Every once in a great while, we at www.EasternShoreFishandGame.com like to provide a public service. This day finds us offering selected advice that is worth exactly what it cost you – nothing.
Uncertain as to how many felons or other law-breakers regularly visit us, it is here these nefarious types can get some tips that may be of assistance for their first, or next, meeting with law enforcement personnel.
Upon seeing emergency lights and hearing a siren pursuing you, stop. This is not only a suggestion, but it is also the law.
Jumping from your vehicle and running like a gazelle won’t ingratiate you with the local constabulary. Police will follow you as your actions just indicated something suspicious is afoot as most people don’t exhibit that sort of questionable behavior. And, they will catch you.
When you are caught, don’t say, “I was scared! That’s why I ran.” Your fellow roommates in the county jail will view you as weak and that will likely make you someone’s girlfriend. Now you will really be scared.
During questioning the police detect an aroma of marijuana on you; you should tell the truth when you are asked about your dalliances with illegal hallucinogens. You may be able to fool the officer but, you won’t be able to fool the drug-sniffing dog.
If it comes to a vehicle search, and you know you have contraband in your vehicle, you can either man-up or run like a gazelle. This choice is yours and yours alone.
Using stories such as “I loaned my car to my cousin so, I don’t know what’s in it,” is a really stale excuse. I’ll wager that if the police found a shoebox full of twenties in the trunk, you would lay claim to it but, not the bale of weed. You can’t have it both ways.
As soon as the cops find a crack pipe under your seat don’t lie and deny it belongs to you, either. Lying about it belonging to your homeboy designates you as a coward. If you’re reading this while stoned, you will probably not remember the “I was scared!” line above. Please take note of this important freebie.
Police also do not like being spat upon or kicked, lied to, or having to run. They do relish being justified for using their guns so, don’t give them a chance. Simply comply with the orders they give.
Or better yet, don’t break the law in the first place.