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Monday, September 30, 2019

Enough of the Lies, Part 2

Immediately following most mass shootings politicians and self-important types line up for camera time.  I call them media whores.

They can, and do, offer nothing more than you and I can, although they do it wearing expensive suits and a grimace.

They like to pretend they have answers to any and all questions concerning psychology, psychiatry, firearms, and the law.  They don’t.  That’s why they work for the government.

Most “experts” are has-beens and simply feed their narcissistic cravings by sidling up to the nearest television camera to sate their ego’s cravings.

They like to scowl and point out that common sense law or restriction that would have prevented whatever crisis about which they are pontificating.  And for this story, it is gun control.

Notice how I used the words “gun control,” not crime control.  That is important.

Gun control is the expressway to slavery and total government control.  If you’re saying to yourself, “Uncle Paul, that’s plain stupid,” take a look at how Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, to name just a few.

Those countries are not free, and their people discovered they are no longer citizens, rather they are now subjects.  In case you don’t know, the inabilities of common citizens to fight back against crime and government corruption are the main reasons for illegal immigration through the United States’ southern border.

Socialist subjects work for the state and have no ways to define the working class, as everyone is the same.  Janitors make as much as doctors, waitresses make as much as engineers.  The only ones excelling are the government rulers, inasmuch as they pilfer their way to the financial apex via graft and corruption

There is no way to rebel and take back their previous lives because they willingly gave up their guns in the name of safety.  That is why news stories about riots in those countries often include the populace throwing rocks and bottles.  Sharp sticks, too.

AR-15 substitute, if the Democrats have their druthers

In any case, politicians everywhere feel they are smarter than those common folk, not in political positions.  They ardently desire to keep those special benefits they have learned to love, and the only way to do so is to keep you out of the public arena.  Witness Donald Trump’s reign.

Because America’s Founding Fathers made gun confiscation intentionally difficult, politicians have been sticking their toes in the firearms swimming pool, for years.

To make their desires of a socialist/communist conversion of the United States, they first need to take your guns.  It would be less dangerous for these do-gooders if they could get you to actually give them up, willingly.

Hence the sudden talk about “universal background checks” and now something they like to call “red flag laws.”

We examined background checks last time; today we’ll take a look at red flag laws and its mechanics.

Let’s say your neighbor dislikes you, your dog, your truck, your wife, your politics, or your color, he can call the local authorities and claim you are a danger, and that you own guns.

The police, under red flag laws, must go to your home and confiscate your guns because your neighbor is grinding that ax.  Recall that after the 9/11/2001, a Muslim terrorist attack on America, the federal government was prompted to “do something.”  They did.

They created the “No Fly List.”  This seemingly innocuous list formed a vehicle to identify people who were reported to the feds to be possible terrorists; this was to be an aid to prevent these possible miscreants on airlines, thereby preventing jet liners from crashing into skyscrapers, again.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux said, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”  Although this was offered in 1150 A.D., it applies to that Transportation Security Administration List created 850-years later.

It seems as though many non-terrorist types were listed therein, to include Senator Edward Kennedy, singer Cat Stevens, and Representative John Lewis.  There is little anyone can do to remove their names from that list.  I’m pretty certain the same will happen if your name winds-up on a red flag list.

“But we must do something!” is the usual plea from the non-thinkers.  Anything seems better than nothing, but with laser-like focus The Leftists steer their ideas toward undermining the Second Amendment.

Their solution is always to punish law-abiding citizens.  Normally, the law-abiders do not fight back or rebel; most people who own guns like to fly under the radar to avoid harassment and controversy. 

Gun owners do not want to shoot anything more than game or targets.  Unfortunately, that makes the ‘low-hanging fruit’ that Leftists can easily pick from the tree of freedom, more desirable.

Things that do not immediately hurt are more palatable to the offendees, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water.

Make no mistake, they may not want your guns, but they certainly want to take away your ability to fight back when a fundamental change to America arrives.  That sharp stick will suddenly look pretty dangerous.

Most of the shootings – mass or otherwise – are done by people with mental issues.  They are exempt from disclosing that information when they buy their guns “legally,” by lying on their background application about their mental abilities.

The well-intentioned HIPAA laws, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, deem medical and mental maladies, private, protected by HIPAA.  Neat, ain’t it?

I’m willing to wager that the modification of this Congressionally-created loophole would prevent at least some future shootings.  Enforcement of the violation of this law – one of the 23,000 gun laws on-the-books – should also be imposed; leave the lawful gun owner alone.

In 2018, Wisconsin had 800,000 armed citizens in its woods, hunting.  Not one citizen was shot by another.  It would appear as though this issue may not be “the gun,” rather the person holding it.

