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Monday, March 9, 2015

Doctor, Doctor!

Three months ago I, along with countless other dupes, made a New Year’s resolution.  My resolution was to diet, exercise, and get healthier.

I’m proud to announce that after 68 solid days of regimented living I have lost a total of – drum roll, please – 2 pounds!

This health marathon did not begin January 1st.  Rather, it began decades ago when my clothes started shrinking.  Actually, they remained the same, I was simply growing.

To stave off serious illness later in life I began eating “lite” foods.  After a few years of that I began eating less lite.  There has been no alcohol in the form of beer, liquor, wine, or even flambé dishes.

The result was being a fat guy who didn’t drink.  That’s even less fun than being just a fat guy.

In any case, my doctor decided to send me to a dietician.  There I collected papers, menus, and sage advice from both the dietician and the other participants.  I should have known better since my fellow dieters had been attending this diet clinic for years, and still they were 80 pounds heavier than I.

My dietician put me on a 1200 calorie per day diet.  If you don’t know how much 1200 calories is, stop by my house and look in Smokey the Cat’s bowl.  That is 1400 calories.

I’m bringing this up now because I have a doctor’s office visit scheduled for this week and am prepared to duke it out.  You see, I gained 14 pounds on my diet since my last doctor visit.

This past year I changed my diet to be even healthier.  I grew my own veggies and fruits, and I know that they are all organic because I know what I put in and around them.

My doctor was talking to me about lettuce I grew and asked me if I got any.  I told him no, because I was too busy growing lettuce to get any.  He didn’t think that was funny.

But I got my blood test results back and they look pretty good considering I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

Of course my doctor won’t let me die until I reconcile all my bills.

For all you spindly folks reading this, keep in mind I have a metabolic imbalance –through no fault of my own - that is being re-balanced through pharmaceuticals.  Nonetheless, the antics and gyrations that are being performed are tenuous and un-fun.

And until I drop another 78 pounds, I’ll be the guy no losing weight on a diet.