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Sunday, June 16, 2024


 It was December 25th, 1991, when my sainted wife and I were in God’s Waiting Room, aka: Florida. We flew there to celebrate Christmas with my parents and, incidentally, had a wonderful time.

As per tradition, Mother had a turkey, while we supplied the accessories consisting of potatoes, mushrooms, cranberry sauce, yams, plus stuffing; Mom wanted stuffing because that’s what her Betty Crocker Cookbook insisted, she use.

Mom's version was written in Sanskrit

By the way, stuffing varies from dressing because dressing is cooked independent of the bird, while stuffing is prepared inside the turkey’s cavity. Cooking it inside increases the cooking time because the hot air cannot efficiently reach inside the entirety of the bird. You’re welcome.

The temperature was unusually cold for Florida requiring people to cover their tropical outdoor plants with blankets and sheets and such, while the human inhabitants needed winter jackets and coats – odd because it was Florida. After all it never snows in Florida.

Unfortunately, the snow began falling immediately after the turkey was placed in Mom’s electric stove oven.

We were all being enthralled by Dad’s description of how Florida Power, their utility company, recently installed a regulator on his electric box. Guaranteed to save countless dollars, this limiter was off until the red light indicated otherwise.

Florida Power found the solution to “brown-outs” which were often caused by air conditioners in the dreadful Spring, Summer, and Autumn, heat; lest we forget the furnace during the short winter months. As an aside, people like to be comfortable so, they turn on their heat or air conditioners in order to cool their homes and cars.

After about 90-minutes of on this brilliant cost-saving arrangement from the electric company, my Mom noticed the turkey remained pale and chilled inside the oven. It should be at least a bit tanned, but it wasn’t.

The television was on, along with the traditional Christmas specials, to entertain the family in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Baby Jesus. Just when a crass commercial should have been shown, a public notice was being read in a news-style blurb to any and all viewers.

Florida Power had instituted a brown-out alert for the following areas: and the list began in earnest.’

My Dad was furious, Mom was attempting to process this information, while my sainted wife and I were ducking for cover. The mystery of the wan turkey had been solved! It was the electric company that had modified our usage of the electricity because of the unusually high demand.

It seems the furnace heat was also generated by electricity, and nearly everyone in Florida was freezing, hence the low electricity flow precluding the oven from properly reaching a useful temperature.

It seemed as though the electric company’s modified usage of electricity would be continued until Florida Power felt otherwise, Amen.

Dad was hungry, Mom was scouring Betty Crocker’s Cookbook for advice, and I was curious how my smart parents could have been conned into paying for a product they were not able to use because of bureaucracy.

Yet here we, as a nation are, today.

Our brilliant president, Joe “Plugs” Biden, along with Jennifer Granholm, Pete Buttigieg, plus a smattering of compliant electric companies, nation-wide, are all giggling that they are now currently subjecting Americans to the games they are playing with our lives and money and futures.

Nearly immediately upon entering office, Plugs signed an Executive Order mandating the end of any vehicle not of the electric type. Guaranteeing an immediate cost-saving return, added to the convenience of not having to ‘gas-up,’ the electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers have been busy, busy, busy, pushing their hokum with aplomb.

An immediate rise in sales of Tesla EVs was evident with America’s highways and byways now becoming cluttered with “T” emblems emblazoned thereon. Ford, Chevrolet, Audi, Mercedes, Toyota, and Hyundai are also offering their versions of EVs for convenience and economy.

Economy in the form of not buying gas or diesel fuel, besides ‘refueling’ your EV at home convenience, are two weak selling points, that is. Unfortunately, all is not what it seems.

To encourage more rich people to purchase EVs, incentives in the form of rebates are being offered. The way these rebates work is the guvment takes your tax dollars and gives them to “the wealthy who are not paying their fair share.”

Costing upwards of $70,000, EV buyers can use their 2024 federal electric vehicle tax credit of $7500, to help defray the costs. The same is likely to occur during our switch from gas to electric ranges.

Taking a lengthy trip in your EV has consequences, too. Needing to be charged pretty regularly, Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, the third-least qualified Biden cabinet secretary, promised to build 500,000 charging stations across the American nation. And he has done so with great success.

In January 2024, the Biden-Harris administration announced they signed a grant to the tune of $623,000,000 for building EV charging stations. As of today, there have been a grand total of…

Seven stations built with that money. Pretty successful if you ask me. Let’s have a round of applause for Secretary Pete! A quick check with my calculator promised me that at this rate, it will only take 41,666 years tom complete this ambitious project. Now that is forward thinking. Yea!

Of course, we should calculate the replacement costs of the batteries used to power these EVs. Costing in the $8,000 to $10,000 range, replacement batteries seem like a terrific way for the consumers/owners/drivers to save some real money. Remember that cost effectiveness over buying gas that Plugs intentionally inflated?

All this is for the good of the environment, according to the federal funding pickpockets. Grant monies, federal contracts, as well as assistance programs, all feed this monstrous guvmental juggernaut.

In fact, this giant environmental scam is nothing more than another ladder rung to control the average American’s mobility and sense of self. By selling you a product, such as an EV, with no way of charging it, perpetual brown-outs to limit your availability to electricity and costing exorbitant amounts of money to preclude the “average” person from buying one, they only guarantee more control over you.

With everything electric – vehicles, stoves, water heaters, air conditioners, furnaces, lighting, and outdoor equipment, the guvment can, and will, control everything – EVERYTHING – in your life.

What you eat, when you eat, what you drive, when and where you travel, vacation distances, plus your home’s thermostat, are all going to be controlling factors in your life, sooner rather than later.

Democrats have long desired the elimination of our comfortable societal norms. They call eliminating electricity in favor of candles, progress.

That’s another example of the guvment making you go cold turkey.