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Monday, July 29, 2024

You’re Kidding Me

  For those readers who don’t own a radio, television, computer, cellphone, or have neighbors, or communication with the real world, you’re in for a treat.

The past few weeks have been chock full o’ twists and turns in our already zany existence. And it only gets zanier.

Our current president as of this writing, Joseph Robinette Biden, and his trusty sidekick Vice President Kamala Harris, have been busy, busy, busy.

Beginning some months ago, as soon as Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for president, again, angry President Biden publicly made an offer to debate former president Trump. This offer seemed more like a threat than an offer, but Mr. Trump quickly accepted the date, time, place, and all other criteria.

America's proud first DEI Vice President

With the details in motion, the lead up to the 2024 Presidential Elections were suddenly in sight.

However, for the past 3 ½ years of Biden’s term, he has proven to be less than cogent when appearing in public. Not being one to disappoint, the President, along with the assistance of the mainstream media (MSM), have been both willing and able to camouflage Biden’s regularly weak, feckless public appearances.

And things over the years have only gotten worse for Biden and the Democrat Party. With regularity, Biden’s speeches have been getting more convoluted and indecipherable, often to the amusement of Republicans and our foreign allies.

Sensing something was sincerely wrong, only a few select news agencies have been inclined to point out these sentences that morph into mumbling, as well as paragraphs that trail off into thin air. Of course, the MSM have been complicit in masquerading his speaking shortcomings.

Under the cover of lies, lies, and more lies, Biden, along with his sycophantic staff and administration, have been hiding any semblance of truth or honesty from the American people.

Regularly trying-out new slogans to more easily bamboozle those American citizens not in on the grift, the Biden administration has been using words such as “Threat of democracy,” “Weapons of war,” “Right to vote,” plus the ever popular “Constitutional right to an abortion.”

It seems it was difficult to decide which one of those expressions was best so, they are all employed to better suit a larger, more diverse audience; this tactic seems to be working.

All the while, Donald Trump has been making the rounds with his as-per-usual outdoor revival-style rallies, with great success. There, he eloquently addresses problems facing every American, as well as other nations, and presents possible viable solutions. Crowds of 40,000+ are not unusual.

But it was only during the much-touted aforementioned debate between Trump and Biden, in July 2024, that proved to be the tipping point.

To reiterate, Biden and his administrative sycophants created – demanded – the rules for this face-off. To ensure his anticipated trouncing of Trump, an aging Biden was ferreted to Camp David for a rehearsal, and repeated cramming, to help effect a lead pipe cinch win over his opponent.

Spending seven-plus days in solitude, with a news blackout, Biden ‘trained’ for his proverbial fight against former President Trump. What could possibly go wrong?

Glad you asked.

The hour-and-a-half live broadcast, much anticipated spectacle was over within the first 30-minutes. Regularly losing his train of thought, Biden often mumbled and verbally drifted when addressing issues – not the strong performance the Democrats or the MSM, for which the deep-pocket donors had hoped. Alas.

Immediately, the press went into a meltdown inasmuch as they were clearly unable to gaslight – blatantly lie to the world – that Biden was lucid. He was not.

Damage control was nothing short of attempting to plug their sinking lifeboat. Too bad their choice of draining that sinking vessel was to drill more holes to let the water out.

Virtually every news reader from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSN, and The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the rest of the MSM, were literally weeping on-camera. It seems as though “their guy” was drowning, and no amount of spin was going to resuscitate him or the Democrat Party.

Continually over the next few weeks, Biden kept popping up like the turd in the punch bowl. Day after day, the President was adamant that he was not going to drop out of the presidential race because he “had one bad night.” Although a terrific excuse for a second grader, that defense was lame, at best.

Clearly, Biden was not going to leave the race because he was the choice of the populace; there was no question and no debate. Amen.

Suddenly, the MSM began turning on Biden in a concerted effort to get Joe to drop out. Saying the quiet words aloud, Biden quickly found himself in a precarious position. With Democrat donors withholding precious funds that froze in revenue was akin to stepping on a deep-sea diver’s air hose.

More and more, the MSM was demanding Biden leave the race in favor of having some other America-hater take the reins of destroying any possibility of recovery from our downhill slide into Socialism.

Let the games and lies begin!

Unexpectedly, Biden announced he would not – NOT – run for re-election, thereby setting the stage for a replacement. Who could the Democrats find as a viable candidate for their party to replace the great, all-powerful leader of the free world, Joe Biden?

