here’s an FYI: there were lots of free-roaming pets throughout residential streets – the operative word being “were.”

An accomplished hunter knows where to find his prey. Once the cats and dogs and swans disappeared, they wisely turned to the local zoo.

Yes, indeed. With a loaf of bread unaffordable, dirt floor shacks adjacent to $450,000 condos, the minimum wage is an estimated at Bs (Bolivar) at 35¢/month, and a loaf of bread costing $2.15, people in Venezuela are literally starving.

Prices in Venezuela rose 4,068% in the 12 months to the end of January 2018, Reuters News Agency reported. A study showed that 87% of the people in Venezuela one of Latin America’s wealthiest nations back in the 1970s, were living in poverty last year.

NBC News added, “Zoo head Leonardo Nunez said a wave of thefts that in recent weeks had affected 10 species including a buffalo, which he said was cut into pieces, was orchestrated by ‘drug dealers’ seeking to sell the animals,” in their 2017 article.

An elusive tapir

Mauricio Castillo, a former zoo director, said thieves had made off with two tapirs, a jungle animal that is also similar to a pig that is described as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of nature,” NBC further offered.

It is nearly impossible to learn the current state of Venezuela due to communication restrictions imposed by the Venezuelan government.

If all this seems familiarly icky, it should. The United States guvment has been edging closer to a Venezuela-style operation nearly daily, for several years at the behest of the Obama, Biden, and now Harris administrations.

Currently using words and phrases like “fake news,” “disinformation,” “misinformation,” along with encouraging internet users to employ artificial intelligence, has created a censorship form of communications that are no longer recognizable under the First Amendment.

But getting back to the presidential debate, Gigglin’s Island queen Harris enjoyed a hearty laugh at the possibility of someone’s pet Fluffy being murdered and eaten by Third World savages; now we know that such a claim is not beyond comprehension.

On the other hand, neither is the possibility of a bus-driving President Harris steering America’s future off the financial cliff.

As the old television commercial advertising for the beef industry asked,” What’s for dinner?” the answer may now be tapir.