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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Buying the Farm

 While in the midst of mind-numbing lies, lies, and more lies from the Democrat presidential candidate, and the peace not now raging in the Middle East, plus the newest perpetual war in our 51st state - Ukraine - I thought this an excellent time to revisit this brilliant offering from only six-months into President Donald Trump's term to help point the "dialog" in the correct direction of truth.

Please enjoy it, as it is as relevant today as it was in 2017.  Thanks for stopping by.


Let’s begin today’s story with a quiz.

Q:  What do Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, have in common?

A:  They all tried to rally America against Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

Yes, they all fought hard and said some nasty things about our Commander-in-Chief.  Why?

Because Mr. Trump said he wanted to repeal the ever punitive “Estate Tax.”

In case you don’t know what the Estate Tax is, it is otherwise known as the “death tax,” which is imposed by the greedy among us on people who die.

Indeed, we all will die, and this is just another easy way to make money.  Not unlike taking a large insurance policy out on someone, then killing them for it, the estate tax is something that benefits some of us while punishing the rest.

How can we, as Americans, lose if the dead must pay-up for the right to die?

Let’s examine this simple question.

Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews are also performing at this year’s annual Farm Aid concert.  Yep, Farm Aid.

Farm Aid is one of those inane feel-good efforts used by The Left to make sensible Americans feel stupid.  Allow me to explain.

In 1985, this benefit for the egos of Willie and John began to counteract the perpetually greedy banks from “stealing” farms and their equipment from multi-generational farmers.

You see, some farms are pretty large and require updated, reliable machinery to till, plant, spray, harvest, shuck, dig, sort, and perform a multitude of other necessary tasks, to keep their homesteads operational and efficient.

Unfortunately, many of these farming families often find themselves in financial straights, with buying some of these tractors and harvesters on credit, with the farm itself as collateral.

The problems arise when the farmer dies before the loan is paid off in-full.

The banks then foreclose on the farm because the family must sell it to pay for the loan.  Or, they must allow their new equipment to be repossessed, for lack of payment.  Where did the money go?

Remember that estate tax?  Democrats have been killing hard-working Americans for years with the ‘death-by-a-thousand-cuts’ method.

Tax the land, tax the machinery, tax the fuel, tax tires twice, and now, tax the inevitable – death.

It aides Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, to sanctimoniously appear to help these down-trodden farmers who suffer from one major loss of life, then their homes, then their livelihoods, and eventually their dignity.

This is all for money to take from the hard working farmers, to redistribute it to the lazy among us.  And now the Farm Aid egoists want you to feel bad about this situation.

“Keep the family farms in the family,” could be the motto of these simple-minded musicians.  It must be the fault of the banks.  Wrong.

It is the fault of the greedy Democrats who need more of your money to keep the sloths languid.  If Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, really want to help, they would personally petition their Democratic representatives to repeal that over-burdensome tax.

Incidentally, Donald Trump expressed an interest in repealing the Estate Tax, much to the chagrin of his Democratic opponents.  I’m just saying.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Last Laugh

  Last week, during an informal powwow with some neighbors, the topic turned to the recent Trump-Harris debate. The only liberal in our group began her comment with a definite chuckle.

That Trump is sooooooo stupid,” she averred. Attempting to make a point as to how intelligent Kamala Harris appeared compared to Donald Trump, this woman now thought she was smartest person in the room – not unlike a giant headed Jeopardy contestant.

The good part was about to reveal itself as she seemed prepared to defend her last statement. Unfortunately, the remaining three participants were far more ready for this upcoming bloodbath than our token female associate.

She continued, “Trump did nothing but lie throughout the debate! He foolishly said our guests were eating neighborhood cats and dogs...How stupid is that?”

Suddenly, she proved exactly what VP Harris had been saying during her debate: Donald Trump lied every time his lips moved. Who in their right mind would imagine that people would opt to capture, kill, process, and finally, eat someone’s pet?

Now for the good part.

This deep thinker who pretended to have her thumb on the pulse of world politics – along with everyone else who gleefully chuckled along with smirking Kamala – would be able to guffaw, but only until someone with a good memory opened the door to recent history.

The chaotic collapse of the country’s socialist economic model has created chronic food shortages that have fueled malnutrition and left millions seeking food anywhere they can find it, including trash cans and dumpsters,” NBC News reported in August 2017, in an article on Venezuela’s dire economic condition.

