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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Stop Being Duped

  Politicians are adept at three things: finding a camera for their vanity speeches, taxing our money for redistribution, and lying about being media whores and reallocating our dollars to aid in their re-election.

That should be a good beginning to our deep dive into the world of “climate change.”

Climate change has been on the radar for over 50-years. Without reaching back into the hysteria of our planet freezing – no, melting – uh, rather drowning – we have been sold a bill of goods throughout those five decades.

My elementary school days were filled with math, geography, history, and science. During those science lessons, we were taught that carbon was a natural substance which, according to, “On a weight basis, carbon is 19th in order of elemental abundance in Earth’s crust, and there are estimated to be 3.5 times as many carbon atoms as silicon atoms in the universe. Only hydrogen, helium, oxygen, neon, and nitrogen are atomically more abundant in the cosmos than carbon. Carbon is the cosmic product of the “burning” of helium, in which three helium nuclei, 4, fuse to produce a carbon nucleus, atomic weight 12.”

If your eyes just glazed over, or in the event you felt as though you now need a stiff drink, what Britannica said is that carbon is abundant in nature. Carbon is the base of diamonds and oyster shells as well as petroleum and animal tissue. In other words, it’s everywhere.

Now politicians and environmentalists alike are not necessarily known for their brilliance. If they were brilliant, they would know that carbon is also in something called “carbon dioxide,” or CO₂, a by-product of exhaling living beings.

Simply put, when we inhale air, our bodies process that air through our lungs which produce CO₂. Way back when, CO₂ was thought to be a good thing because too much in the human body will cause us to suffocate. Hence, it’s good news that we rid this chemical compound from our bodies.

But, according to NOAA’s site, “Each year, human activities release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than natural processes can remove, causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase.” That’s the bad news.

Short of holding our collective breaths, it appears as though our future looks dim. continues, “Carbon dioxide concentrations are rising mostly because of the fossil fuels that people are burning for energy. Fossil fuels like coal and oil contain carbon that plants pulled out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis over many millions of years; we are returning that carbon to the atmosphere in just a few hundred.” The fact our breathing is not only to blame for Earth’s demise is good news.

Further, states, “Carbon dioxide is Earth’s most important greenhouse gas: a gas that absorbs and radiates heat. Unlike oxygen or nitrogen (which make up most of our atmosphere), greenhouse gases absorb heat radiating from the Earth’s surface and re-release it in all directions—including back toward Earth’s surface. Without carbon dioxide, Earth’s natural greenhouse effect would be too weak to keep the average global surface temperature above freezing.” Alas, more bad news.

Not to worry, the good news is that plant life on Earth – to include grass, trees, flowers, pretty much any green plant – produces oxygen by using those nasty carbon molecules in reforming CO₂. Yea! Good news.

Unfortunately, The Guardian, a British “news” source provided the world with a recent story regarding the environment. Headlined, “Trees and land absorbed almost no CO₂ last year. Is nature’s carbons sink failing?” Yep, more bad news.

Evidently, per The Guardian, Greenland’s glaciers and Arctic Ice sheets are melting faster than expected exposing zooplankton to more “sunlight – a shift scientists say could keep them in the [ocean] depths for longer, disrupting the vertical migration that stores carbon on the ocean floor.”

But here’s more good news. That heat created by trapped greenhouse gasses is not warming the planet inasmuch as sunlight is able to reach the ocean depths. And those weaselly politicians who feel more money – in the form of “carbon credits” – will solve virtually any problem, may now remove their grubby hands from my wallet pocket. This is both good news and bad, depending on whose side you are on.

A fellow who served as vice president, Al Gore, found his true meaning in life as a superhero for the environmental movement after his many years as a U.S. Senator, and subsequent vice president under Bill Clinton. Gore was so dedicated to saving our planet that he used a private jet to fly around our fragile orb while demanding Earthlings stop using private jets.

