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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Ed Sullivan Show

 In the advent of television in the 1940’s, a fellow named Ed Sullivan, wound up with something called a “variety show.” Back in the day, variety shows consisted of a variety – hence the name – of acts with an amusing tone, utilizing the ‘something for everyone’ premise.

Often including singers, dancers, magicians, even a guy balancing a spinning plate on a stick (you had to be there to appreciate it,) and people who bent spoons with their minds, these one-hour long shows were guaranteed to both draw and capture viewer’s attention.

Ed Sullivan
Those times were simpler and entertaining without the now-regular talk show guests who appear in order to hawk their latest books, albums, or concert tours.

Although in grainy black and white, those shows were what Americans yearned for to help them cope with their sometimes mundane lives. Witness The Ed Sullivan Show which ran from 1948 until 1971, on CBS Sunday nights from 8 until 9.

As a kid, I was particularly curious as to how that plate-spinning guy performed his mesmerizing feat; he kept me rapt for his allotted 5-minutes of fame, and that's all that mattered to me. After all, it was entertainment. Mission accomplished.

Fast forward to today, July 2024, where we find ourselves amid a world-wide crisis at every turn of every day.

From men supposedly being able to give birth, to people being fired from their jobs for misusing pronouns, to praising mentally deficient politicians, or believing killing babies is a noble activity, times have certainly morphed into an era and place unrecognizable to many of Earth’s current inhabitants.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who was elected and served as our 45th president from 2017 until 2021.

Spending most of his life as a businessman, he was once considered a Democrat, even hobnobbing with former NY Senator Saint Hillary Clinton, before breaking ranks with the Dems largely due to their obscene tax and spend policies.

Becoming an instant sinner by leaving New York State for tax-friendly Florida, Trump hit the ground running to become one of the few non-lawyer presidents in American history. Without a legal background or political history to be used as a barometer, Trump won the presidency in 2016, much to the chagrin of weak-minded individuals.

Resorting to name-calling throughout the campaign, augmented by lies, lies, and more lies, Trump was at a distinct disadvantage by spending the majority of his time attempting to debunk this blizzard of falsehoods used in an effort to besmirch his reputation. Alas, it didn’t work.

Even after his election, St. Hillary insisted he “stole” the election, and that Trump was not the “legitimate” president – a charge that is still perpetuated by the sleazy, complicit media.

Further lying about his “collusion” with Russian president Putin, him making pro-Nazi remarks, tipping the balance of democracy in America, and being virulently anti-immigrant (please note: Trump is married to an immigrant,) his entire term was pockmarked with one-lawsuit-after-another.

With a questionable presidential election run against candidate Joseph Robinette Biden, in 2020, Biden, who rarely left his Delaware home to campaign, was deemed the winner, a point of contention by many until this day.

Using ultra-liberal judges, in conjunction with Leftist legal jurisdictions, lawsuits designed to silence and punish Trump seemed effective. Using phrases such as “stolen election,” “reinvented banana republic,” and “rule of law,” another smear crusade against Trump was begun in earnest.

Relying on a clearly apparent one-sided judicial system, Attorney General Merrick Garland was instrumental in playing a sordid game of ‘legal chess’ by using non-guvment lawyers as prosecutors to legally harass, as well as financially bankrupt Trump, as well as associates and supporters,

In what can be easily perceived as an intimidation movement, Garland – who, under Trump – was being considered for a Supreme Court Justice, only now seemingly reacting as a proverbial woman scorned. Not a good look for a national legal icon whose favorite line is: “No one is above the law.”

Waiting with bated breath for the next opportunity to hamstring Trump’s follow-up presidential run, Garland’s high-flying hot air balloon is suddenly developing holes, and is currently sinking to terra firma, quickly.

Likely panicking with the arrival of daily polling numbers, Garland’s Gestapo-like Department of Justice has been busy filing one suit after another against Trump along with his Make America Great Again (MAGA) followers, while taking a respite from investigating PTAs and local school districts.

But it was July 13, when in Butler, Pennsylvania, at yet another Trump rally, that a twenty-year old local resident tried to change history and did so in an unusual way.

This man took his father’s rifle to the Trump rally to kill – assassinate – Donald Trump. As of this writing, no one knows why, but “an investigation continues.”

This is where the story gets good.

It seems as though the Butler Police Department, U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are all now participants in what is known as “Tag – you’re it!”

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of DHS, under whose purview is the USSS, has been not only lying saying “the Border is closed,” for years now, is currently pointing his crooked finger at USSS Director Kimberly A. Cheatle.

Because this tragedy involved an attempted assassination of a guvment official, the FBI has become involved.

To recap: USSS appears to have dropped the ball in its job to protect a dignitary – Donald Trump. According to news sources, the USSS instructed the Butler PD to concern themselves with traffic control.

During the early part of the rally, numerous civilians attempted to alert the USSS to the fact a suspicious individual was lurking about the area and was even located on a nearby roof.

The person-in-question wound-up being the sniper. The Butler PD was ignored, the USSS poo-pooed the report, presidential candidate Trump was shot by the aforementioned sniper, the FBI is conducting an investigation into the shooting, and now everyone’s arms are tired from pointing at everyone else.

On July 17th, Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn, cornered Director Cheatle and demanded answers from her while both were attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Video plainly shows shouts to Cheatle were ignored.

President Biden made a brief remark about the shooting, then immediately went into hiding at one of is Delaware homes, while allegedly suffering from COVID. (Evidently his multiple vaccinations haven’t worked, as promised.)

So here we are, desperately awaiting the passing of time to see who will represent the Democrats in the upcoming presidential election, and if former President Trump will be able to survive assassination attempts, to reach the November 5th finish line.

Not unlike The Ed Sullivan Show, today’s real world is chock full o’ entertainment. An octogenarian with trouble communicating and walking and telling the truth is front and center, as his opponent who is reported to being double-digits ahead in the polls is target of the media, Dems, and foreign nations.

All the while, comedians, businesses, middle class Americans, oil and gas suppliers, schools, the elderly, infirmed, Eco-conscious, investors, bankers, and illegal aliens, aided and abetted by the media, are all anxiously awaiting to see who the next great performer on the world stage will be, for all to behold, just like our anticipation on Sunday nights with Ed.

The difference between then and now is back then, no one was harmed or targeted for prison based upon lies, and differences of opinion. You now know how Democrats operate in order to attain and retain power.

Vote wisely.