President Nicolas Maduro blames food shortages on opposition protests that have blocked streets and highways, and a broader ‘economic war’ led by adversaries with the help of Washington,” the article continued.

It seems as though President Maduro ran for office as a staunch Leftist, promising to give everybody everything – free. Free!

Free housing, free food, good paying jobs, all on the house. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m glad you asked.

With everything “free,” there was no incentive to work. The Venezuelan populace received all they needed to survive, until the food ran out. And the housing was no longer available. Plus the jobs disappeared because non-competent workers created inferior products. But what was a hungry Venezuelan to do now?

Hunt and kill your own food.

Here’s an FYI: there were lots of free-roaming pets throughout residential streets – the operative word being “were.”

An accomplished hunter knows where to find his prey. Once the cats and dogs and swans disappeared, they wisely turned to the local zoo.

Yes, indeed. With a loaf of bread unaffordable, dirt floor shacks adjacent to $450,000 condos, the minimum wage is an estimated at Bs (Bolivar) at 35¢/month, and a loaf of bread costing $2.15, people in Venezuela are literally starving.

Prices in Venezuela rose 4,068% in the 12 months to the end of January 2018, Reuters News Agency reported. A study showed that 87% of the people in Venezuela one of Latin America’s wealthiest nations back in the 1970s, were living in poverty last year.

NBC News added, “Zoo head Leonardo Nunez said a wave of thefts that in recent weeks had affected 10 species including a buffalo, which he said was cut into pieces, was orchestrated by ‘drug dealers’ seeking to sell the animals,” in their 2017 article.

An elusive tapir

Mauricio Castillo, a former zoo director, said thieves had made off with two tapirs, a jungle animal that is also similar to a pig that is described as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of nature,” NBC further offered.

It is nearly impossible to learn the current state of Venezuela due to communication restrictions imposed by the Venezuelan government.

If all this seems familiarly icky, it should. The United States guvment has been edging closer to a Venezuela-style operation nearly daily, for several years at the behest of the Obama, Biden, and now Harris administrations.

Currently using words and phrases like “fake news,” “disinformation,” “misinformation,” along with encouraging internet users to employ artificial intelligence, has created a censorship form of communications that are no longer recognizable under the First Amendment.

But getting back to the presidential debate, Gigglin’s Island queen Harris enjoyed a hearty laugh at the possibility of someone’s pet Fluffy being murdered and eaten by Third World savages; now we know that such a claim is not beyond comprehension.

On the other hand, neither is the possibility of a bus-driving President Harris steering America’s future off the financial cliff.

As the old television commercial advertising for the beef industry asked,” What’s for dinner?” the answer may now be tapir.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Days Off


  Traditionally, Labor Day marks the end of vacations largely for families. Having just passed that magic mark, kids are returning to school where they can get back into the swing of smoking weed, making babies, and bullying fellow students.

Keep in mind that both kids and teachers – just as when I was a young child with a brain of mush – got June, July, and August off from school. Some quick ciphering tells me that amounts to roughly 90-days of vacation.

If you count holidays, you’re likely to need a ball peen hammer to hit yourself in the head to get it back into shape.

Holidays are not a simple as they once were. Today we have about ten “official holidays,” but not all are “official holidays” although they are referred to as “official holidays.”

You see, way back when, we had specific days designated for holidays that are no longer “official,” although they are what I term “semi-official.”

Our official list, calendar-wise, begins thusly: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas, completes this roster. But it’s not as simple as you may think.

Newly added holidays include President’s Day and Juneteenth Day. President's Day is a mash-up of what was once George Washington’s Birthday, and Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. Those two historically important figures have been relegated to the “Dead Old White Men” history pile.

To appease a small segment of our population, pandering politicians simply re-designated Washington and Lincoln celebratory days into President’s Day. Good enough for history purposes.

A Dead Old White Man
On the other hand, another Dead Old White Men victim is Christopher Columbus whose special day may, or may not, be celebrated depending upon the whim of business owners. You may, or may not, get a day-off due to controversy started by America-haters that Columbus came to North America for the specific reason to kill Indians. Uh, huh.

On the plus side, America gained two holidays for national recognition in the form of Martin Luther King Day, as well as Juneteenth Day, both largely tribally geared.

For the record, Veteran’s Day is the result of renaming Armistice Day, the day commemorating the end of World War I – the war to end all wars. We now know otherwise, though.

