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Monday, June 24, 2024

Green Nude Eel

 College kids amassing on campi, Americans drenched in bloody overseas battles, a divided Congress and Senate, out-of-control spending, eminent inflation, Leftists gaslighting voters, rampant drug use, stark racial division, crime soaring, and we are on the cusp of a quickly approaching a presidential election; this is both 1968 and 2024.

If we all awoke from a giant coma, we would find ourselves hard-pressed to believe we have returned to a distasteful place from which we survived 56-years ago. But why did we return and how did we forget from whence we came?

Just finishing traumatizing America with World War II in Europe and the Pacific, plus the Korean War in Asia, American politicians found a new avenue for spending countless more taxpayer dollars on another crisis: Vietnam.

Keep in mind I’m no Vietnam expert but, Vietnam was, and remains, a thorn in which the United States has no interest other than as a shredder for American dollars and lives.

In fact, the U.S. became involved because of a theory that following a communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, the colonial French were concerned Southeast Asian countries would fall like dominoes to the Soviets. As such, America decided to bankroll the French struggle there with money and arms.

Sound familiar? Volodymyr Zelenskyy should be a clue. But let’s not blame only the president of Ukraine – the fact President Joseph Robinette Biden and both the House and Senate decided to bankroll corrupt President Zelenskyy is stunning in and of itself. Since 2022, $380,000,000,000 in aid has headed to Ukraine. I wonder if Zelenskyy has a key to the White House yet.

A tidy sum for almost anyone. I find it hard to believe there are people serving in the U.S. Congress and Senate who are unfamiliar with the occurrences of years past – which is termed “history” – and the machinations of current-day logistics called “shenanigans.”

Conveniently forgetting the past is the friend of politicians world-wide. Pols rely on poor memories or newly-coined terms ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ to extract seemingly countless dollars and goods from the public supply chain and coffers, are all used in the name of progress.

With history classes virtually non-existent in American schools, children are left with timeline voids without explanations as to how things developed throughout the years. Old codgers who are my age are often mistaken for WWII veterans – missing the mark by at least two or three decades.

Korea is now merely a land ‘over there” without even a current college student able to find it on a globe. Vietnam is another far-away country without background, where more than 56,000 American lives were lost, along with countless maimings, and permanent psychological scars were created.

Forgotten along with most those casualties are the civilians, who were often killed as targets rather than collaterally.

Southeast Asian rulers frequently use average citizens for propaganda in photos; that tactic is further employed in the Ukraine conflict. Showing dead babies, bloodied women and charred children’s bodies have proven excellent ways to turn the tide of fighting quickly into cease-fires all in the name of humanity.

Marchers paraded across college and university campuses carrying crudely made signs ordering our politicians and military leaders to ‘Stop the war.’ They demanded the carnage end while taunting police assigned to protect professors, deans, and other students.

While noble in intent, these marchers were often secretly organized and funded by communist infiltrators interested in helping “the other side win” the conflict du jour.

But it is with great interest that I now catch and read the news about today’s similar college protests to stop the killing of innocent people. Today’s conflict, though, is something that defies explanation.

It seems that in October 2023, Hamas – a Palestinian terrorist organization – felt compelled to send hundreds of missiles, along with suicide attackers into Israel, in an unprovoked attack.

Hundreds of innocent Israelis were killed, while many were taken hostage by Hamas. Not surprisingly, Israel fought back with a vengeance, and justifiably so.

Today we are seeing protests demanding the Israeli victims immediately cease fighting back, all in the name of peace. Added to this mix, foreign nations have been insisting the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) begin talks to mitigate the carnage being thrust upon Gaza. Good luck with that.

With Biden ordering a pier specially built to aid with food and water shipments to Gaza residents, more “humanitarian” supplies are now reaching the Hamas fighters, being diverted from inhabitants. Another boneheaded Biden plan for screwing everything up.

Not to be deterred, Democratic congresspeople have been shutting down our domestic oil drilling and exploration efforts, striking under-the-table deals with China and Venezuela for minerals used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, plus aiding the Biden Administration conjure up inane plans to wreak havoc on our nation’s economy, all with smiling nods from many sleazy politicians both past and present.

Insisting water levels are rising to beyond dangerous levels due to melting glaciers and ice bergs, we are being warned about one-day finding our homes under water. End of discussion. Except that The Clinton's, Obama’s, Kerry’s, and oddly-enough the Biden’s all own waterfront property. That seems awfully curious.

A few years ago, a character named Greta Thunberg, a Swedish child, popped up in the news like a turd in the punch bowl. Her background is settled in communist-style activism geared toward environmentalism. A quick look into her life exposes her parents as being Communists with a capital ‘C.’

Demonstrating a clear agenda favoring the dissolution of individual rights, Thunberg meteorically rose to idol status with the assistance of the mainstream media, only to attract the attention of another narcissist, American Congressgal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

Seemingly mesmerized by Thunberg’s notoriety, along with her ability to freely travel world-wide, without financial restrictions, an enamored AOC quickly adopted her toxic speech of controlling all resources of the world for the betterment of society.

As a Congressgal, AOC sought and easily found the ears of presidential candidate Joseph Robinette Biden, who was freshly coming off a stint as vice president to Barack Obama. Not being a deep thinker, AOC fashioned her own special plan for saving the Earth from imminent self-destruction.

Stealing her plan’s mechanics, as well as its name, AOC insisted Biden not consider her shoddy environment lifeboat, but insist this hare-brained idea be budgeted for and implemented, if he was elected. He was, and the games began.

Calling this boondoggle the Green New Deal, after President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, she could only imagine her own bronze statue on Pennsylvania Avenue eternally commemorating her brilliance. Personally, I prefer Green Nude Eel, because it clearly demonstrates the inanity of AOC and anything exiting her head, as well as the slipperiness of her extortion scheme and lies.

 A Green Nude Eel

Ignoring evidence this hokey rush-to-fame was merely a multi-trillion-dollar scam, Biden quickly – along with a compliant Congress and Senate – began passing fits and starts of AOC’s last chance for a legacy.

Introducing bills that include outlawing internal combustion engine vehicles; requiring new strict standards for dishwashers, air conditioners, and refrigerators; prohibiting drilling for oil, natural gas, mining anthracite coal, as well as fracking; forcing the conversion of military vehicles and operations to rechargeable; besides depleting the Strategic Oil Reserve – to be used in times of national crises, has placed America’s national security on the precipice of disaster.

For the record, this is not something new; it is new to America, though. Such shenanigans have been going on in Canada and Europe – remember Greta Thunberg? - for some years now.

Sick and tired of suddenly higher utility prices, repeated brownouts, remarkable reduction in food and fuel supplies, farmers leaving their farms, and winter fuel oil being effectively used as a weapon, Europeans have just ejected their own Leftist politicians for instituting these same policies.

Complaining about the uninformed populace not being intelligent enough to understand this is all for their own good, all but one of the recent G7 countries decided to rid themselves of those Leftists killing their once-great nations. Congratulations!

Fighting in the Middle East, a potential war with China over Taiwan, Iran developing nuclear capabilities, Russia’s fight with Ukraine, plus their naval ships in Cuban docks, a dwindling supply of fresh oil for our military and infrastructure, our national supply of domestic food waning, and unrest on college campus’ world-wide, paint a tenuous promising, solid future.

We are quickly approaching the proverbial fork in the road in our own elections in America. These antics should serve as a hint – no, warning – of things to come if we proceed without trepidation and say a resounding, “NO!” to more of this invented tripe.

Kill the Green Nude Eel.