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Monday, December 21, 2020

The Break

You’ve undoubtedly heard this story, or at least parts thereof, before.  However here is an important update that will show you what mettle is, or isn’t.


The world has been plagued with a virus called COVID-19 since the end of 2019.  It originated in China, Wuhan to be exact, and has since spread throughout the planet infecting millions without prejudice.


We are quickly approaching the one-year mark of this super-pandemic, but not without verbal gyrations from politicians that we hired to protect and guide us.


Since the beginning, big American city mayors along with state guvnors have been picking on President Donald J. Trump because they think it is a sport. President Trump attempted many maneuvers to stifle COVID-19 including stopping Chinese and other foreign visitors from coming to America.  Alas, his efforts were met with name-calling and open defiance.


He paraded noted doctors and scientists in front of regular news conferences and updates again with negative responses.  Every major “news” outlet plus CNN and MSNBC ardently tried to poke holes into each session thereby sullying President Trump’s credibility.


And regularly, President Trump added his own information betwixt the “science” those noted doctors and scientists offered in the name of keeping the public informed.  President Trump continued interjecting possible dates of a vaccine rollout in a measured way to avoid national and possible world-wide panic, just as a true leader should.


But this past year was also an election year.  President Trump was running for re-election against Democrats Joseph R, Biden and Kamala Harris.  Their leftist intentions were unleashed early in the campaign with full backing by the mainstream media.


Biden repeatedly contended President Trump was a perpetual liar throughout; of course the equally simple-minded Harris continued the lack of candor, all without merit.  Their saving grace was that their puppet-masters kept them both safely hidden from questions harder than their favorite color.


But suddenly, a mainstream media fabricator made a mistake and asked a question that was more challenging than the other handful.  Harris was asked if she would get the COVID vaccine if it was developed and approved.


This is actually a pretty simple question being asked of what was touted as the smartest black, woman of color, lawyer, and former state prosecutor on the planet.  Normally a yes or no answer, Harris opted for the essay answer.


Now is a good time to interject the fact that throughout the campaign up to this point, both Biden and Harris complained non-stop about President Trump not getting a vaccine for this international scourge.  Further, Biden enjoyed lying about President Trump “killing” over 200,000 Americans.


Woman of color, Kamala Harris

In her usual inebriated voice-style, Harris, with a toothy grin, spewed a nearly inaudible saga.  She coyly said she would refuse to get any vaccine created under President Trump’s term.  Not the uniting response one would hope for from a public figure, and always the smartest person in the room.


As luck would have it, several pharmaceutical companies seem to have had a stroke of good luck with the discovery of a COVID vaccine only days after The Democratic Dream Team was elected over the incumbent.


It’s been nearly a month since this unbelievably good news was made public.  Not a peep about whether either one, or both, of the Democratic brain trust will, indeed, get the vaccine.


Maybe this dynamic duo wants people to guess about their thoughts or intentions, not unlike the way they offered little in the way of pre-electoral facts or post electoral victory goals.


It would be criminal if they set a poor example by not getting this life-saving vaccine only to add to the hundreds-of-thousands of COVID-19 American deaths.  After all, they both demanded it be developed post haste, as if President Trump was sitting by idly.


In horse racing, when the starting line gates swing open at the sound of the bell, the equines dash out to garner a position in front of the pack; that is called the break and usually sets the important tone for the balance of the race.


Let’s carefully watch the break in this political horse race to see if they are the correct candidates to be chosen.  My wager is they are losers.

Monday, December 14, 2020

More Equal


It was November 19, 1863, when then-President Abraham Lincoln delivered his now-famous Gettysburg Address.  He was speaking at the dedication of the National Cemetery of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.


"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”


The above sentence is the first paragraph of that address which was intended to verify the equality of all people, including slaves.  This date was only mid-way through the Civil War which would last until 1865; President Lincoln attempted to make sense of the 51,000 deaths of kin killing kin.


Lincoln’s effort to reunite the country failed, but his speech was regarded as monumental because of the pause he gave a divided America’s citizenry.


Once again in case you forgot: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”


For roughly a century, America itself made feeble attempts at integrating, most of which were utter failures.  Those failures continue today.


That pesky “all men are created equal” cluster of words has proved to be elusive in labors working to unite the country, rather than divide.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, was assassinated in 1968 while still fighting for Lincoln’s “all men are created equal.”  Alas, those words remained hollow.


Dribs and drabs of additional efforts to unite American people have seen mixed results of success. 


According to Congressionally passed Public Law 88-352, “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.” 


It can be clearly seen throughout much of the past 150-years since Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, our country has struggled with making everyone whole and keeping the country afloat.


Throughout much of the summer of 2020 a cluster of Leftist-run American cities endured riots, looting, arson, mayhem, property destruction, and human life-losses, all in the name of some conjured racist name, Black Live Matter (BLM).


Although seemingly innocuous, the racists still among us have now gravitated toward re-segregation via violent BLM confrontations.  Spitting upon non-blacks by blacks, shouting racist slogans at whites, throwing dangerous projectiles at innocent bystanders, have all been deemed acceptable under the guise of equality.  That is sanctioned discrimination.  Amen.