It’s time to put those abilities to work and stand up to those evil politicians, and weak-minded activists, who mean well, but remain ignorant of the facts.

Educate your self and tell the truth.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Enough of the Lies, Part 1

Today we are going to wade into some waters that are in need of clarification, something you will not get from the mainstream media (MM).  And because these waters are deep, this story is unusually long.  Keep in mind that this is as abbreviated as I can make it and still keep its facts.

The MM is drunk with power, albeit false, over the fact they have kept President Donald Trump backed-up against the ropes, all the while trying to defend himself against countless fake scenarios and allegations.

This smarmy display of bravado arose when the MM learned it could merely toss something outrageous against the wall, and it would stick, thereby creating havoc and a sense of chaos.  The subsequent pandemonium then controlled the news cycle for the next few weeks-to-months, or even years.

The only good things to emerge from all this false news commotion were the absolute inability of the MM to tell the truth, and to demonstrate President Trump’s solid character.

Here is a snippet from our Constitution, written in 1789, that must be read and understood before we can proceed further, though.

Amendment II:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You may want to re-read that last segment; I’ll wait until you do.

A few decades ago, The Left tried to limit the Second Amendment, and even repeal it, because it poses such a high hurdle to them and any foreign entity taking over the United States of America.

During World War II, Yamamoto Isoroku, Japanese Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet during WW II, famously said, he didn’t attack the U.S. mainland out of fear that a rifle was behind “every blade of grass.”

An American armed citizenry appeared to thwart a direct Japanese attack on American soil, the deterrent our Founding Fathers were apparently trying to achieve.

If you read, or re-read, the Second Amendment, above, you’ll notice there was no mention of duck hunting or deer season or target shooting.  Nothing therein mentioned gun-free zones or large capacity magazines, or semi-automatic weapons that were “designed for killing people.”

Nothing therein specified background checks or gun show loopholes.  Not one word said anything about “common sense gun laws.”  On the other hand, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed, was clearly printed in that simple passage.

Leftist Americans tried to disarm its citizens citing over-kill ability of “assault weapons.”  Assault Weapons is a creation out of while cloth to define guns by appearance, only.  There is no functional difference between a coyote hunting rifle and an AR-15.  Period.

Of course, The Left is now pandering-a-plenty with many of their Democratic Party Presidential Circus and Dog and Pony Show (DPPCDPS).

Playing off the serious tragedies of recent mass shootings, several members of the DPPCDPS have been clamoring for not just President Trump to “Do something,” but to violate the tenets of our sacred land.

The Left's definition of an "assault weapon"
An odd fellow named Robert O’Rourke, has been making the rounds of public speaking engagements and television appearances, spouting how if he were the president, he would simply outlaw assault weapons – particularly AR-15s, and AK-47s.  FYI, neither civilian model can fire more than one bullet per trigger pull, thereby classifying them as semi-automatic, not fully automatic, guns.

It is plain to see that O’Rourke has little, if any, knowledge of The Constitution of the United States.  If you need to re-read that important passage, feel free.

O’Rourke said that to be fair, he would institute a “mandatory buy-back.”  That would entail the federal government paying for your assault weapon.

Firstly, not being a lawyer or a smart person at all, I don’t think you can buy-back something you didn’t sell me in the first place.  Secondly, that pesky Second Amendment keeps getting in the way of a good pro-confiscation argument.

Other Democratic presidential hopefuls also gravitate towards confiscatory politics, as well as something called mandatory “background checks.”

If you’ve never bought a gun from a legitimate retailer – ie.: sporting goods vender, pawn shop, department store – you are required to fill out multiple pages of questionnaires for the federal and state governments, before you can legally purchase any gun.

That information is then passed onto the Federal Bureau of Investigation to see if the prospective purchaser is able to legally buy or possess a firearm of any type. 

What The Left wants to do is make that information a permanent record so that at a future time, locating and confiscating those legally purchased guns can be made a breeze.

Federal laws prohibit the storing and retention of those names and types of guns, to prevent just that kind of scenario.

And what about places quickly noted as not having well-armed populaces?  It is often celebrated that Japan, England, France, and Spain, have overly restrictive gun possession and ownership laws, making them safer places to reside than good ol’ America.

Illegal guns have been used in all of those countries to commit mass killings of innocent people.  And where terrorists wanted to exact some severe and maximum damage upon unwitting individuals, trucks, knives, pressure cookers, and swords, were used to inflict mayhem on the unsuspecting.

Unfortunately, those very places disarmed citizens, whose governments feel they cannot trust its voting population to make the right choice for their own well-being.  Of course, they look upon the American people as backward and unsophisticated.  They are wrong.

