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Monday, October 12, 2015

I’m Sick, Too!

Like cycles of the moon, fads come and go.  Pokemon©, Hula Hoop©, Frisbee©, and Paris Hilton, are all examples of fads that had their heyday and thankfully vanished into has-been status.
This also happens with foods.  Liquid chocolate fountains, chicken wings, fondue, and burned-tasting over-expensive coffee, are another few examples of fads that are going the way of the dodo.
Even medical woes have their days on the fad list.  Peanut allergies, kid’s braces, and over-tanning, have been added to that list.  And so has celiac disease, aka. CD.
Never being a fad kind-of-guy, chicken wings are about the only one with which I got involved, and it shows.
But today, nearly everyone you meet has CD. 
“I can’t eat bread because it has wheat flour,” is often heard being uttered by simple morons.
“Do you have celiac disease?” queries the deli owner.
“Uh, no.  But I heard wheat flour contains gluten, and gluten is bad,” proudly states the moron.
No, it’s not.
CD is a digestion problem that is caused by the ingestion of gluten in the form of wheat.  These vehicles include pasta, bread, cookies, cakes, and anything else made from wheat flour.
An estimated 100,000,000 American fad-followers are attempting to go gluten-free because they heard gluten was bad for you.  It is not, unless you have CD; otherwise, you are simply proving you are a sheep.
Only 1% of the population suffers from CD, and I sympathize with them.  It must be a terrible thing to live life without pizza or brownies.
I, too, suffer from allergies, including one from the spice sage.  Violently ill, would be the best way to describe my personal reaction to even smelling sage, much less eating it.  I do understand about real allergies.
But, people who merely want to join the fad of CD may actually be hurting themselves in the long run.
Your stomach may hurt because of your reduction of fiber.  You’ll be extra tired because you are ingesting fewer carbs.  Gluten-free foods often use rice as the filler; rice is a source of inorganic arsenic, and can contribute to lung cancer, bladder cancer, and type-2 diabetes.  Congrats!
In summation, businesses are trying to capitalize on your perceived medical issue of CD and are offering everything from gluten-free lap dances, to gluten-free haircuts.
Caveat emptor.  For those reader living in Philadelphia, that is Latin for ‘buyer beware.”
Next month it will be something new.  Just keep in mind that lead, uranium, and cocaine are gluten-free, too.