I’m going to forego the trying times we’ve been experiencing with the Wuhan Flu pandemic, and the questionable presidential election.


But we are now at a crossroads where we can embrace one another or create a Civil War II.


A man who is the presumptive – but not officially called at-this-time – president, Joseph Biden, is already gearing up and staffing his presumptive cabinet in hopes of a victory.


Biden was Vice President to Barack Hussein Obama, and in 2012, Biden endorsed same-sex marriages for his LGBTQ constituents.

Democrats' favorite politician

He is now attempting to deliver on sweeping promises he made on his road to the White House.  He is prepared to fill many federal agencies, including the State Department and National Security Council with LGBTQ staffers and high-level authorities.  He declared he would sign laws to ensure the LGBTQ community would be protected from who-knows-what.


While this may seem like an innocuous way to operate, a person’s sexuality has no bearing on whether someone should get a job or not.  There are already laws in place that prohibit discrimination in virtually every facet of daily life. 


Behavior such as giving job preference to people with different sexual habits amounts to discrimination of a different kind.  Any future endeavors by politicians must exclude pandering and staffing based upon your sexual proclivity.  It’s the law, you know.


"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” 


Another big lie.  Amen..

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dear America


Dear America:


This seems to be an ideal time to write a letter to half the country.  If you’re not sure which half you’re in, please read on.  You’ll figure it out.


With the 2020 election still undecided as of this writing, congratulations may be in order, or maybe not, depending on who wins.  Again, as of this moment, Donald Trump is President; if he is, Joseph Biden, his opponent, is not.  End of discussion.


You had the ability to continue the fantastic economic rise in this country, helping IRA holders with their retirement plans, but you declined.  Rather, you listened to Democrats lie about President Trump’s mishandling of the economy; he didn’t. 

President Donald Trump until January 20,2021


You listened to Democrats insist President Trump lied about everything including the Wuhan Flu; he didn’t.


You heard Democrats fabricate stories about riots and arson and looting in Democratic-controlled cities.  They lied to you.


You heard that “climate change” was rampant and was certain to kill us all.  They lied again, inasmuch as it didn’t, and won’t.


You heard that Russians colluded with citizen Trump during the 2016 election to give him the win.  It didn’t’, he didn’t; they lied again.


You heard the media shoveling bull stuff about COVID-19.  They manufactured “facts” that it could be controlled and/or eliminated by not wearing masks, wearing masks, avoiding contact with others, not getting a flu vaccine if available, using varying drugs, maintaining something called “social distancing.”  In other words, confusion-for-all.


Because of these lies, and because too many stupid people voted for Democrats, we are headed for a one-party system that will steamroll any and all legislation through the system for many years to come.


Hospitals will be outlawed, as will guns.  Businesses will soon be owned by the state, your kids will become – hard to believe – even dumber because of the new school curriculum.  Your car will be powered by batteries.  You’ll be wearing masks for the balance of your life, and your $15-minimum wage will go to pay more in taxes and “free” healthcare.


Congratulations on getting what you asked for.  I watched you cheer in the streets and heard all the Left’s brain trust cry and whine and threaten to leave America unless Trump was ousted.


He may be.  And now you can be proud.  At least until the First Amendment disappears.  And I hope you’ll think of me second, right after the guy to whom you gave your big middle finger, President Donald J. Trump.




Uncle Paul



Monday, November 23, 2020

Virginia is for Losers


I’m always ready for a good laugh.  A fellow with whom I used to work, Mike, had a virtual quiver full of them.  It was a pleasure to run across Mike and hear a joke to make me chuckle.


Alas, upon my retirement, Mike and I went different ways and the jokes stopped.  Almost.


While reading a recent copy of the USA Today, a humorous rag in and of itself, I ran across yet another story in the Land of Northam.


The Land of Northam is a place sandwiched between the People’s Republic of Maryland and North Carolina.  More readily recognizable as the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Land of Northam should be the new name in honor of another pandering Democratic clown.


Guvnor Ralph Northam, leader of Virginia – not unlike that of a third world banana republic – is forever on the search for ways to lie and pander.  He lies to the general populace who pay their taxes and hence, their bills; he also panders to the malcontents who pay nothing but know where the government teat is.


This is where we begin our weekly trip through the proverbial looking glass.  Not unlike Alice in Wonderland, Guvnor Northam is making things in a perfectly fine state go from good to bad, rather than bad to good.


Evidence abounds in this East Coast land of over 8,000,000 voters that Guvnor Northam is contorting facts into falsehoods to further his own distorted objectives.  I personally believe it is to pave his way to a presidential run in the near future.  But I digress.


A few recent past stories delved into Northam’s shenanigans over his wearing blackface, and his desire to disarm legal firearm owners.  The result of these successful campaigns only paved the way for more of the same overreaching to distort the line of sanity.