Vice President Harris was instantly poo-pooed as a replacement – although her position was that of successor of the president. Oh, my. Going from second-in-command to get-the-heck-out within only one day, the nation quickly learned in how much esteem she was held.

With the Democrat Party, along with the MSM, pushing America’s most famous diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hire, Harris plainly proved she was nothing more than window dressing when it came to the issues-at-hand during her stint as vice president.

Early in her term in 2021, Harris was used as part of the smoke-and-mirrors gag used on the American people to draw attention from the Southern Border invasion. Publicly appointed “Border Czar” by her boss, Harris openly balked at even going to Mexico in an effort to save and protect our sovereignty.

Unfortunately, it took a media-whore television interview with a news reader, Lester Holt, to edge toward the truth. A Holt question about when Harris was going to visit the border, she verbally stumbled clearly enunciating she had been to the border – even repeating she had been to the border.

When pushed further, she reasoned that since she had “never been to Europe, either” she had eloquently made her point, winning this verbal sparring. She didn’t, though.

She merely proved she was, indeed, as sleazy and smarmy as she was stupid.

And so it went for a seemingly perpetual 42-months of the Biden era.

Meanwhile, during one of his usual outdoor rallies, Trump, on July 13, 2024, the then-presumptive nominee for Republican presidential candidate, was subject of an assassination attempt. A 20-year-old Pennsylvania misfit openly climbed to the roof of a nearby building from which he fired at least eight shots at Trump, before being summarily dispatched by a Secret Service counter-sniper.

Of course, the fake news Democrats, MSM, and conspiracy theorists immediately claimed this was a stunt – that no shooting occurred – it was a setup, and that a deep coalition inside the U.S. government abetted – supported – this heinous third-world action. Of course. Meanwhile, the investigation continues. Sure.

To which we now awaken with Democrats scrambling to find a winnable replacement in time for the upcoming August Democratic Primary, in Chicago. Fearing they will wind up with another unelectable candidate, Dems are jockeying for a lead pipe cinch nominee who will attract voters for another four year term.

With names such as Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Kathy Hochul, Josh Shapiro, and Michelle Obama, all being bandied about as viable replacements for president, this gaggle of loons are ready, willing, and able to take the reins of Biden’s runaway wagon.

Hearing reports of polling placing Trump and Harris head-to-head, sometimes with Trump ahead, sometimes with Harris in the lead, all are very fluid and subject to change within hours.

It should be noted that Harris, who is an ultra-liberal Leftist, is married to a Jewish man. She has been very vocal as to her support for Palestinians in the Hamas and Israel war. Her pick for a possible running mate includes Pennsylvania Gubernor, Josh Shapiro, a Jewish man.

What could come of this is anyone’s guess; whose side will she pick to help and fund? Days ago, she snubbed Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to our Congress; she evidently had an important previous commitment to her former sorority, which she attended instead.  Ah, priorities.

It’s time for voters to begin paying attention to politics, like it or not. With serious issues such as those questionable topics such as climate change, fracking, illegally funding school loans, border control, illicit drug influx, national security, food stability, and funding a proxy war in Ukraine, it’s time for a change in not only domestic matters, but international issues, as well.

Vote, and vote wisely. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Ed Sullivan Show

 In the advent of television in the 1940’s, a fellow named Ed Sullivan, wound up with something called a “variety show.” Back in the day, variety shows consisted of a variety – hence the name – of acts with an amusing tone, utilizing the ‘something for everyone’ premise.

Often including singers, dancers, magicians, even a guy balancing a spinning plate on a stick (you had to be there to appreciate it,) and people who bent spoons with their minds, these one-hour long shows were guaranteed to both draw and capture viewer’s attention.

Ed Sullivan
Those times were simpler and entertaining without the now-regular talk show guests who appear in order to hawk their latest books, albums, or concert tours.

Although in grainy black and white, those shows were what Americans yearned for to help them cope with their sometimes mundane lives. Witness The Ed Sullivan Show which ran from 1948 until 1971, on CBS Sunday nights from 8 until 9.

As a kid, I was particularly curious as to how that plate-spinning guy performed his mesmerizing feat; he kept me rapt for his allotted 5-minutes of fame, and that's all that mattered to me. After all, it was entertainment. Mission accomplished.

