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Monday, December 2, 2019

They Really Hate You

Most people hate the truth.  If you don’t believe me, ask your spouse how you look.

That new outfit, haircut, pair of shoes, hat, or weight loss program, can all lead to an early death or divorce court, depending on the answer.

Diplomacy is the art of taking lying to a new level, and should be a required course for all relationships – both personal and professional.

Still, people wade into deep waters by continuously asking questions to which they may not want the unvarnished truth.

And then there’s something called PolitiFact. 

PolitiFact is a smarmy, Left-leaning column that appears in newspapers throughout America under the guise of fair investigating and reporting.  They don’t and aren’t.

PolitiFact's idea of Republicans
For the most part, their writers have a flair for a lack of diplomacy.

And most of PolitiFact’s columns are inane and pretty thin, making them fairly easy to see through.

But it was the one that appeared in the November 29, 2019, edition of the Tampa Bay Times, which made me unwrap the dead fish and re-read this smear column.

It seems as though PolitiFact Staff Writer Louis Jacobson, was on a roll whilst attempting to poke sharp sticks in the eyes of Republicans, in general, supporters of President Donald Trump, in particular.  And a fine job he did.

This specific hit piece addressed political polls and how to appropriately decipher them.

Section headings included “Margins of error,” State polls,” "Likely voter screens,” "Poll wording,” among others that desperately tried to carefully hide the writer’s bias.

Mr. Jacobson shouldn’t shoulder all the blame because PolitiFact appears in newspapers to include the Washington Post, owned by mega billionaire Jeff Bezos.  He’s the fellow who also owns Amazon, and is the target of deep-thinkers such as Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez, the wealth hater.

This strange relationship hasn’t kept PolitiFact from attacking half the people in America, namely President Trump supporters.

Normally, I would simply pass over these clearly partisan digs by Democrats.  But this shin-kick was just so blatant.

Under the “Education,” heading, Jacobson’s true feelings about his fellow subway riders and neighbors slipped out.

“What the past few years have demonstrated is that electoral outcomes are increasingly driven by a few key demographic factors, notably educational attainment.  Those without college educations are increasingly backing Republicans and Trump, while college-educated voters are increasingly voting for Democrats.” 

There you have it.  Quite a summary from a PolitiFact putz.

There used to be a sense of decorum throughout life – unwritten rules for keeping the peace and excluding one’s personal unbiased thoughts.  It’s clear those efforts have been abandoned by “professions” in the mass media business.

The bottom line is that if you are a Republican and/or support President Trump, you are looked upon with a disdainful eye.  In other words, “stupid.”

Diplomacy at PolitiFact is nonexistent; stop patronizing them if you’re a Republican and/or President Trump supporter.