The entitlement crowd reached his ear and helped him draw a line to connect-the-dots of safety-for-all.  Unfortunately his mental weakness found lines drawing a picture of safety-for-none.


Virginia House Bill 5058 may not seem important to anyone living outside the Old Dominion.  But those people would be wrong, too.


HB 5058 is a bill entitled “Marijuana and certain traffic offenses; issuing citations, etc."

At first blush it would appear to be a good thing.  Without reading the bill itself, addressing certain traffic stops might behoove society-at-large.


Once again, one would be wrong.


HB 5058 is another Northam Brain Trust idea that made its sordid way through the system in an effort to stifle safety for votes.


Yeah, the title “Marijuana and certain traffic offenses; issuing citations, etc," would make you think this is just another example of inane action from a state senate trying to appear to earn its money.  But you would be wrong, again.


This bill is designed to prevent police – read that again – from stopping vehicles not using headlights after dark.  It also addresses other issues regarding stopping vehicles for multiple equipment violations to include illegal tint, non-working taillights, expired registration, and non-working exhaust.


Neatly packed therein is a provision for exemption from stopping pedestrians from jaywalking and walking into hard-to-see highway situations.  If I had an emoji key I would insert a thumbs-up one here as an example of sarcasm.


After some contemplative thought, I can only logically reason the purpose of this rollback of safety measures is to pander to those in society who cannot follow rules and laws.


Not stopping cars with serious equipment violation would not make our highways safer; rather these bone-headed measures would imperil everyone else on our roads.  Don’t believe me?


I lived in the Old Dominion since the mid-‘70’s.  Back then – and I mean 1970’s, not 1870’s – vehicle inspections were a semi-annual annoyance whose primary roll served as a revenue generator.


After decades of lobbying and common sense, those inspections were generously modified to once-per-year at a benefit for less-than-affluent drivers.  Cries of woe circulated about the airwaves and media in a Chicken Little fashion.  Predictions of death traps plying the public roadways would take countless lives, alas, never materialized.


Fast-forward to today.  Those measures to keep Virginia extra safe suddenly vanished.  And now Guvnor Northam wants to repeal these all-important safety measures because they directly affect a specialized segment of Virginia that refuses to assimilate because of some misperceived slight.  You know who they are.  Wink, wink.


Instead of growing a spine for law-abiding citizens Guvnor Ralph Northam is fertilizing a more lawless society in which the dregs win once again.  And while this could be a joke worthy of my buddy Mike, it is not a joke and not funny.


Thanks, Guvnor.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Not a Step


Yesterday I was prepping for my semi-annual task to clean the gutters.  Out came the trash bag to line the garbage can, my gutter scoop which neatly fits inside the trough and removes debris very efficiently, my gloves, and the folding ladder.


I dutifully dragged all this stuff to my starting point – the rear of the house.  It was a pleasant day with temps in the low 70’s, and humidity at a comfortable 54%.  This was a better fishing day than gutter cleaning day anyway you looked at it.  But I digress.


Stripers would be moving down the coast following the warmer water for their annual spawn.  Examples in the 48-inch range, weighing upwards of 35 pounds could be expected from the surf.  However I was cleaning gutters.  But I digress, again.


With all the tools at the ready, and my sainted wife at hand prepared to give me pointers about how to better do a job she’s never actually performed herself, I was geared up to begin the task.


Upon grabbing the ladder – it is a newer folding aluminum type that weighs nearly as much as a Buick, almost as much as me – I couldn’t help but notice the copious labels peppered about the legs, rungs, and that step on top that actually isn’t a step but people step on all the time.


I’m sure that’s what all those people in the emergency rooms nationwide are thinking waiting to see a doctor and x-ray technician.


In any case, those labels caught my attention this time; I’ve been using this ladder since my sainted wife bought it for me some ten years ago in an attempt to transform herself into an instant widow.  But that is another story for another time.


A possible replacement for 
capital punishment use

I began reading these labels written in LARGE RED letters.  I suppose that meant this label was important, but no more important than the other 17 permanently afixed labels.


Of course most of these warnings neatly fit into the category of “common sense.”  Then you must remember who is buying and using these ladders.


Warnings such as not propping the metal ladder against electrical power lines, using it on a trampoline, not having more than one idiot on the ladder at one time, and not to step on that top step that’s not a step.


Then, my mind began drifting to real-life situations.


My mind stopped on Dr. Anthony Fauci, an American physician and immunologist.  You may have heard of him as the guy who the United States relied upon to cure some little-known flu, COVID-19, now a pandemic.


In the early stages of this terrible flu, Dr. Fauci insisted we, as a populace, follow specific rules and regulations as directed by knowledgeable doctors, himself included.


He claimed we could avoid getting COVID-19 if we washed our hands for 20-seconds.  He insisted masks were not going to help, as did the United States Surgeon General.


It was about two-months later that revealed Dr. Fauci recanted and insisted we wear masks to stop the spread of this invisible terror.  And we did.  And we distanced ourselves six-feet from one another to avoid spreading the COVID.