Fast forward to today, July 2024, where we find ourselves amid a world-wide crisis at every turn of every day.

From men supposedly being able to give birth, to people being fired from their jobs for misusing pronouns, to praising mentally deficient politicians, or believing killing babies is a noble activity, times have certainly morphed into an era and place unrecognizable to many of Earth’s current inhabitants.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who was elected and served as our 45th president from 2017 until 2021.

Spending most of his life as a businessman, he was once considered a Democrat, even hobnobbing with former NY Senator Saint Hillary Clinton, before breaking ranks with the Dems largely due to their obscene tax and spend policies.

Becoming an instant sinner by leaving New York State for tax-friendly Florida, Trump hit the ground running to become one of the few non-lawyer presidents in American history. Without a legal background or political history to be used as a barometer, Trump won the presidency in 2016, much to the chagrin of weak-minded individuals.

Resorting to name-calling throughout the campaign, augmented by lies, lies, and more lies, Trump was at a distinct disadvantage by spending the majority of his time attempting to debunk this blizzard of falsehoods used in an effort to besmirch his reputation. Alas, it didn’t work.

Even after his election, St. Hillary insisted he “stole” the election, and that Trump was not the “legitimate” president – a charge that is still perpetuated by the sleazy, complicit media.

Further lying about his “collusion” with Russian president Putin, him making pro-Nazi remarks, tipping the balance of democracy in America, and being virulently anti-immigrant (please note: Trump is married to an immigrant,) his entire term was pockmarked with one-lawsuit-after-another.

With a questionable presidential election run against candidate Joseph Robinette Biden, in 2020, Biden, who rarely left his Delaware home to campaign, was deemed the winner, a point of contention by many until this day.

Using ultra-liberal judges, in conjunction with Leftist legal jurisdictions, lawsuits designed to silence and punish Trump seemed effective. Using phrases such as “stolen election,” “reinvented banana republic,” and “rule of law,” another smear crusade against Trump was begun in earnest.

Relying on a clearly apparent one-sided judicial system, Attorney General Merrick Garland was instrumental in playing a sordid game of ‘legal chess’ by using non-guvment lawyers as prosecutors to legally harass, as well as financially bankrupt Trump, as well as associates and supporters,

In what can be easily perceived as an intimidation movement, Garland – who, under Trump – was being considered for a Supreme Court Justice, only now seemingly reacting as a proverbial woman scorned. Not a good look for a national legal icon whose favorite line is: “No one is above the law.”

Waiting with bated breath for the next opportunity to hamstring Trump’s follow-up presidential run, Garland’s high-flying hot air balloon is suddenly developing holes, and is currently sinking to terra firma, quickly.

Likely panicking with the arrival of daily polling numbers, Garland’s Gestapo-like Department of Justice has been busy filing one suit after another against Trump along with his Make America Great Again (MAGA) followers, while taking a respite from investigating PTAs and local school districts.

But it was July 13, when in Butler, Pennsylvania, at yet another Trump rally, that a twenty-year old local resident tried to change history and did so in an unusual way.

This man took his father’s rifle to the Trump rally to kill – assassinate – Donald Trump. As of this writing, no one knows why, but “an investigation continues.”

This is where the story gets good.

It seems as though the Butler Police Department, U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are all now participants in what is known as “Tag – you’re it!”

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of DHS, under whose purview is the USSS, has been not only lying saying “the Border is closed,” for years now, is currently pointing his crooked finger at USSS Director Kimberly A. Cheatle.

Because this tragedy involved an attempted assassination of a guvment official, the FBI has become involved.

To recap: USSS appears to have dropped the ball in its job to protect a dignitary – Donald Trump. According to news sources, the USSS instructed the Butler PD to concern themselves with traffic control.

During the early part of the rally, numerous civilians attempted to alert the USSS to the fact a suspicious individual was lurking about the area and was even located on a nearby roof.

The person-in-question wound-up being the sniper. The Butler PD was ignored, the USSS poo-pooed the report, presidential candidate Trump was shot by the aforementioned sniper, the FBI is conducting an investigation into the shooting, and now everyone’s arms are tired from pointing at everyone else.

On July 17th, Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn, cornered Director Cheatle and demanded answers from her while both were attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Video plainly shows shouts to Cheatle were ignored.