In any event, the conundrum – which, by the way, is not a percussion instrument – is that with the exception of New Year’s Day and Christmas, all other holidays are “floating” holidays, in that they are celebrated on a Friday or Monday in order to lengthen the weekends.

Confusing? Sure, but necessary coming from the guvment who wants to be everything to everyone.

There you have it: ten holidays to keep everyone happy and chock full o’ long weekends for extended vacations during which time we can decompress.

And this is the segue to examine what is also happening in the world of politics. Please enjoy the ride.

Being curious about President Joseph Robinette Biden’s schedule, I looked into his frequent stays at one of his Rehobeth, Delaware, beach homes. It seems as though Biden is in desperate need of regular vacation time during which he can rejuvenate his mind, too..

According to the New York Post, “The 81 year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years – about 40% of the 1,326 days he’s been in office.”

It would take the average American – who gets 11 days a year of vacation – approximately 48 years to accumulate that number of days off,” The Post continues.

And so we reach another milestone in the daily unbelievable goat rodeo we have come to know as The Biden Years: A time devoted to screwing the American public.

Don’t forget to vote.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Another Useless Clinger

   It’s coming down to the wire for Americans to decide for whom to vote, and it’s coming quickly.

After hearing every pious Democrat interject into most camera appearances the word “democracy” while referring to keeping elections fair and balanced, they are once again hiding their candidates to prevent exposure and manipulate the outcome.

If you’re asking ‘Why would they want to limit exposure of their candidates just before an election?’ you’ve come to the right place.

Not unlike the 2020 presidential elections, Democrats seemingly exhumed the cadaver of Joseph Robinette Biden to proudly display him as the only viable person to rule America. Unfortunately, upon doing so, they discovered Biden arrived with plenty of baggage that needed to be erased from history.

Cleverly hidden by the cloak of COVID-19, the Biden election crew spent roughly eight-months keeping him under a tarp in the garage behind his Corvette, the reason being Joe was not as lucid as his puppeteers had anticipated.

Using video snippets à La public service announcements, the Biden election machine successfully had him cowering in one of Joe’s Delaware homes until after the election. The rest is history.

Fast forwarding to today, September 2024, Biden was recently dumped like a bad habit in favor of – uh – anyone else. He totally botched his much-awaited debate with his opponent, Donald J. Trump, in what was expected to be a lopsided mercy-killing. It was, but it did not give the Dems the return-on-investment for which they hoped.

Former President Trump trounced Biden in full view of an audience anxious to witness Biden show Trump who was best at fooling the voting American populace. It didn’t quite work out that way, though.

After a few days of wound-licking, Biden tritely announced the debate outcome had merely been “a bad night.” That, is an understatement. With Dr. Jill Biden in tow, he began traipsing about the country on Air Force One, in an effort to conjure up campaign monies and hopefully votes for his next term.

This rejuvenated re-election campaign quickly soured, though. Looking around the Democrat party tent, very few attendees were deemed sane much less electable. They needed a strategy, and found it hiding in plain sight: Vice President Kamala Harris. Oh, my.

We recently did a speedy peek into VP Harris’ past, as well as prognosticated future; it all seemed very, very bleak. Being the ultimate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hire, Harris was residing in the Naval Observatory because of her race and sex. Period.

Out of fear of being labeled racists if they tossed Harris from her perch, the Dems found themselves in quite a pickle.

In an ardent effort to continue to masquerade the pig slop the Democrats have been feeding the American people, they decided to look for a compatible running mate for Harris. In doing so, they turned to Minnesota – where else?

Minnesota happens to be the state that elected a fellow named Jesse Ventura to represent them as governor. Ventura has quite a colorful past with lots of twists and turns that go from military service to a professional wrestling career to television show host, bodyguard, mayor, and now back into the wrestling world.

During his time as governor, Ventura legalized marijuana, legislated rights for LGBTQ folks, among other stellar accomplishments, all the while holding Minnesota voters in awe that such a goof was able to razzle-dazzle them.

However, this time, the Minnesota governor was tapped to become the next vice president under Harris. She needed someone who seemed of good temperament, educated, well liked, vivacious, and clearly a yin to Harris’ yang. She selected current Governor Tim “Coach” Walz.

Upon introduction to the rest of the world, Walz exited the bucking bronc chute with great enthusiasm, smiling and flailing his arms akin to hailing a NYC cab; Harris, during this meet-and-greet, broadly grinned and laughed, as usual.

