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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Days Off


  Traditionally, Labor Day marks the end of vacations largely for families. Having just passed that magic mark, kids are returning to school where they can get back into the swing of smoking weed, making babies, and bullying fellow students.

Keep in mind that both kids and teachers – just as when I was a young child with a brain of mush – got June, July, and August off from school. Some quick ciphering tells me that amounts to roughly 90-days of vacation.

If you count holidays, you’re likely to need a ball peen hammer to hit yourself in the head to get it back into shape.

Holidays are not a simple as they once were. Today we have about ten “official holidays,” but not all are “official holidays” although they are referred to as “official holidays.”

You see, way back when, we had specific days designated for holidays that are no longer “official,” although they are what I term “semi-official.”

Our official list, calendar-wise, begins thusly: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas, completes this roster. But it’s not as simple as you may think.

Newly added holidays include President’s Day and Juneteenth Day. President's Day is a mash-up of what was once George Washington’s Birthday, and Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. Those two historically important figures have been relegated to the “Dead Old White Men” history pile.

To appease a small segment of our population, pandering politicians simply re-designated Washington and Lincoln celebratory days into President’s Day. Good enough for history purposes.

A Dead Old White Man
On the other hand, another Dead Old White Men victim is Christopher Columbus whose special day may, or may not, be celebrated depending upon the whim of business owners. You may, or may not, get a day-off due to controversy started by America-haters that Columbus came to North America for the specific reason to kill Indians. Uh, huh.

On the plus side, America gained two holidays for national recognition in the form of Martin Luther King Day, as well as Juneteenth Day, both largely tribally geared.

For the record, Veteran’s Day is the result of renaming Armistice Day, the day commemorating the end of World War I – the war to end all wars. We now know otherwise, though.

In any event, the conundrum – which, by the way, is not a percussion instrument – is that with the exception of New Year’s Day and Christmas, all other holidays are “floating” holidays, in that they are celebrated on a Friday or Monday in order to lengthen the weekends.

Confusing? Sure, but necessary coming from the guvment who wants to be everything to everyone.

There you have it: ten holidays to keep everyone happy and chock full o’ long weekends for extended vacations during which time we can decompress.

And this is the segue to examine what is also happening in the world of politics. Please enjoy the ride.

Being curious about President Joseph Robinette Biden’s schedule, I looked into his frequent stays at one of his Rehobeth, Delaware, beach homes. It seems as though Biden is in desperate need of regular vacation time during which he can rejuvenate his mind, too..

According to the New York Post, “The 81 year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years – about 40% of the 1,326 days he’s been in office.”

It would take the average American – who gets 11 days a year of vacation – approximately 48 years to accumulate that number of days off,” The Post continues.

And so we reach another milestone in the daily unbelievable goat rodeo we have come to know as The Biden Years: A time devoted to screwing the American public.

Don’t forget to vote.