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Monday, July 1, 2024

Now What?

  It’s been just over four-years since Joseph Robinette Biden captured America’s hearts to become the 46th president of the United States.

Coming off a stellar four-year term of Donald J. Trump, Biden managed this miraculous win by doing something never seen in an election cycle: he hid in his basement. Rather than traipsing about the country, shaking hands, meeting and greeting, sniffing hair, or making copious stump speeches, then-Vice President Biden opted to hunker down and let the mainstream media (MSM) do the rest.

Granted, our nation was in the throes of a somewhat serious influenza outbreak – COVID-19 – since early 2020, both Biden and the MSM capitalized on this over-inflated crisis by gaslighting the terrified American public even imposing the largest quarantine in history – without referring to it as a quarantine.

Suddenly, publicly, Americans were entering a new era approaching a presidential election, one that involved standing six-feet apart, wearing the correct face masks, mandating inoculations of questionable anti-virus drugs, even losing jobs because of draconian laws closing businesses.

Schools were shut down in favor of distance learning, workers’ hours were cut, beaches were closed, while citations were gleefully issued for fishing and gardening – communist-style.

To keep day-to-day operations “normal,” we desperately needed to continue with the election to reassure the populace everything would be alright. Elections nation-wide were open to voting, but voting-by-mail, as early as September 2020. Bored citizens eagerly mailed-in ballots to ensure their votes would be counted.

While some thought this was a terrible idea – largely because of the possibility of voter fraud by not having to show personal identification – others felt this was another wonderful opportunity to secure the “win” for Democrat Joe Biden.

Ready for another term of
pain and suffering for Americans

The MSM was agog, pleased that Barack Hussein Obama’s third term was finally upon us, which immediately began the shenanigans. Literally on Day One in office, Biden began reversing former-President Trump’s efforts to make America great again – his slogan for his election, abbreviated MAGA.

People crowded around Biden wearing COVID masks while he gleefully signed orders to open the Southern Border to ALL, even encouraging every alien to join the hoopla so as not to miss out on the free phones, food vouchers, healthcare, housing, and $5000 gift cards. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m glad you asked.

An incredible influx of non-English speaking foreigners invaded the United States, dragging babies, diseases, and attitudes into our once-sovereign nation. Ever since, the holier-than-thou “sanctuary cities,” have been carping about the enormous unseen costs associated with giving free stuff to law-breakers.

Yes, they are lawbreakers because – well – they broke the law by illegally entering the country, and not meeting the criteria for citizenship, having compliant medical records, and not wearing the oh, so critical COVID masks.

Yet, these miscreants were welcomed with open arms and smiles. Of course, those local sanctuary city politicians were slowly realizing that the stunt of snubbing the “rule of law” was not conducive to an orderly way of life.

Taxes needed to be raised to make ends meet. All the while, the prices and costs of everything else meteorically rose to record highs with the help of compliant sycophants such as Pete Buttigieg, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland, and Jennifer Granholm – a living, breathing rainbow flag of DEI failure.

With the MSM covering for all the shortcomings of this Biden Administration Dumpster Fire, nothing was reported with any truth, or accuracy. Since before the 2016 elections, the MSM climbed into bed with many current and former public officials to ensure the voting public that Donald Trump was dangerous, needing to be silenced for all the lies he was telling. And that was a lie.

By swirling “facts” around inside a media blender, anything President Trump said or did during the 2016 election cycle was deemed “fake news,” only adding to the confusing circus-like environment created by misinformation (Read: outright lies,) thereby blurring lines between truth and fiction.

Since this campaign worked so well in 2016, it was resurrected to be used against any Biden administration opponent beginning in 2021.

Some examples include: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg being given $7.5B to build electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in 2021. Within the past three years, a grand total of seven have been installed. Not bad for a guvment operation. EV’s were guaranteed to save us money. Of course they lied while offering lame excuses. I’ll wager a gas station doesn’t cost $1,000,000,000, to build.

Then there’s Janet Yellen, Treasure Secretary, who, in 2021 insisted interest rates and prices were soaring because of something she termed “transitory inflation.” She added inflation would soon come down – within three or four months – in late 2021. It now seems as though “transitory” means "I also lied to you."

Meet Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who hit the ground running with his theory on racism and hate in the U.S. military. Although a West Point graduate and retired four-star (count them) general, he insisted a hard scrabble study be conducted on anti-black and anti-gay hatred alive and well inside the armed forces.

After several years, it was determined that Austin really is as stupid as he looks, inasmuch as there was no merit to this specious claim. By the way, did he ever wonder how he got those four stars?

Let’s not forget Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of Energy. This Canadian-born American was the only qualified person in America to be appointed to this lofty position that has proven to be in charge of destroying the oil, coal, and liquid natural gas (LNG) industries in our nation.

Diligently working to cripple our energy independence, Granholm, almost single-handedly broke the back of the U.S. using our own natural resources by having to buy those resources from Russia, China, and Venezuela. Now those foes are rich and using that income to purchase arms to possibly use against us.

And last, but not least, Attorney General Merrick Garland, once a candidate for Supreme Court Justice, has proven his Left-leaning tendencies by enthusiastically ignoring the “rule of law” in favor of biased charging and prosecutions based on political party.

Not unlike smarmy tactics used in Third-World nations, Garland has virtually normalized – with the unvarnished aid of the MSM – overcharging and reinterpreting laws in favor of his (Read: Biden’s) desired outcome.

But all this began to quickly collapse, following a great years-long run of conning the American people into believing up was down, left was right, and good was bad. And all it all took was a mere 90-minutes to start the swirl around the toilet bowl of dirty politics.

It was June 27, 2024, a date selected by the Biden administration to debate Donald Trump. Using criteria established by Biden’s Organized Crime Family, times, rules, moderators, and even bathroom breaks, were established, as Trump’s political epitaph was being written by both Biden and the MSM.

Preparing for more than a week in semi-seclusion – 16 aids and professional politicians – ferreted Biden away to ‘train’ for a debate regarding his job; this is the job for which he has been gainfully employed, raking in $400,000/year, for three and a half years, already.

As a hint, he should have been fired for theft from the federal guvment by stealing based on his 50-year career impersonating a competent politician. Just saying.

Unfortunately, the Great Debate between Biden and Trump was akin to the movie “Titanic.” we know how it began, and we know how it ended. Now for the critics to tell us what we saw.

To be kind, Biden should have been wheeled off the stage on a gurney holding a participation trophy; Trump, on the other hand, should have received a rose bouquet and standing ovation. Too bad the MSM was busy attempting to figure out how to spin this tornado of lies, lies, and more lies aided by the MSM.

Following weeks of gaslighting about artificial intelligence (AI) and its association with recent videos of Biden falling down on a bike, up a staircase, sideways on a stage, Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, regularly spun these disasters by fabricating the cover stories to neatly hide the truth.

But it was Biden catatonically being led away from a podium by his bestest buddy, Barack, at a fundraiser, not to mention a Juneteenth celebration, when the Biden House of Cards began to officially collapse. No longer able to blame someone else for his shortcomings, Biden proved he was nothing more than a hollow figure without a direction or purpose.

All the alleged artificially created videos by MAGAs were proven to be more fibs, as the leak in the boat enlarged. The MSM has been scrambling ever since, trying to do damage control in an effort to continue the national course of destruction. Who could replace Biden?

If only the Democrats could find another America Last politician before the November elections.

Let’s hope they go back to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) list for their next great candidate.