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Monday, July 29, 2024

You’re Kidding Me

  For those readers who don’t own a radio, television, computer, cellphone, or have neighbors, or communication with the real world, you’re in for a treat.

The past few weeks have been chock full o’ twists and turns in our already zany existence. And it only gets zanier.

Our current president as of this writing, Joseph Robinette Biden, and his trusty sidekick Vice President Kamala Harris, have been busy, busy, busy.

Beginning some months ago, as soon as Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for president, again, angry President Biden publicly made an offer to debate former president Trump. This offer seemed more like a threat than an offer, but Mr. Trump quickly accepted the date, time, place, and all other criteria.

America's proud first DEI Vice President

With the details in motion, the lead up to the 2024 Presidential Elections were suddenly in sight.

However, for the past 3 ½ years of Biden’s term, he has proven to be less than cogent when appearing in public. Not being one to disappoint, the President, along with the assistance of the mainstream media (MSM), have been both willing and able to camouflage Biden’s regularly weak, feckless public appearances.

And things over the years have only gotten worse for Biden and the Democrat Party. With regularity, Biden’s speeches have been getting more convoluted and indecipherable, often to the amusement of Republicans and our foreign allies.

Sensing something was sincerely wrong, only a few select news agencies have been inclined to point out these sentences that morph into mumbling, as well as paragraphs that trail off into thin air. Of course, the MSM have been complicit in masquerading his speaking shortcomings.

Under the cover of lies, lies, and more lies, Biden, along with his sycophantic staff and administration, have been hiding any semblance of truth or honesty from the American people.

Regularly trying-out new slogans to more easily bamboozle those American citizens not in on the grift, the Biden administration has been using words such as “Threat of democracy,” “Weapons of war,” “Right to vote,” plus the ever popular “Constitutional right to an abortion.”

It seems it was difficult to decide which one of those expressions was best so, they are all employed to better suit a larger, more diverse audience; this tactic seems to be working.

All the while, Donald Trump has been making the rounds with his as-per-usual outdoor revival-style rallies, with great success. There, he eloquently addresses problems facing every American, as well as other nations, and presents possible viable solutions. Crowds of 40,000+ are not unusual.

But it was only during the much-touted aforementioned debate between Trump and Biden, in July 2024, that proved to be the tipping point.

To reiterate, Biden and his administrative sycophants created – demanded – the rules for this face-off. To ensure his anticipated trouncing of Trump, an aging Biden was ferreted to Camp David for a rehearsal, and repeated cramming, to help effect a lead pipe cinch win over his opponent.

Spending seven-plus days in solitude, with a news blackout, Biden ‘trained’ for his proverbial fight against former President Trump. What could possibly go wrong?

Glad you asked.

The hour-and-a-half live broadcast, much anticipated spectacle was over within the first 30-minutes. Regularly losing his train of thought, Biden often mumbled and verbally drifted when addressing issues – not the strong performance the Democrats or the MSM, for which the deep-pocket donors had hoped. Alas.

Immediately, the press went into a meltdown inasmuch as they were clearly unable to gaslight – blatantly lie to the world – that Biden was lucid. He was not.

Damage control was nothing short of attempting to plug their sinking lifeboat. Too bad their choice of draining that sinking vessel was to drill more holes to let the water out.

Virtually every news reader from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSN, and The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the rest of the MSM, were literally weeping on-camera. It seems as though “their guy” was drowning, and no amount of spin was going to resuscitate him or the Democrat Party.

Continually over the next few weeks, Biden kept popping up like the turd in the punch bowl. Day after day, the President was adamant that he was not going to drop out of the presidential race because he “had one bad night.” Although a terrific excuse for a second grader, that defense was lame, at best.

Clearly, Biden was not going to leave the race because he was the choice of the populace; there was no question and no debate. Amen.

Suddenly, the MSM began turning on Biden in a concerted effort to get Joe to drop out. Saying the quiet words aloud, Biden quickly found himself in a precarious position. With Democrat donors withholding precious funds that froze in revenue was akin to stepping on a deep-sea diver’s air hose.

More and more, the MSM was demanding Biden leave the race in favor of having some other America-hater take the reins of destroying any possibility of recovery from our downhill slide into Socialism.

Let the games and lies begin!

Unexpectedly, Biden announced he would not – NOT – run for re-election, thereby setting the stage for a replacement. Who could the Democrats find as a viable candidate for their party to replace the great, all-powerful leader of the free world, Joe Biden?

Vice President Harris was instantly poo-pooed as a replacement – although her position was that of successor of the president. Oh, my. Going from second-in-command to get-the-heck-out within only one day, the nation quickly learned in how much esteem she was held.

With the Democrat Party, along with the MSM, pushing America’s most famous diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hire, Harris plainly proved she was nothing more than window dressing when it came to the issues-at-hand during her stint as vice president.

Early in her term in 2021, Harris was used as part of the smoke-and-mirrors gag used on the American people to draw attention from the Southern Border invasion. Publicly appointed “Border Czar” by her boss, Harris openly balked at even going to Mexico in an effort to save and protect our sovereignty.

Unfortunately, it took a media-whore television interview with a news reader, Lester Holt, to edge toward the truth. A Holt question about when Harris was going to visit the border, she verbally stumbled clearly enunciating she had been to the border – even repeating she had been to the border.

When pushed further, she reasoned that since she had “never been to Europe, either” she had eloquently made her point, winning this verbal sparring. She didn’t, though.

She merely proved she was, indeed, as sleazy and smarmy as she was stupid.

And so it went for a seemingly perpetual 42-months of the Biden era.

Meanwhile, during one of his usual outdoor rallies, Trump, on July 13, 2024, the then-presumptive nominee for Republican presidential candidate, was subject of an assassination attempt. A 20-year-old Pennsylvania misfit openly climbed to the roof of a nearby building from which he fired at least eight shots at Trump, before being summarily dispatched by a Secret Service counter-sniper.

Of course, the fake news Democrats, MSM, and conspiracy theorists immediately claimed this was a stunt – that no shooting occurred – it was a setup, and that a deep coalition inside the U.S. government abetted – supported – this heinous third-world action. Of course. Meanwhile, the investigation continues. Sure.

To which we now awaken with Democrats scrambling to find a winnable replacement in time for the upcoming August Democratic Primary, in Chicago. Fearing they will wind up with another unelectable candidate, Dems are jockeying for a lead pipe cinch nominee who will attract voters for another four year term.

With names such as Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Kathy Hochul, Josh Shapiro, and Michelle Obama, all being bandied about as viable replacements for president, this gaggle of loons are ready, willing, and able to take the reins of Biden’s runaway wagon.

Hearing reports of polling placing Trump and Harris head-to-head, sometimes with Trump ahead, sometimes with Harris in the lead, all are very fluid and subject to change within hours.

It should be noted that Harris, who is an ultra-liberal Leftist, is married to a Jewish man. She has been very vocal as to her support for Palestinians in the Hamas and Israel war. Her pick for a possible running mate includes Pennsylvania Gubernor, Josh Shapiro, a Jewish man.

What could come of this is anyone’s guess; whose side will she pick to help and fund? Days ago, she snubbed Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to our Congress; she evidently had an important previous commitment to her former sorority, which she attended instead.  Ah, priorities.

It’s time for voters to begin paying attention to politics, like it or not. With serious issues such as those questionable topics such as climate change, fracking, illegally funding school loans, border control, illicit drug influx, national security, food stability, and funding a proxy war in Ukraine, it’s time for a change in not only domestic matters, but international issues, as well.

Vote, and vote wisely.