On the other hand, no one recalls Switzerland.  This is the little European country that avoided WW II, by announcing neutrality.  To ensure its wishes were respected, every Swiss man was issued – by the government – a light machinegun.  That gun is a rifle that fires continuously, until the ammunition supply is exhausted.

This effort appears to have worked and continues to work.  And, Swiss men, eighteen-years-old and up, still maintain those weapons in their homes.  Yet, no one asks why such a heavily armed nation has a desirably low murder rate.  Perhaps it’s not the gun.

Americans have the ability to differentiate good from evil, right from wrong, legal from illegal, savvy from naïve.

Please return next week for a part 2 conclusion.  Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ancient Pyramids

Once upon a time I was introduced to something called a “food pyramid.”  It was pretty neat at that time – second grade, or so, when at the top appeared what was important stuff to consume.  Those important items included cookies, cakes, and candy, if my memory serves me well.  Of course I could be wrong; that was sixty-years ago.

On the way down the pyramid, those less important food groups were strategically interspersed into a grid representing basic food groups.  It was amazing to seven-year old.

Some of those food groups included starches, breads, pasta, and rice; meats; fish; vegetables; and fruits.

But as time progressed, we learned that that ever-so-important food pyramid was a lie.

Eventually, scientists and food technologists decided that cakes should not appear at the top; rather they should be in the diabetes section of that amazing grid; fermented beverages were migrated to the liver-killing portion.

In any event, this was introduced to me when I was young and impressionable, learning in a parochial school that served me well.

Also in that school, contained somewhere in our catechism classes was another pyramid that left a lasting impression on me.

This second pyramid represented people instead of foods.

At the top of this one was God.  Beneath God was the clergy, who rested on the same level as our parents.  In the next level down were the police, followed by teachers, doctors, other parents and relatives, and lastly, me.

It should come as no surprise my place of honor was at the very bottom of this important hierarchy, inasmuch as I was still unable to cross a street without adult guidance, or play with anything sharper than a crayon.

Nonetheless, that tiered system was concise in its form and undisputable.

I thought about this second, person pyramid when I heard about miscreants tossing pails of water on unsuspecting police officers who were doing their jobs.  They appeared totally humiliated and helpless, achieving their desired results.

The street thugs could be heard laughing and jeering at these patient professionals, who clearly exhibited more restraint than I ever could.  Still, they were dishonored for the entire world to see, and that was simply uncivilized.

About a week later we, as a nation, learned one mentally ill puke took-up arms against innocent, unwary shoppers in a department store, while another in a different city and state felt compelled to kill people outside a bar.

These disconnects with the authorities made me think that perhaps the people pyramid had changed its grid, much as the food pyramid had been realigned to reflect more modern times.

I know for a fact God is not at the top of that pyramid, and I’m pretty certain police professionals are not anywhere near the top, although God is still atop my personal people pyramid.

Parents are unable to control their own kids, inasmuch as they all smoke dope together, break many laws, and relentlessly taunt neighbors with impunity.

Of course, much of this ill-mannered behavior is learned through mass media and parents who feel free to disrespect our duly-elected officials, doting parents, and entire religions.

I’m curious as to who resides at the very top of the people pyramid for the balance of society.  If not God, parents, law enforcement, or teachers, who resides at the apex of this grid to serve as a guide with respect?

Perhaps this pyramid is also now inverted with the individual kids now on the top.

Heaven help us all.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Better Than Free

Summers are simply great.  That’s when much of America joins together to vacation, perform much-needed yard work, or merely lounge about the yard enjoying a well-deserved respite from work.

But it is also time for harvesting those vegetables your sainted wife planted back in late March.

Just about now there are zucchinis the size of telephone poles, hidden from view by the overgrown beds; weeds disguising yellow squash that are huddled together beneath the natural sunshade; and cucumbers that would make a person wealthy if they were worth 10¢ each.

Unfortunately, nearly everyone is in the same position – they all have tons of surplus veggies with no goal to use them all.  Even neighbors politely refuse these excess foodstuffs.  Alas.

So it was today that my sainted wife began the great cucumber pickling of the season.  Our motto is “waste nothing.”

Into the attic we climbed, searching for the necessary canning tools and accessories.  All this critical stuff was in the attic where temperatures were hovering around a pleasant 173º Fahrenheit.

Out came the dusty giant jar grabbers, glass jars of various sizes, a magnetic lid lifter, a plastic poker to remove bubbles, and the king-sized pot.

After a thorough inventory, we realized we were in need of only a few items to can these cucumbers.

Dill weed, dill seeds, mustard seeds, pickling spice, more jars, lids, two gallons of vinegar, finely chopped garlic, a jar of “pickle crisp granules,” and salt.

Only $133.47 later, we were on our way to making cost-effective pickles to amaze and awe our friends and neighbors.

