college life.
At a recent Democratic
Presidential Candidate debate, Bernie Sanders, the guy who is clearly not
taking his meds, suggested all Americans pay for the college education of
everyone who wants one.
They would be available at no
cost. That statement would be true if
you don’t figure in the fact that someone has to pay for the school tangibles;
classrooms, books, salaries, cafeterias, dorms, beer kegs, and football
uniforms, all have to be paid for. If
the students don’t pay for that stuff, who does?
Answer: The taxpayer.
We would be led to believe
taxpayers are under-challenged because they still have enough money to pay for
postage to mail tax returns to the IRS.
That cash should go toward the education of kids who are too stupid to
come in out of the rain.
Free anything is not free. Free samples in Sam’s Club costs Sam’s Club
and the manufacturers. They are offered
to the shoppers to entice them to buy that product. Contrary to belief, they are not being served
as a no-cost lunch.
Colleges also offer some
scholarships to outstanding students who may lure friends or equally-qualified
students to that institution, primarily to earn academic credentials for
turning-out great graduates.
If some pimple-faced puke wants
to go to Harvard to study Medieval Lesbian Writings, or Stanford to get a
degree in 15th Century Basket Weaving, hard working Americans should
not be forced to pay for such frivolity.
As a high school student, back
when Thomas Jefferson was a classmate of mine, I was required to take two
elective classes each semester. Mine
included German, English Literature, Shakespeare, Writing FORTRAN Code, and
Advanced Placement Physics, over the years.
Classmates saw this as an
opportunity to attain an “easy A,” and took classes such as Home Economics,
Finger Painting, and Appropriate Gluing Techniques.
College was once a place where
expression of ideas and feelings were encouraged. Today, if students feel “uncomfortable,”
administrators are forced to resign.
Back during desegregation, blacks
demanded equal classroom space, identical books, equal pay, and simple respect.
Those times were in the 1960’s
and ‘70’s. And, if you just awoke from a
70-year coma, you would believe nothing had changed if you listen to the civil
rights rabble rousers.
Lies and half-truths are driving
the modern college campuses because political correctness, and the fear of
being labeled a racist, has been driving an out-of-control bus to the town of Nowhere Good .
At the University of Missouri ,
students claimed they were subjected to overt racism and felt
uncomfortable. The president resigned
because of pressure from whiners.
The realization that blocks of
power in the form of racial bullying can be used to leverage nearly anything,
may actually be utilized to attempt to bring back blue unicorns.
Halloween costumes are shunned,
Christmas is eliminated, conservative thought is discouraged, while socialism,
bullying, and stifled-speech are encouraged and applauded.
This is an ideal time to say “NO”
to this mindless mayhem called “higher education.”
If the students wind up with a
monumental student loan, they should get jobs.
If those jobs don’t pay enough to repay the loans, they need to rethink
those “easy A’s.”
Pay for your own stuff, and get a