Congratulations! You survived the 2024 elections.
Now is the time to look into the mirror to determine what you just did. Yes, for the last four years you heard the beating drum leading you to a particular candidate and issue. Throughout those four years you also were expected to gather, analyze, decipher, and ultimately vote for a candidate of your liking.
Let’s assume you did all of the above work and did it all diligently. Half of you reading this are pleased, the other half are disappointed. But why?
It’s time to examine the situation in which we are all now living to help us adjust for our collective futures.
Way, way back years ago, I used to travel to beaches for relaxation and surf fishing. My vacation time was precious, so I spent it wisely. Maximizing fishing with the tides, while visiting local sights of interest on other, non-productive intervals, was an exercise in time management, to say the least.
During the productive fishing tides, I would enjoy simply standing in ankle-deep water that would lap over my sandy tootsies. It was Heaven.
Until that annoying fellow with a clipboard would meander up behind me – not unlike a ninja preparing for an attack.
“Good morning!” was the beginning of his monologue. And so it went for the next treasured 15, or so, painful minutes. Eventually, this slug would get the message that I was disinterested in his sales spiel, but not before his perfect heist of my valuable time. His product? Time shares.
This was a regular occurrence for the duration of my mini vacation. “Annoying” is not a strong enough word to describe these regular inconveniences.
In the event you are unfamiliar with time shares, they are get-rich-quick schemes that ensnare unsuspecting travelers and vacationers into “buying” a unit in a resort area.
For only pennies a day, you, too, can have a place you can call your own at a ski resort, mountain retreat, desert oasis, or a beach; lest we forget the annual assessment and occupancy fees. The good part is that the owners maintain the property leaving you with ample time not making repairs or mowing the lawn. The bad part is that you are trapped for life.
But what the’s only pennies a day. Of course you can sell your unit share, but that is nearly impossible. If you simply stop paying pennies a day, your credit score winds-up in the toilet.
Don’t misunderstand me, they are usually very nice, located in prime areas. Prime enough whereas local government real estate assessments and taxes are regularly raised to help with the maintenance, thereby shifting the costs onto your pennies a day.
And here we are. Once giddy about that cost-effective annual vacation, forty-years hence we are ruing our lives, desperately searching for a way out.
Those time share sleaze balls didn’t lie to you when selling their goods to you. No, they merely left out the details in the fine print.
Which brings us back to our election results.
We have been on a treadmill of baloney with our politicians being less-than-candid during their time in office. After cherry picking “facts” regarding their hard sell to us, then massaging those facts into unrecognizable razzle-dazzle, we opted for what we thought was best candidate. But best for whom?
you’re a promiscuous woman, you’re delighted you voted for a
pro-baby-killing candidate. That’s the same person who ignored
federal and local laws under the “rule of law” guise. Their
administration cleverly hid the electric vehicle mandates,
out-of-control inflation, gas stove banning, open borders policy,
increased gas prices, and pro-criminal agendas, likely because it
slipped their minds.The EV mandate part that the planners forgot
Without exposing this grift on all Americans regardless of their incomes, a wink and a nod plus a broad smile conned the non-thinking into casting their ballot for just what they wanted.
It’s unfortunate that just like those pesky time shares we’re all stuck with our decisions – for better or worse.
But I’m willing to wager that the next election – if they are not outlawed for the sake of “democracy” – will be quite different from this election.
Politicians will have several years to reflect on whether to force me to buy a certain vehicle, live in a specific house, attend a particular school, work at a specified job, listen to federally subsidized “news,” or be entertained by guvment-approved artists, all in the name of freedom.
The mainstream media (MSM) has been filling our lives with tripe all for our own good; perhaps it’s because they think we are too stupid to know better.
Oh, and congratulations, again!