President Biden made a brief remark about the shooting, then immediately went into hiding at one of is Delaware homes, while allegedly suffering from COVID. (Evidently his multiple vaccinations haven’t worked, as promised.)

So here we are, desperately awaiting the passing of time to see who will represent the Democrats in the upcoming presidential election, and if former President Trump will be able to survive assassination attempts, to reach the November 5th finish line.

Not unlike The Ed Sullivan Show, today’s real world is chock full o’ entertainment. An octogenarian with trouble communicating and walking and telling the truth is front and center, as his opponent who is reported to being double-digits ahead in the polls is target of the media, Dems, and foreign nations.

All the while, comedians, businesses, middle class Americans, oil and gas suppliers, schools, the elderly, infirmed, Eco-conscious, investors, bankers, and illegal aliens, aided and abetted by the media, are all anxiously awaiting to see who the next great performer on the world stage will be, for all to behold, just like our anticipation on Sunday nights with Ed.

The difference between then and now is back then, no one was harmed or targeted for prison based upon lies, and differences of opinion. You now know how Democrats operate in order to attain and retain power.

Vote wisely.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Number 22

  There are three types of people in this world. One is the overenthusiastic, rabid fan of sports; the second is the person who absolutely hates sports; and the last is the individual like me who could care less.

As you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you are mentally conjuring up images of personal encounters with people who neatly fit into each of these categories.

That being said, I was somewhat surprised a few years ago when I was dating a single woman who was a mother to a high school daughter who played basketball. The daughter was not very good, and each game only cemented the fact she was not going to college on a basketball scholarship.

In fact, the surprise came in the form of there being a girls basketball team, period. I, too played basketball in both school and on neighborhood playgrounds; I was no better than this woman’s daughter, but the secret was I knew my skills and limitations.

Such life lessons can be cruel, but all are valuable.

So it was with interest that I noticed a sports-related news story about a phenom recently appearing on the basketball scene. The timing couldn’t have been better, what with the upcoming quadrennial Summer Olympics, which are to be held in France this year.

It seems that professional women’s basketball is officially played through a league called the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), and has been so since the mid-1990’s. After all these years, the WNBA has been met with very little in the way of success for a variety of reasons.

Evidently, WNBA players largely consist of women who are low-scoring whiners, as well as appearing overly-masculine. Such a combination appears to remain a mystery as to why the male portion of the population is not attracted to this sport, only drawing more whining from the WNBA players, themselves.

Simple economics explains why the lack of viewership has resulted in the bargain prices of WNBA game tickets. Watching someone – anyone – dribble a ball should actually be seen as punishment, rather than commanding exorbitant hard-earned Bidenomics dollars.

Short of providing a show of someone duct taping Taylor Swift’s mouth while enjoying a prime rib dinner, commanding $25 per ticket to see the Las Vegas Aces – the reigning champions – would be the only incentive to cough up that kind of money for what you receive in return.

Being self-perceived victims in their WNBA world, WNBAers have discovered a solution to the slow sales of their low-ticket prices: find a gimmick that would attract people to attend games and watch their games on television.

Enter Caitlin Clark. I don’t know much about Clark other than what I’ve seen on TV or casually read on the interweb. Evidently Clark is phenom who until 2024, played basketball for the Iowa Hawkeyes, and now plays professional basketball for the Indiana Fever.

The Golden Goose

According to nearly all on-line stories, Clark has excelled at scoring by consistently making 3-point shots, thereby pushing The Fever to regular wins. Applying the law of supply and demand, ticket prices to see Clark play has dramatically risen by $100 per seat, to sell-out crowds.

Such a meteoric rise in interest has even encouraged ESPN to begin broadcasting WNBA games and generated insatiable sales of her number 22 jersey. It seems as though the WNBA’s Golden Goose has been found.

What could possibly go wrong with this magical, emotional elixir, you ask.

Thanks for asking; racism and jealousy are the definitive answers.

Unfortunately, Caitlin Clark is not like the large majority of the WNBA – Clark is white, heterosexual, and even keeled, almost to the point of being a reasonable adult in a world of professional children’s games.

Easily outscoring her fellow teammates, Clark has been the target of what would be an arrestable offense of assault off the basketball court. Being purposely shoved onto the hardwood floors, deliberately elbowed and intentionally bonked on the head, her opponents have been regularly demonstrating frustration and jealousy at the new true, genuine athlete.

