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Monday, December 14, 2020

More Equal


It was November 19, 1863, when then-President Abraham Lincoln delivered his now-famous Gettysburg Address.  He was speaking at the dedication of the National Cemetery of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.


"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”


The above sentence is the first paragraph of that address which was intended to verify the equality of all people, including slaves.  This date was only mid-way through the Civil War which would last until 1865; President Lincoln attempted to make sense of the 51,000 deaths of kin killing kin.


Lincoln’s effort to reunite the country failed, but his speech was regarded as monumental because of the pause he gave a divided America’s citizenry.


Once again in case you forgot: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”


For roughly a century, America itself made feeble attempts at integrating, most of which were utter failures.  Those failures continue today.


That pesky “all men are created equal” cluster of words has proved to be elusive in labors working to unite the country, rather than divide.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, was assassinated in 1968 while still fighting for Lincoln’s “all men are created equal.”  Alas, those words remained hollow.


Dribs and drabs of additional efforts to unite American people have seen mixed results of success. 


According to Congressionally passed Public Law 88-352, “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.” 


It can be clearly seen throughout much of the past 150-years since Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, our country has struggled with making everyone whole and keeping the country afloat.


Throughout much of the summer of 2020 a cluster of Leftist-run American cities endured riots, looting, arson, mayhem, property destruction, and human life-losses, all in the name of some conjured racist name, Black Live Matter (BLM).


Although seemingly innocuous, the racists still among us have now gravitated toward re-segregation via violent BLM confrontations.  Spitting upon non-blacks by blacks, shouting racist slogans at whites, throwing dangerous projectiles at innocent bystanders, have all been deemed acceptable under the guise of equality.  That is sanctioned discrimination.  Amen.


I’m going to forego the trying times we’ve been experiencing with the Wuhan Flu pandemic, and the questionable presidential election.


But we are now at a crossroads where we can embrace one another or create a Civil War II.


A man who is the presumptive – but not officially called at-this-time – president, Joseph Biden, is already gearing up and staffing his presumptive cabinet in hopes of a victory.


Biden was Vice President to Barack Hussein Obama, and in 2012, Biden endorsed same-sex marriages for his LGBTQ constituents.

Democrats' favorite politician

He is now attempting to deliver on sweeping promises he made on his road to the White House.  He is prepared to fill many federal agencies, including the State Department and National Security Council with LGBTQ staffers and high-level authorities.  He declared he would sign laws to ensure the LGBTQ community would be protected from who-knows-what.


While this may seem like an innocuous way to operate, a person’s sexuality has no bearing on whether someone should get a job or not.  There are already laws in place that prohibit discrimination in virtually every facet of daily life. 


Behavior such as giving job preference to people with different sexual habits amounts to discrimination of a different kind.  Any future endeavors by politicians must exclude pandering and staffing based upon your sexual proclivity.  It’s the law, you know.


"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” 


Another big lie.  Amen..