But that didn’t help, either.  We were amid a presidential election during this time, and President Donald Trump’s challenger, Joseph Biden, proudly announced how he would end this disease once and for all.


Biden verbally poked President Trump by insisting The President killed 220,000 Americans.  Of course he didn’t.  But the mainstream media pretended they were deaf and said and did nothing to refute Biden.


Biden’s recipe for a cure was to make everyone wear a mask.  He said that if elected, he would mandate that mask wearing, and with sleight of hand, he insisted he could keep it under control.


For the record, Smokey the Cat thought that was a stupid statement even for Biden.  Still, the populace loved it and turned out in record numbers to vote for him (wink, wink).


The sad part is that after national lockdowns, month-long quarantines, and social distancing for roughly eleven months, record numbers of COVID contractions are being reported.


This is, in fact, an ideal situation for America and hopelessly stupid Americans.


If Joseph Robinette Biden winds-up being elected our 46th President, he will have a golden opportunity to test his mask-wearing theory on Americans from coast-to-coast.


As an aside, while I was at a Tallmart the other day, I noticed countless zombies with their obligatory masks strategically placed under their chins, and beneath their noses.  I suppose they believe air does not enter and escape from their nostrils.  Alas.


In any case, comparing my gutter cleaning episode to Dr. Fauci’s and Joe Biden’s mask fiats, I got the job done by using common sense and taking a chance by standing on the top ladder step that was not designed to be stepped on.


Life is not risk-free. 


I’m still alive after months of political bullying.  And so are you.  Think about that.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Rosie Ruiz winning the Boston Marathon - almost

 Today we’re beginning with a trip in the Wavelength Acceleration Bidirectional Asynchronous Controller, also known as the WABAC Machine, pronounced ‘wayback.’


The WABAC has taken countless people throughout trips in cartoon history, mainly in the Mr. Peabody toons which looked at Improbable History via this time travel device.


It is the spring of 1980, Boston, Massachusetts, and the annual Boston Marathon has just ended.


A 26-year old woman, Rosie Ruiz, a Cuban immigrant, finished first in the women’s division in near-record time.  This incredible feat left the throngs of marathon fans and participants awestruck.  Having a relative unknown finish that well in such a major race spoke volumes.


She was quickly ushered to the presenter’s podium for placement of the traditional laurel wreath upon her head when it was noticed Ruiz was not even sweating.  Although physically appearing weak, her hair was still well-coiffed, and her complexion was not strained red from the 26-mile run.


One can only imagine the diversity-identity crowds cheering for the winning woman, the Latina, or the Cuban transplant – you fill-in-the-blank.


News organizations were agog and her photo was splashed across major newspapers and magazines, alike.  She was our new hero, uh, heroine.  Yeah!


Unfortunately, some busy-bodies stuck their nosy noses where they didn’t belong.  Witnesses came forward to identify Ruiz as a subway rider during the Marathon.  It seems as though she climbed aboard the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) wearing her running clothes and sporting her registration number pinned thereon.


She explained to her fellow passengers that she sprained her ankle during the early part of the race and had quit.


But quit she did not.  Rather, she disembarked the subway a few blocks away from the finish line, only to join the runners approaching the end.  Her timing was impeccable as she slipped into the dwindled pack of remaining athletes to luckily finish first.


Following an inquiry, Ruiz admitted to her abbreviated run, cut from 26-miles to roughly one.  An in-depth inquisition revealed Ruiz was a participant in a similar scam during the New York City Marathon, too.  Her legal troubles continued throughout her life with theft and narcotics arrests which only cemented her life of woe.


Rosie Ruiz came to mind when I picked up this morning’s newspaper.  Its headline proudly announced that Joe Biden had won the general election against incumbent President Donald Trump.


This was baffling to me as all the states had yet to complete their tallying of the voting ballots.  It seems there are allegations of cheating by counting incomplete ballots, late ballots, and non-postmarked ballots.


Gloating throngs have been gathering in the streets of New York City, Philthydelphia, Atlanta, and Detroit, cheering the presumed loss of the election by President Trump.


Shenanigans abounded back in 1980 as in 2020.  Although not as critical as the presidential contest, the Boston Marathon is an important component in tradition and history of American competitiveness.


 The Presidential election is much more important to the mechanics of a free nation than a sporting event; it is the pavement on which a nation moves smoothly from day-to-day.  And any disruption, either accidental or intentional, significantly disturbs that trip through history.


Let’s wait until the final count is in before Rosie Ruiz, uh, Joe Biden is called for taking the subway to the finish line.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Free Advice


Election Day is November 3rd, 2020.  Many, many pundits have been seemingly endlessly telling you for whom you should vote.  I will not do that.


But today I’m suggesting you NOT vote for Joseph Robinette Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris.


If you are still undecided, your vote should be taken away.  I’m just saying.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Waterboard Me, Please!

This recycled story is from November 2019, and will hopefully entertain you with a brief smile until a new posting next week.  Please enjoy.