Not being a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hire, Clark has fielded post-game interviews with aplomb and grace, much the chagrin of her on-court assailants. Of course, the equally annoyed sportscasters – many of whom are as race-driven as Clark’s opponents – continue to throw tripe in an attempt to smear true talent over the long-held WNBA DEI hiring norms.

Being unable to compete with someone who worked hard, and elucubrated on inherent gifts, these envious women basketball thugs can only outdo Clark with physical violence.

Proving just how petty these female bigots truly are, the USA Women’s Olympic Basketball Team has decided to exclude this acquisition of adeptness and talent from participating in the 2024 Olympics as a USA representative. A mumbled excuse that Caitlin Clark wasn’t seasoned enough to play in such an important game was issued.

Clark, being her usual self, smiled and accepted her biased snub. Of course, time will tell as to how intellectually accurate this decision was.

Receiving exactly for which they so ardently wished, the WNBA has reached a crossroad. After publicly crying about the low pay in the WNBA, these covetous haters are suddenly, spitefully angry a newcomer has apparently solved their money problem.

Excluding her presence from the Olympics, using her as punching bag, and badmouthing her professional “weakness,” is doing nothing except further ruining the WNBA along with women’s sports.

Looks as though the WNBA is having The Golden Goose for dinner.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Now What?

  It’s been just over four-years since Joseph Robinette Biden captured America’s hearts to become the 46th president of the United States.

Coming off a stellar four-year term of Donald J. Trump, Biden managed this miraculous win by doing something never seen in an election cycle: he hid in his basement. Rather than traipsing about the country, shaking hands, meeting and greeting, sniffing hair, or making copious stump speeches, then-Vice President Biden opted to hunker down and let the mainstream media (MSM) do the rest.

Granted, our nation was in the throes of a somewhat serious influenza outbreak – COVID-19 – since early 2020, both Biden and the MSM capitalized on this over-inflated crisis by gaslighting the terrified American public even imposing the largest quarantine in history – without referring to it as a quarantine.

Suddenly, publicly, Americans were entering a new era approaching a presidential election, one that involved standing six-feet apart, wearing the correct face masks, mandating inoculations of questionable anti-virus drugs, even losing jobs because of draconian laws closing businesses.

Schools were shut down in favor of distance learning, workers’ hours were cut, beaches were closed, while citations were gleefully issued for fishing and gardening – communist-style.

To keep day-to-day operations “normal,” we desperately needed to continue with the election to reassure the populace everything would be alright. Elections nation-wide were open to voting, but voting-by-mail, as early as September 2020. Bored citizens eagerly mailed-in ballots to ensure their votes would be counted.

While some thought this was a terrible idea – largely because of the possibility of voter fraud by not having to show personal identification – others felt this was another wonderful opportunity to secure the “win” for Democrat Joe Biden.

Ready for another term of
pain and suffering for Americans

The MSM was agog, pleased that Barack Hussein Obama’s third term was finally upon us, which immediately began the shenanigans. Literally on Day One in office, Biden began reversing former-President Trump’s efforts to make America great again – his slogan for his election, abbreviated MAGA.

People crowded around Biden wearing COVID masks while he gleefully signed orders to open the Southern Border to ALL, even encouraging every alien to join the hoopla so as not to miss out on the free phones, food vouchers, healthcare, housing, and $5000 gift cards. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m glad you asked.

An incredible influx of non-English speaking foreigners invaded the United States, dragging babies, diseases, and attitudes into our once-sovereign nation. Ever since, the holier-than-thou “sanctuary cities,” have been carping about the enormous unseen costs associated with giving free stuff to law-breakers.

Yes, they are lawbreakers because – well – they broke the law by illegally entering the country, and not meeting the criteria for citizenship, having compliant medical records, and not wearing the oh, so critical COVID masks.

Yet, these miscreants were welcomed with open arms and smiles. Of course, those local sanctuary city politicians were slowly realizing that the stunt of snubbing the “rule of law” was not conducive to an orderly way of life.

Taxes needed to be raised to make ends meet. All the while, the prices and costs of everything else meteorically rose to record highs with the help of compliant sycophants such as Pete Buttigieg, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland, and Jennifer Granholm – a living, breathing rainbow flag of DEI failure.

With the MSM covering for all the shortcomings of this Biden Administration Dumpster Fire, nothing was reported with any truth, or accuracy. Since before the 2016 elections, the MSM climbed into bed with many current and former public officials to ensure the voting public that Donald Trump was dangerous, needing to be silenced for all the lies he was telling. And that was a lie.