Al "Carbon Credit" Gore
Gore also made movies and documentaries about our crisis for survival while penning uplifting books about how we are all going to die because of our poor stewardship of our home planet. He even suggested the brilliant plan incorporating carbon credits into our economy to force weak humans into complying with his stellar plan to eliminate electricity in favor of candlelight.

By paying more, people will use less. Well, the lower and middle classes will, anyway.

But getting back on track, you see, you can’t have it both ways. Either there is a problem with carbon, or there isn’t. Contriving a financial punishment both on businesses and consumers, by way of carbon credits is just another way to pander to environmentalists and scientists who are paid to examine these “crises.”

Forcing what is merely a tax by any other name on consumers, plus the affected businesses who pass these extra costs onto the users, is nothing more than a grift created and operated by the guvment.

Buying carbon credits to save the planet is insane because carbon is everywhere. Man has proven he is incapable of controlling, or even influencing, our weather or climate. Still, the drumbeat continues because of fear of the “destruction of our planet.”

It’s time to grow up and think reasonably about the ‘cry wolf’ tactics being employed to control the people and their money.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Mis and Dis


As if by magic, a few new phrases have entered the lexicon of American political society within the past few years like mushrooms sprouting from manure.

Traveling back eight years, the mainstream media (MSM) conjured up fresh descriptors to describe the then-brilliant effort to rival George Orwell with unspoiled definitions aimed at confusion.

Phrases such as “deep state,” and “fake news,” salted the electronic media, as well as written sources, to create a camouflage for the truth.

With issues such as Hunter Biden’s laptop containing sordid information and photographic evidence of criminal activities, the Steele Dossier, physical attacks on women, questionable real estate deals, as well as rumors of illicit marital affairs, made their way to headlines across the nation in an attempt to smear presidential candidate Donald Trump.

And it nearly worked for a brief while. Accusing non-RINO Republicans of virtually everything from philandering to treason, Trump persevered to become the 45th President of the United States. Overcoming lies, lies, and more lies, a large enough segment of the voting population elected him in 2016. And it was quite a memorable ride.

With a Reaganesque vision for the country, Trump excited his supporters and non-believers, alike. His four-year list of accomplishments is too extensive into which to delve here, but interest rates plummeted, fuel prices dropped, wages increased as did spending, besides growing positive attitudes. And we had no new wars.

Those four blessed years generated excitement, camaraderie, and hope for the future of hard working Americans who were finally seeing their years of hard work and sacrifices come to fruition. Times were good.

But lurking in the bowels of smarmy politics was something called “special interests,” who had lots and lots of money to donate in order to achieve their desired results in our complex world. Environmentalists, Save-the-Planet types, hate-America and America Second advocates, plus anti-Semites, have been crawling out of the cracks in the walls trying to implement their plans for their idea of a better nation.

Fighting every Trump step with lawsuits, aided by the MSM and low IQ talk show hosts, the fix was in to hamstring President Trump from attaining a repeat performance in continuing his fresh, robust economy.

Regularly spouting those aforementioned sleaze phrases, ‘deep state’ and ‘fake news,’ were bandied about in a concerted effort to paint The President as a greasy grifter. Employing tactics heretofore unseen, the MSM dug like gophers to find anyone who was willing to take a stab at preventing President Trump from finishing his term, much less running for re-election.

Aides, staff members, a former personal lawyer, a stripper, military personnel – both retired and active duty, 51 intelligence agency heads, plus a handful of foreign leaders, were more than willing to jump aboard the Get-Trump-Train, all for the “good of the country.”

Betwixt and between this dog and pony show, baseless lawsuits, impeachments, and other administrative speed-bumps were employed to distract from the business-at-hand.

History has proved to be generous to President Trump who, after years of unfounded public floggings, has, once again, risen to the status of presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Following a grace period from the Trump era jabs and arrow slinging, the current Biden administration has gladly catered to the demands of the previously-mentioned special interest groups who donated money, money, and mo’ money, for favors, decided it was time to cash-in on their investments.