My school grades one through eight were spent in a parochial institution of learning for wise guys.  Sure there were girls that attended classes with us, but they, too, were equally guilty of driving the teaching nuns crazy.


Back then we didn’t learn about having abortions or protesting civil matters or demanding action for climate change.  Rather, we studied such inane things as geography, history, arithmetic, foreign languages, art, and English.


We were expected to excel at all of these disciplines with the addition of homework that needed to be addressed at home, hence the name.  The main reason for this was to see how much our parents knew, and whether or not they would help us with these extracurricular assignments.


Two different times required me asking my parents for help; one was for my Polish class, the other was for my arithmetic class.


Since both my parents and grandparents spoke fluent Polish, their help was certainly instrumental in getting a good grade in that class.


It was during my arithmetic class, however, that nerves and familial ties were threatened.


My Dad was a machinist, by trade, who used fractions every day, all day.  My Mom was a housewife who excelled at taking care of the family, but didn’t need to know much about math except for making change and during cooking.


One day, I remember coming home from school with what I, in the third grade remember like I remember the thorough disciplinary beatings I received from my Dad.


We were trying to get though something called “fractions.”


It seems as though fractions are a way to test the cohesiveness of families, and secretly conduct a comprehensive analysis of the intelligence of a student’s immediate relatives.


After nearly sixty-years, I still recall that day just as if it was hours old.  Sister Agnes began drawing a circle on the blackboard.  As an aside, a blackboard was what us old relics wrote on before whiteboards were invented.


Sister Agnes made that circle nearly perfect before drawing a line straight down the middle; the class carefully duplicated her every move.


She turned toward the class and told us that each side was one-half.  She then turned away to secretly take a sip from what appeared to be a silver hip flask similar to that of my Grandpapa.


More lines were drawn and more sips were taken.  And with each line, the class became more baffled, to the point where we all needed a sip from that flask.


My crude circle with lines made its way home with me.  When my Dad finished his dinner, he asked how school was, and then asked the question for which he was sorry the rest of his life.


“Do you have any homework?”


After a few tears of failure streamed from my eyes, I produced the papers upon which the infamous circles and lines were scribbled.  “Fractions,” I whispered.


My Dad didn’t have much in the way of patience, so I knew this was going to be tough.


He produced fresh paper and a pencil and began with the circles again.  Again.  And again.


He kept drawing circles and lines.  And each circle got larger, as if it would be easier for me to comprehend it if they were more visible.


It didn’t take long before he ran out of both paper and patience.


My tears reappeared and my Dad became more contemplative.


After a break, he returned with scissors and more paper and a magic marker.  The paper became a pie.  He snipped long the thick, black lines, and eventually we had ourselves a two-dimensional pie with numerous slices.


As he reassembled the paper pie, the varying slices made more sense as ¼, ½, ¾, and one whole pie.


He even taught me how turn ¼ into 0.25 – fractions into decimals.  After all, that was his job as a machinist.


Success, at last!  But then I was diappointed because my Dad didn’t let me have a sip from his silver hip flask.  Alas.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Vote Wisely

In case you are not one of the roughly 24,000,000 people who have already voted for the president, I need you to be aware of something important.


Practically daily, candidate Joseph Robinette “Plugs” Biden utters another inane statement that should be taken into account before you vote.  Another important point is that over the past week, information has been bubbling about Plugs and his involvement with both the Ukrainians and Chinese governments.


It should come as no surprise that both the Ukrainians and Chinese are corrupt governments run by corrupt leaders.


Ukraine was front and center in the news since the election of President Donald Trump in 2016.  Speaking of corrupt, U.S. Congressguy Adam Schiff has been over-enthused about Ukraine and its leaders, and an association betwixt the Trump administration and Ukraine and Russia, for some years now.


Not to beat a dead horse, Schiff has been singing the same tired song about President Trump being in collusion with the Ukrainians, because he hates both President Trump and his followers.


Special commissions, hearings, investigations as well as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) intrusions, have been a constant in an effort to  exact revenge and ire upon the Trump administration, to no avail.


Although the proverbial deck was stacked against President Trump, no evidence was found that could implicate him in anything as smarmy and illegal as Schiff has been involved.


All the while, the Democrats were carefully selecting a new candidate to run against President Trump during the upcoming 2020 election.  After a comical field of idiots and racists were paraded around for our scrutiny, the Democrat Party selected Plugs Biden.


I’ll wait until you finish laughing.


Biden, who has genuine trouble speaking off-the-cuff, continues to speak off-the-cuff with familiar disastrous results.  He forgets where he is, what position for which he is running, names of associates, and he even fails to recognize his wife.


His problems may only worsen – even though the mainstream media and social media, alike, are ardently protecting him – because of his son, Hunter.  It seems as though Hunter has been the recipient of quite a job coup with both the Ukrainians and Chinese.


Those same people Comrade Schiff interviewed and investigated for evidence on President Trump, are now found to be in collusion with Hunter and his Dad.  Monies of Hunter’s salaries number in the nose-bleed arena of $83,000 per month, from Ukraine.