By swirling “facts” around inside a media blender, anything President Trump said or did during the 2016 election cycle was deemed “fake news,” only adding to the confusing circus-like environment created by misinformation (Read: outright lies,) thereby blurring lines between truth and fiction.

Since this campaign worked so well in 2016, it was resurrected to be used against any Biden administration opponent beginning in 2021.

Some examples include: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg being given $7.5B to build electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in 2021. Within the past three years, a grand total of seven have been installed. Not bad for a guvment operation. EV’s were guaranteed to save us money. Of course they lied while offering lame excuses. I’ll wager a gas station doesn’t cost $1,000,000,000, to build.

Then there’s Janet Yellen, Treasure Secretary, who, in 2021 insisted interest rates and prices were soaring because of something she termed “transitory inflation.” She added inflation would soon come down – within three or four months – in late 2021. It now seems as though “transitory” means "I also lied to you."

Meet Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who hit the ground running with his theory on racism and hate in the U.S. military. Although a West Point graduate and retired four-star (count them) general, he insisted a hard scrabble study be conducted on anti-black and anti-gay hatred alive and well inside the armed forces.

After several years, it was determined that Austin really is as stupid as he looks, inasmuch as there was no merit to this specious claim. By the way, did he ever wonder how he got those four stars?

Let’s not forget Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of Energy. This Canadian-born American was the only qualified person in America to be appointed to this lofty position that has proven to be in charge of destroying the oil, coal, and liquid natural gas (LNG) industries in our nation.

Diligently working to cripple our energy independence, Granholm, almost single-handedly broke the back of the U.S. using our own natural resources by having to buy those resources from Russia, China, and Venezuela. Now those foes are rich and using that income to purchase arms to possibly use against us.

And last, but not least, Attorney General Merrick Garland, once a candidate for Supreme Court Justice, has proven his Left-leaning tendencies by enthusiastically ignoring the “rule of law” in favor of biased charging and prosecutions based on political party.

Not unlike smarmy tactics used in Third-World nations, Garland has virtually normalized – with the unvarnished aid of the MSM – overcharging and reinterpreting laws in favor of his (Read: Biden’s) desired outcome.

But all this began to quickly collapse, following a great years-long run of conning the American people into believing up was down, left was right, and good was bad. And all it all took was a mere 90-minutes to start the swirl around the toilet bowl of dirty politics.

It was June 27, 2024, a date selected by the Biden administration to debate Donald Trump. Using criteria established by Biden’s Organized Crime Family, times, rules, moderators, and even bathroom breaks, were established, as Trump’s political epitaph was being written by both Biden and the MSM.

Preparing for more than a week in semi-seclusion – 16 aids and professional politicians – ferreted Biden away to ‘train’ for a debate regarding his job; this is the job for which he has been gainfully employed, raking in $400,000/year, for three and a half years, already.

As a hint, he should have been fired for theft from the federal guvment by stealing based on his 50-year career impersonating a competent politician. Just saying.

Unfortunately, the Great Debate between Biden and Trump was akin to the movie “Titanic.” we know how it began, and we know how it ended. Now for the critics to tell us what we saw.

To be kind, Biden should have been wheeled off the stage on a gurney holding a participation trophy; Trump, on the other hand, should have received a rose bouquet and standing ovation. Too bad the MSM was busy attempting to figure out how to spin this tornado of lies, lies, and more lies aided by the MSM.

Following weeks of gaslighting about artificial intelligence (AI) and its association with recent videos of Biden falling down on a bike, up a staircase, sideways on a stage, Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, regularly spun these disasters by fabricating the cover stories to neatly hide the truth.

But it was Biden catatonically being led away from a podium by his bestest buddy, Barack, at a fundraiser, not to mention a Juneteenth celebration, when the Biden House of Cards began to officially collapse. No longer able to blame someone else for his shortcomings, Biden proved he was nothing more than a hollow figure without a direction or purpose.

All the alleged artificially created videos by MAGAs were proven to be more fibs, as the leak in the boat enlarged. The MSM has been scrambling ever since, trying to do damage control in an effort to continue the national course of destruction. Who could replace Biden?

If only the Democrats could find another America Last politician before the November elections.

Let’s hope they go back to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) list for their next great candidate.