A joyful Tim Walz, Kamala Harris impersonator

They seemed more like high school buddies than political running mates vying for the highest office in the land. Again, this tactic seemed to work. Leftist news organizations were breathless in their description of these two special individuals, brought together to fight the devil, himself: Donald Trump.

Akin to bridal receptions, public rallies were electrified with packed venues all clamoring to be the first to announce this proverbial wedding match made in Heaven.

Through those efforts, the mainstream media (MSM) was working too quickly to vet and check any and all facts surrounding Walz.

We do know that Walz was a military guy who taught school in China, where he was married on the anniversary of the Tienanmen Square massacre, besides teaching geography in Minnesota. He was faculty advisor for his school’s first gay-straight alliance chapter, and served in the U.S. House, among other unworldly accomplishments.

But Walz is not without controversy.

He rose to the rank of Command Sergeant Major in the military where he served for 24-years; he retired just in time to miss a deployment to an overseas combat assignment. As such, he was demoted in rank due to time served but forgot to mention his demotion downward change in rank.

Both Walz and Harris appear to play fast and loose with the truth. Kamala Harris is adamant she is steadfast in her beliefs but has been publicly proven to lack candor time and time again.

Walz, too has been ‘gotcha-ed’ several times when making false statements about his achievements and his past.

Having to scrub the fake data from his web-bio regarding his military rank, Walz poo-pooed this regularly questioned aversion as ‘too enthusiastic’ by Walz’s Progressive wife. She offered an explanation that Timmy often misspeaks because of his overly ardent approach to life. You bet.

Perhaps Timmy was too enthusiastic when “misspoke” about his award he thought he received – but didn’t – from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. Another legitimate faux pas, I’m sure. After all, Timmy seems to have a lot on his mind trying to keep his lies straight; it’s becoming a monumental task.

It seems as though Walz also had a brush with the law. He was arrested in 1995; stopped for going more than 40 miles per hour over the speed limit, at which time Tim was found to have been drinking. Oops. He evidently forgot about this indiscretion for decades until called out just weeks ago. Double oops.

Speaking of times past, Tim’s estranged brother, Jeff Walz, was located by The New York Post. Jeff briefly claimed Tim’s ideas were unconventional.

Tim Walz’s own brother knows his socialist ideology is dangerous for America. Together with Kamala Harris, inflation will get higher, the illegal immigration crisis will get worse and our nation will look more like Venezuela,” said Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY).

Taking a few steps backward into Minneapolis in 2020, then-Mayor Jacob Frey contended Governor Walz’s response to the unrest in his city during the George Floyd riots was less than impressive. Frey claims to have made “multiple dire requests for National Guard resources that were not granted until after the city was forced to abandon a besieged police precinct,” Fox News reports.

Of course, Walz’s office accused Frey of not being specific enough in his request to protect the destroyed police precinct. Unfortunately, Hope Walz, Timmy’s Leftist daughter, was given access to “confidential information that she disseminated to the general public and rioters,” Fox News continues.

Hope would go on to send multiple tweets that night seemingly tipping off protesters to the location of newly deployed Guard troops. Quite the team player, that Hope.

Not to be left out of the fun, wife, Gwen Walz stated she kept the windows open during the George Floyd riots in order to “smell the burning tires, and that was a very real thing,” per The Daily Beast. Evidently Timmy, Gwen, and Hope were all agog over racial justice finally seeing the light during the Floyd mayhem and sneaker-stealing justice exercise.

Walz openly declared he would buy a ladder factory to ensure ladders were manufactured in lengths long enough to provide for illegal aliens to climb over America’s sovereign fences. Nice guy who is interested in the rule of law. Wink, wink.

Not being overly partisan, I feel the need to point out Coach’s strengths, as well as his shortcomings. Here we go: Timmy excelled by saving taxpayer money by defunding the police. Way to go, Coach!

Clearly seeing bigotry behind every tree, both the Walz and Harris Families seem very, very compatible with one another.

They make a terrific team and hope the American voters are too stupid to notice their hatred for America. I have my fingers crossed that these two communist-leaning candidates will be embarrassed enough to apologize, but sociopaths don’t believe in apologies.

I implore everyone who wishes to continue relishing freedom and individuality to encourage friends and family members to strongly consider the results of electing this pair of misfits. Although great fodder for future stories, they would be dangerous to The Constitution.

Vote wisely.