Chinese influence brings the amount to well-over $10,000,000, for a guy whose only asset is his last name.  Stevie Wonder could clearly see this is influence peddling, but Representative Schiff sees otherwise.


Schiff, once again, sees Russian involvement on behalf of President Trump and his re-election.  Talk about poor judgment by voters.  But I digress.


In any case, neither Biden nor Trump has cinched the election yet.  And this added-value information should be enough to sway the minds of honest voters – the ones who repeatedly cry for truthful candidates who will be straightforward with their constituents.


Those 24,000,000 already voted crowd members are SOL.  Something tells me it wouldn’t matter to them anyway.  But I digress, again.


But here’s more information that usually doesn’t reach the voters until after the election, the truth.


This is the position of the Biden/Harris ticket as printed in the official Democratic Party Platform for 2020:

  • Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • End online sales of guns and ammunition.
  • Ensure [that] the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “have sufficient resources to study gun violence as a public health issue.”
  • Enact universal background checks.
  • Halt the safety valve that allows would-be gun buyers to receive a firearm after a background check has stalled out for more than three days.
  • Require guns be safely stored in homes.
  • Push for states to enact licensing requirements for owning firearms.
  • Incentivize states to implement extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws.
  • Prioritize repealing the law that shields gun manufacturers from lawsuits.


If you don’t want the ability to protect yourself, and you believe the police will be defunded, and the Second Amendment will be repealed or over-ridden by Executive Order, and you think you might enjoy being enslaved by a Socialist government, please vote for Joseph Robinette “Plugs” Biden.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Random Thoughts VII


Here’s another round of the ever-popular Random Thoughts.  Please enjoy this list and feel free to share it with your friends and enemies.


  • If America wants to end Fentanyl drug overdoses, it should stop administering Narcan.
  • Newspapers should change their names to Collusion and Impeachment Rags.
  • We need to invent a word that rhymes with “orange.”
  • Why does a Hyundai resemble the Jaguar?
  • How does one milk an almond?  They don’t have teats.
  • President Trump is referred to as Racist, Bigot, Misogynist, and Stupid; why wasn’t President Obama referred to as a Post Turtle?
  • Nothing rhymes with “silver,” either.
  • I detest mimes.
  • Without the Second Amendment, you wouldn’t have the First Amendment.
  • I prefer my grapes in a bottle with a cork.
  • Brainwashing is alive and well in the climate change arena.
  • Thank God for Greta Thunberg; suddenly I look intelligent.
  • Who writes and approves new television shows?  They should be embarrassed.
  • Does anyone really care if a pumpkin is a squash?
  • President Donald Trump is the BEST.
  • If Adam Schiff doesn’t take medications, he should.
  • The Accomack County Sheriff’s Office puts the stupid employees on the phone.
  • Is CNN still on the air?
  • I carry a gun because it’s so much easier than carrying a cop.
  • Vote the Senate and House deadwood out of office.  Forty-years are much too long to grow roots.
  • Why does Glock have 39 versions of the same pistol?
  • Thank goodness for syphilis; it actually makes Jerry Nadler appear palatable.
  • I no longer engage in fantasy football; I now wager on the Democratic presidential nomination.
  • Hooray for Elizabeth Warren!  Take all of Bernie Sanders’ and Michael Bloomberg’s money!
  • I still hate mimes.
  • Why do cemeteries have fences and locked gates?
  • If cannibals ate a clown, would it taste funny?
  • Joe Biden has been in government for 46-years, Bernie Sanders for 29, and Liz Warren 19.  That proves the government is designed to hire the unhireable,
  • The New York Giants should start playing baseball; they might be better at that sport.
  • If you want to be a vegetarian, great.  Leave me alone, though.
  • Where would one buy a stripper pole?
  • Why would I buy an electric car?  I can’t keep a battery in my non-electric car.
  • I believe the Democratic Party should change its name to Angry Nitwits Party.
  • Former President Barack Hussein Obama looks stupider every day.
  • Saint Hillary Clinton should have her portrait carved into Mt. Rushmore.
  • I was kidding about the previous point.
  • Whatever you want to make me aware of, I’m not interested in.  Thanks, though.
  • Is Maxine Waters still alive?  If so, is she lucid?
  • Why are there cooking schools?  My wife never attended one and cooks just great.
  • God bless President Donald Trump!

Post Turtle Barack Obama
He doesn't belong there, and
no one knows how he got there.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Economics 102

What a pepperoni pizza should look like

The reason there are so many ads is because those advertisers need to sell their products.  When your product sells well you don’t need to advertise.  When your product doesn’t sell, you usually resort to bombarding the airwaves with annoying ads.

If you ever watched television or listened to the radio you may have noticed commercial advertisements occupy roughly one-third of every hour of airtime.


Ads are vehicles to make a product more attractive to the average person.  Transforming people into consumers is an art, frequently proven by Madison Avenue-types that can persuade you to buy adult diapers and automobile car mats.