Our modest kitchen closely resembled a cross between meth lab and operating room.  Knives, pliers, pullers, pushers, towels-a-plenty, boiling water and steaming white vinegar, lent to an air also filled with herbs and spices.

Smokey the cat cowered near my recliner, trying – unsuccessfully – to decipher this chemical extravaganza.

Shakespeare’s three witches from Macbeth could almost be heard chanting, “Double, double, toil and trouble,” from the mist arising from the stove.

The great cucumber coup
Using oversized pliers, my apron-clad sainted wife carefully plucked sterilized canning jars from a giant soup pot.

Neatly tucking cucumber spears into the jars, she added a brine concoction of our earlier supermarket coup.

As the jars were sealed, they were individually loaded into sectioned cardboard boxes, and then cautiously covered with tea towels to prevent drafts and prying eyes from ruining all the hard work.

Eventually, they stood in arrangement akin to a neatly dressed army of glass soldiers standing at attention.

All this was fine until I asked for a pickle to try.

My sainted wife snapped, “They’re not ready, and won’t be for another two-weeks.  TWO WEEKS!”

To occupy my time, I broke out the calculator and ciphered the cost of making pickles from our free cucumbers.

The bottom line was $12.87, per pint.  Not bad, considering I could have bought them in the market for $3.79.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Get a Real Job

Eras are important periods of time, often noted in history, and later referred to for ways to replicate or avoid meaningful actions associated therewith.

Today, America is fixated on an era in its past – over 150-years ago – in an attempt to vie for “biggest victim status.”

Readying for the 2020 presidential election, Democratic candidates have been jostling one another to prove they were more disadvantaged, had the longest daily school bus rides, can evoke more disdain about keeping criminals out of our sovereign country, and who can give away the bestest medical care to non-citizens.

All the while, these phonies cry the once-feared word of any societal individual – especially business executives and politicians – the “R” word.

In case you don’t know it, that special word which has traditionally been known as a trump card is “racist.”

Trump cards are used in card games such as pinochle and are instant winners when played against any other card in the game.  They are usually held until the end of the hand to ensure an easy win for the player using them.

Tossing out the word racist is that trump card and, oddly enough, is being used against Trump, President Trump, that is.

He has been falsely accused of forgetting blacks, Latinos, and anyone else associated with a victim class, because he’s white, and they’re not.  It’s that simple.

To win most arguments, call someone a racist and the game is over.  And the alleged racist loses just because of the accusation.

America officially began in the 1770’s, and immediately became an agrarian society.  More crops, the more money, the more people that could be fed, was the simple equation.

Unfortunately, there weren’t enough people to use and plows, horse-drawn tillers, and reaping tools.  The at-that-time solution was to use slaves to help with the work.

Brought across the Atlantic Ocean, some of those slaves were treated poorly; some were considered family members by their “owners.”

Eventually, the Civil War was fought, culminating in the freeing of all slaves.  It was a bloody battle with sons killing brothers, fathers killing sons, and everyone killing a relatively young nation through the division of violence.

One hundred-fifty plus years later though, the easily offended among us are now digging up America’s “original sin” of slavery with no end in sight.

Suddenly, everyone white is a racist.  No one of the Caucasian race is allowed to criticize someone of “color” unless they want the racist title stapled onto their foreheads.

This unseemly use of the trump card is quickly moving from life/career ending to nonsensical/humorous.

A typical response is, “You are a RACIST!” when debating whether someone should like corn flakes rather than cocoa puff cereal.  The logic is that cocoa puffs are a cereal-of-color.

Not to be outdone, professional athletes – those are the folks who make more money in one month than you’ll make in a lifetime – are now complaining about their racist bosses.

Following the lead of that has-been, malcontent quarterback of some years ago, pro-basketball players are now taking their turn at the wheel of racial sensitivity.

Grossly underpaid and easily offended athletes

It seems as though the National Basketball Association (NBA), whose most players likely cannot even spell the name out, are now feeling offended.

They claim they would feel better if the people who owned their teams, typically called “owners,” changed their titles to “governors.”

Apparently, $6,000,000, a year to bounce a ball is not recompense enough.  Their feelings would be better massaged by calling the people who sign their paychecks, governors.

Harkening back to the times of slave owners, the moniker of “owner” frightens and makes otherwise non-judgmental NBA players uneasy.  It doesn’t matter that most pro-athletes are street thugs, anyway.

One complaint was that white folks will never know what it’s like to be black and oppressed.  And they’re right.

But adding the letters KKK, when players are describing their bosses, is just plain opportunistic and vile.

It’s time to hire new players who have an ardent desire to make an oscene fortune playing game.

I’m just saying.