Screwing Americans by legislating the demise of the internal combustion engine, natural gas home use, the dissolution of fracking, open borders, forcing military personnel out of service due to flu shots, defunding the police, modifying crime records to create false impressions, and incarcerating Trump supporters in federal prisons, the fix was beginning to ensure a Trump 2.0 run would be out of the question. Let’s not forget those frivolous, endless lawsuits.

Alas, fate can be cruel.

With nearly four-years of the dysfunctional Biden administration leading the United States down a certain road to perdition, the much-wanted – demanded by Biden – presidential candidate debate proved to be the downfall of Biden himself.

He, as usual, stammered, lost his place, muttered, yelled, drooled, and did everything possible to prove he was unable to remain president. In fact, he clearly demonstrated he never should have been elected in the first place.

But this is where the story gets good.

Selecting his cabinet by another new word – “woke” – Biden carefully chose his running mate, Kamala Harris, to help him navigate his much-desired stint as president. With such lofty qualifications such as being a woman, a minority, and nothing else except an enormous ego, smug Harris seemed to fit the bill.

Her tenure as the second in-command proved to be going swimmingly. Until Biden proved he was in the wrong job for the last 3½-years. Then it was time for those smarmy Democrats who stood solidly behind Biden claiming he was fit for duty, and was easily running circles around his staff, to pretend their words of support were never ever spoken. Wink, wink.

Clearly Vice President Harris was the heir-apparent to this White House throne. But without sounding like the racists they have been accusing Republicans of being, Democrats were unable to pass over this stellar woman-of-color to select someone who is actually capable of garnering enough votes to win the election.

Much like Saint Hillary Clinton, although more-unlikable, Harris has been more than willing to poke her black finger in the eyes of those who feel religion, freedom of speech, the Second Amendment, and the sanctity of life, are important thingies.

Our Lady of All Things Wrong

Using new terms such a “misinformation” and “disinformation” (Mis and Dis) which summarily replaced deep state and fake news in order to confuse, Democrats began incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) to the mix, which can only benefit those who are desperately trying to confound normal conversation while covering up the plain truth. Think: gaslighting.

Although these tactics seem to be working, short of selecting a candidate whose disastrous character is fixated on killing helpless babies, while pandering for foreigners’ votes, and giving away even more stolen taxpayer dollars to solicit votes will only achieve the results voters desire.

Implementing the ol’ bait and switch technique used by salespeople, the Democrats, with the aid of former president Barack Obama, plus George Clooney – our newest guvment employee, literally forced Biden out of the presidential contest via coup d’étet, all in the name of ‘democracy.’

For your information, that would be the very same democracy Dems have been accusing candidate Trump, threatening to personally employ in an insurrection; he didn’t.

Donald Trump has a proven track record as was demonstrated during his first presidential term.

Kamala Harris has proven to be a shallow prosecutor, sleazy senator, absent vice president, and lying campaigner. She won’t be any better as president of the United States.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Ticking Clock


  A quick glance at a calendar will tell you we’re a mere few days away from not only Halloween and Veteran’s Day, but also Election Day.

This election is special in that America and its residents, plus our illegal invaders, will be selecting more than just politicians.

Depending on your location, you may find local political positions, amendments, budget initiatives, and Constitutional Amendments, as well as other creative ways to scam you out of your precious remaining hard-earned money, via higher taxes, on the ballot.

Last week we threw back the curtain on something the greedy Democrats are calling the “unrealized capital gains tax.” If you need more information on this brilliant pick-pocketing scheme, please read that story; I can assure you your barber will miss you after you pull your hair out.

As many people in this country are already aware, the biggest problem facing the average American is the economy. Please take this time to re-read that last sentence so there are no misunderstandings. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.

Poll after poll, survey after survey, canvass after canvass all clearly explain people’s frustration at this Biden – Harris administration and their deaf ears falling on a cease fire in the war on Americans.

First it was fossil fuel banning, then no more fracking approvals, followed by the push for electric vehicles, then solar energy, next up was wind power, followed by gas stove forbiddance, hot on the heels of outlawing gas-powered yard equipment. And so goes the results of ‘getting what you voted for.’