Quality products don’t necessarily require ads in order to sell.  Take Rolls Royce, for example.  I have never heard or seen a sales blurb for a Silver Cloud, likely because they normally sell well without the cost of marketing.


Many, many years ago, my sainted wife and I found ourselves with enough extra cash to buy not only a pizza, but a pizza delivered, with extra toppings.

We heard regular ads about Domino’s on television.  Being over twenty-years ago, I don’t recall the particulars of the promotions, only that their pies looked yummy, steaming, and chock full o’ pepperoni and other goodies.

We called to place the order, and about a half-hour later it arrived.



Upon opening the box we immediately noticed this large pizza had only two pieces of pepperoni thereon.  Two.  Only two.


Being a rare occasion ordering food delivered, we were taken aback.  Taken aback enough for me to call for a ruling on toppings.


On the other end of the phone was an unapologetic douchebag who clearly told me if I didn’t care for Domino’s pizzas, not to buy anymore.  Amen.


I didn’t.  In fact, after 20-years, I’ve never bought anything from Domino’s.  By the way, if Domino’s sold artificial hearts, and I desperately needed one, I’d go without before patronizing Domino’s ever again.  Amen.


In these past 20-years, I’ve seen countless ads for Domino’s.  And I’ll wager it’s not because they can’t keep pizzas in stock; rather it’s likely they can’t give them away.


As an aside, we gravitated toward Papa John’s for pizza.  While in Florida, we called Papa John – I don’t believe we spoke to the actual Papa John, though – for a pizza.


Again, it was as awful as Domino’s.  My sainted wife wrote a thoughtful letter to Papa John’s regarding the terrible food we received and the lack of post-sale empathy.


She is still waiting for a apologetic response seven-years later; I don’t think she’s going to get one.


The reason for such awful food and treatment of their customers reaches far beyond pizza joints.  Businesses such as Sears, Montgomery Ward, K-Mart, Radio Shack, and a host of others, ignored their customer complaints, too.


All this leads me to point out the fact that private corporations need to turn a profit.  Without profits, there is no more company.  No company means no jobs and subsequently, no employees.  And aligned therewith, no awful pizza.


This is really pretty simple.  Until you begin a conversation about “universal health care.”


Often intentionally confused with health insurance, politicians are desperately attempting to acquire complete control over your body and health.  The important word in that last sentence is “control.”


No one outside of your immediate family is likely concerned about your health and well-being.  Well, perhaps your doctor and insurance company, but few others.


If you give this story some honest consideration you will realize the result of your universal health care will be managed by idiots who could care less about your maladies or life.


The antithesis of a private corporation is government.  In direct opposition to profit making is government incompetence and wholesale waste.


It will be those same pimply-faced pizza phone answerers who have since weaseled their way into government positions, from secretaries to senators, that will be sassing you when you need help with a chronic illness or life-changing legislation offering you deaf ears.


And just as with no resolution of pepperoni shortage, or total lack of communication from some arrogant Papa, your government representative will ignore and belittle you when you want and need them most.


Although Domino’s and Papa John’s still spend too much on advertising, and too little on customer care, they remain in business, if only for a short while more.  The government is also totally disinterested in you except for your money.


But the government won’t go out of business.  And that’s too bad.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Karl Marx was not a Marx Brother


It’s the end of September, quickly closing in on October 2020, and the world is at the 11th hour of losing its collective minds.


A presidential election is nigh, with Republicans fielding incumbent President Donald Trump, and the Democrats offering Senators Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris for the president and vice-president spots, respectively.


Only about a month in the future, this election positions the United States on the verge of greater short-term times or absolute failure, depending upon which candidate is elected the highest office.


Brainwashed college children, society’s “gimmes,” and Democratic politicians, alike, are pulling for the Biden/Harris ticket as the solution to their total fabrications and hatred for the current president, President Trump has reached a crescendo.


Adding to this nearly out-of-control scenario, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died just a week ago, thereby creating a void on the Court.  Alas, say Democrats.


Cerebrally challenged college students were asked about President Trump’s replacement selection for Justice Ginsberg, only to wail in pain over his racist and misogynistic choice, a full four-days before the President announced his pick.  (An aside: He is scheduled to announce his candidate eight-hours from now.)


Their biases be damned – no good can come from the current White House, they say.


Race traitor Comrade Harris
and her husband

Child-like behavior is not limited to college children, either.  Low-IQ candidate, Comrade Harris, seems to be more interested in the pronunciation of her non-black name (she is half Jamaican, half Indian,) than her hatred of the Second Amendment and personal responsibility.  There is little, if any “African-American” in her as per her lineage.


Often angrily criticizing reporters and such who mispronounce her name, she should realize people who name their children should be blamed, not those who address her.  I’m just sayin’.


To punctuate her strength as a woman, and a woman-of-color at that, she feels the need to pander to those pukes that created utter chaos in Northwestern, Midwestern, and Eastern cities.


Her opinion, as a potential Vice President, is that Black Lives Matter, a Marxist/Communistic organization whose tenets are based on anti-white racism, are correct and need support to continue “these protests as an essential component of the evolution in our country.”


