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Monday, October 7, 2024

Ticking Clock


  A quick glance at a calendar will tell you we’re a mere few days away from not only Halloween and Veteran’s Day, but also Election Day.

This election is special in that America and its residents, plus our illegal invaders, will be selecting more than just politicians.

Depending on your location, you may find local political positions, amendments, budget initiatives, and Constitutional Amendments, as well as other creative ways to scam you out of your precious remaining hard-earned money, via higher taxes, on the ballot.

Last week we threw back the curtain on something the greedy Democrats are calling the “unrealized capital gains tax.” If you need more information on this brilliant pick-pocketing scheme, please read that story; I can assure you your barber will miss you after you pull your hair out.

As many people in this country are already aware, the biggest problem facing the average American is the economy. Please take this time to re-read that last sentence so there are no misunderstandings. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.

Poll after poll, survey after survey, canvass after canvass all clearly explain people’s frustration at this Biden – Harris administration and their deaf ears falling on a cease fire in the war on Americans.

First it was fossil fuel banning, then no more fracking approvals, followed by the push for electric vehicles, then solar energy, next up was wind power, followed by gas stove forbiddance, hot on the heels of outlawing gas-powered yard equipment. And so goes the results of ‘getting what you voted for.’

This dissolution of rights – no, freedoms – in a land once known as the “Land of the free,” is a destination at which we have arrived largely because of tribalism and class warfare.

Tribalism is a strong feeling to a group or a tribe. A good example of tribalism is the gravitation to a cause such as killing babies, or feeling you have the power to change the climate of the Earth through legislation. Such feelings can usually be controlled with the use of pharmaceuticals, but politicians love to exploit those maladies for their own tenure at the guvment trough.

It is also employed to exact legislation targeting gun rights, sex, racial matters, transgenderism, DEI, college tuitions, even illegal drug and incarceration statutes.

Similarly, each time you hear the words “Pay their fair share,” you’re hearing the introduction to a diatribe on class warfare. It usually swirls around successful people who have “arrived” at their desired destination: financial comfort via hard work and success. Pointing crooked little fingers at the economic status of those individuals, the greedy politicians are now angry at those respective success stories.

Of course, professional athletes, musicians, actors, and has-been politicians, are all often held up to idol status. And those with $300,000,000 salaries, as well as $50,000,000 mansions, are applauded by the voting populace relishing the lofty achievements of these wealthy snobs who, oddly enough, are usually able to find a loophole for their unanswered wealth while avoiding paying their fair share.

If you are in doubt, witness a fellow named Hunter Biden. Hunter is the remaining son of President Joseph Robinette Biden, our current HMFC. Hunter is the modern-day Billy Carter, son of the former worst president, James Earl Carter, our 39th Commander-in-Chief.

Billy was what is known as “a piece of work.” Those words are often used to describe someone outside the parameters of civil society, whose description is usually not fit for polite company.

Hunter, a true sexual and illegal drug athlete, hit the ground running upon the inauguration of his dad. Hunter excelled at skirting the laws to which most common folk are subject. Take his illegal purchase and possession of a handgun, his regularly video documented use of trollops, as well as contraband to fulfill his apparently insatiable appetite for things normally illegal.

It seems as though Hunter discovered he has an uncanny ability to sell his “artwork” – paintings – that made the news during the Biden term. It appeared to be laughable and most-likely tongue-in-cheek that Hunter was selling these masterpieces in the neighborhood of $500,000 each. Nice neighborhood, indeed.

With a wink and a nod, these pricey works of graft – uh, rather – brilliant accomplishments were selling like hotcakes to discernible, anonymous buyers. What could possibly go wrong without an official accounting?

Glad you asked.

While this may seem hard to believe, Hunter apparently forgot to file tax returns for his artistic windfall, as well as his unbelievable bounty from his overseas Burisma salary, as well as his extortion – uh, compensation – from the Communist Chinese Government. Of course that was all a bunch of unfortunate oversights, not an attempt to avoid paying his fair share. Oops!

Yet here we are rapidly closing in on the 2024 Presidential Election, finding ourselves trying to regroup and recover from a natural disaster, Hurricane Helene. Helene was a Category 4 storm that wreaked havoc on Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina, with power and communication outages still remaining nearly two-weeks later.

Our presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris, current vice president, has been busy, very busy, traveling about the country attempting to pander for votes. Acting as the tacit president, Harris has proven herself clueless, hapless, and an accomplished embarrassment while on her campaign trail.

Helene created so much havoc that it may take officials weeks to survey all the damage caused. With no electricity, running water, cell phone service, and passable roads, Harris publicly announced she would gladly give $750 checks to anyone affected by Helene. One only needs to contact the guvment in order to receive the aid.

Where your hard-earned money is 
being directed by the guvment

All this begs the question: short of using a homing pigeon, how are Helene victims supposed to contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?

Still, she made that official announcement without even cracking a smile.

For the record, the United States has given Ukraine more than $175,000,000,000, towards its war with Russia. The Biden administration has spent $7,000,000,000 in money for college student loan forgiveness, and $150,700,000,000 annually for illegal immigrants’ sustenance. Quite a bit more than Harris’ generous $750 handout.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration suddenly finds itself staring down yet another natural disaster in the form of at least one more hurricane. The unfortunate part is that our DEI FEMA director, Deanne Criswell, finds herself with no mo’ moolah. Yes, it’s hard to believe the United States of America ATM has run out of money.

What is one to do if there is one more financial crisis? To be certain we will be in an economic abyss, Biden and Harris just announced those delinquent college students were guaranteed to receive enough to cover their tuition costs. Yea!

There you have it. No one should be deprived of anything in the way of goodies or freebies except the people who work hard and contribute positively to greasing the wheels of a bloated bureaucracy. Should you feel this is fair, please vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz; the clock is ticking.

And if you need once-in-a-lifetime help, Kamala Harris will be delighted to poop in your hat.