That’s a polite way to tell mixed-race audiences that she is a racist, without actually saying the words.  Of course if you say the words, you immediately become a bona fide racist.  But I digress.


And when St. George Floyd died at the hands of police, and bullies and other animals rioted and looted and burned major American cities, President Trump was ushered into the White House basement as a precaution.


You see, the White House was under attack by arsonists and malcontents.  The Secret Service felt President Trump would be safer in a vaulted cellar room in the event the White House was breached.  It wasn’t.


But slanted reporters and pundits pointed their crooked little fingers at our Commander-in-Chief, referring to him as a coward because of their claim of his “hiding in the basement.”


Fast forward to today and Senator Joseph Biden.  He’s terrified of COVID-19; it’s a flu virus you may have heard of.  Biden hides in his Delaware home basement the majority of the time.


His public appearances are brief, and no questions are fielded by the Senator.  It would appear he is too fragile, too fearful, or too uninformed to talk to querying reporters.  “Hiding in his basement,” maybe?


It’s more likely Senator Biden is ducking any questions from the press is because he’s too confused to offer a cogent response.  He has a government career – sucking on the guvment teat – for nearly five-decades.  For our Canadian readers that’s nearly fifty-years.


The Biden/Harris ticket is quite the offering from the party who repeatedly profess to be the party of change.  The only change with Senator Biden is his diaper.  And Senator Harris is in dire need of an attitude change for trying to turn America into a toilet.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Twist of Fate


Irony is best described as a quirk or twist of fate.  Today we are going to wade through the swamp of irony that is both well deserved and absolutely laughable.


Today’s New York Post contained an article that caught my attention.


Paragraph one therein is as follows:

“Minneapolis City Council members, who just two months ago moved to eliminate the police department, sounded the alarm during a Wednesday meeting about a surge in crime seen by their constituents.”



What that point is depends upon who is asked.  Answers varying from justice, equality, economic fairness, reparations, and defunding the police, are just a few.


One anarchistic group calling themselves Black Lives Matter has been terrorizing peoples of all colors simply because they can.  They have burned down square city blocks of businesses, torn apart established communities, and are now threatening peaceful, unattached diners, for no apparent reason other than they are mentally challenged.


Cars have been destroyed, stores looted, innocent protestors wounded or killed, all in the name of some inane cause that permits bullies to wreak havoc.


This months-long generation of wholesale carnage has been largely ignored by most of the media.  In case you’re asking yourself, “Why?” it is because the large majority of those aforementioned “activists” are Democrats living in Democrat-controlled cities.


Local politicians who include mayors, council people, district attorneys, and police chiefs, in these now burned-out ghettoes, are predominantly black, but always socialist-leaning.

They seem to desire the power of the pulpit, so to speak, so much so, that politicians will gladly jeopardize the lives and property of their constituents.  That is certainly evident through the latest figures from insurance companies regarding the claims written thus far.

Since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day weekend, 2020, opportunists, anarchists, thugs, and protestors, have been creating chaos – some peaceful, some not – to make a point.


Estimates upward of $2,000,000,000, is modest as of today.  Of course the personal losses of photos, mementos, antiques, and other irreplaceable items – not to mention human lives – are certainly incalculable.  But those self-centered thugs don’t care.


Throughout this half-year of mayhem, Mayor Jacob Frey has been pretty vocal about supporting the destructive vandals in Minneapolis, likely trying to appease them to ensure his re-election.

Mayor Jacob Frey's re-election campaign


His cohorts on the City Council appear to the rest of the world as over-privileged snots that have no respect for anyone or anything other than themselves.


For two months, many of the Council members have been pandering to the violent animal looters and miscreants by demanding their police department be defunded.  You read that correctly.  These pukes want to remove safety and security further from the lives of Minnesotans by DEFUNDING THE POLICE.


Of course, by defunding, they mean taking tactics, equipment, and money away from those sworn officers dedicated to the protection of the populace-at-large.  The brilliant idea from this brain trust of elected morons is to have the “re-imagined” police department not enforce the laws.


Hennepin County (Minneapolis) District Attorney Mike Freeman, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party member, appears to have been removed from the George Floyd case at the behest of black Muslim Attorney General Keith Ellison.


Rather, the former cops would become social workers to intervene in instances of domestic abuse or lost pets.  Gone would be guns and cars with flashing lights and sirens.  Those would be beat into plowshares for community gardens, I presume.


It seems as though after several months of bad-mouthing their law enforcement community, the Minneapolis City Council has hit a brick wall trying to determine the cause of the reason for the Minneapolis Police Department’s apparent lack of enthusiasm in enforcing laws.


Who would have thunk it?


The people who oversee you and your job have made their lack of confidence in the police department clear.  They have been pandering to the troublemakers without concern for unity or cohesion, but are now baffled as to why the police department is not doing its job.


Smokey the Cat has this all figured out.


Perhaps it’s the Mayor, the City Council, and the State’s Attorney General that need to be defunded.


Nah, where would we get our entertainment from?