This dissolution of rights – no, freedoms – in a land once known as the “Land of the free,” is a destination at which we have arrived largely because of tribalism and class warfare.

Tribalism is a strong feeling to a group or a tribe. A good example of tribalism is the gravitation to a cause such as killing babies, or feeling you have the power to change the climate of the Earth through legislation. Such feelings can usually be controlled with the use of pharmaceuticals, but politicians love to exploit those maladies for their own tenure at the guvment trough.

It is also employed to exact legislation targeting gun rights, sex, racial matters, transgenderism, DEI, college tuitions, even illegal drug and incarceration statutes.

Similarly, each time you hear the words “Pay their fair share,” you’re hearing the introduction to a diatribe on class warfare. It usually swirls around successful people who have “arrived” at their desired destination: financial comfort via hard work and success. Pointing crooked little fingers at the economic status of those individuals, the greedy politicians are now angry at those respective success stories.

Of course, professional athletes, musicians, actors, and has-been politicians, are all often held up to idol status. And those with $300,000,000 salaries, as well as $50,000,000 mansions, are applauded by the voting populace relishing the lofty achievements of these wealthy snobs who, oddly enough, are usually able to find a loophole for their unanswered wealth while avoiding paying their fair share.

If you are in doubt, witness a fellow named Hunter Biden. Hunter is the remaining son of President Joseph Robinette Biden, our current HMFC. Hunter is the modern-day Billy Carter, son of the former worst president, James Earl Carter, our 39th Commander-in-Chief.

Billy was what is known as “a piece of work.” Those words are often used to describe someone outside the parameters of civil society, whose description is usually not fit for polite company.

Hunter, a true sexual and illegal drug athlete, hit the ground running upon the inauguration of his dad. Hunter excelled at skirting the laws to which most common folk are subject. Take his illegal purchase and possession of a handgun, his regularly video documented use of trollops, as well as contraband to fulfill his apparently insatiable appetite for things normally illegal.

It seems as though Hunter discovered he has an uncanny ability to sell his “artwork” – paintings – that made the news during the Biden term. It appeared to be laughable and most-likely tongue-in-cheek that Hunter was selling these masterpieces in the neighborhood of $500,000 each. Nice neighborhood, indeed.

With a wink and a nod, these pricey works of graft – uh, rather – brilliant accomplishments were selling like hotcakes to discernible, anonymous buyers. What could possibly go wrong without an official accounting?

Glad you asked.

While this may seem hard to believe, Hunter apparently forgot to file tax returns for his artistic windfall, as well as his unbelievable bounty from his overseas Burisma salary, as well as his extortion – uh, compensation – from the Communist Chinese Government. Of course that was all a bunch of unfortunate oversights, not an attempt to avoid paying his fair share. Oops!

Yet here we are rapidly closing in on the 2024 Presidential Election, finding ourselves trying to regroup and recover from a natural disaster, Hurricane Helene. Helene was a Category 4 storm that wreaked havoc on Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina, with power and communication outages still remaining nearly two-weeks later.

Our presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris, current vice president, has been busy, very busy, traveling about the country attempting to pander for votes. Acting as the tacit president, Harris has proven herself clueless, hapless, and an accomplished embarrassment while on her campaign trail.

Helene created so much havoc that it may take officials weeks to survey all the damage caused. With no electricity, running water, cell phone service, and passable roads, Harris publicly announced she would gladly give $750 checks to anyone affected by Helene. One only needs to contact the guvment in order to receive the aid.

Where your hard-earned money is 
being directed by the guvment

All this begs the question: short of using a homing pigeon, how are Helene victims supposed to contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?

Still, she made that official announcement without even cracking a smile.

For the record, the United States has given Ukraine more than $175,000,000,000, towards its war with Russia. The Biden administration has spent $7,000,000,000 in money for college student loan forgiveness, and $150,700,000,000 annually for illegal immigrants’ sustenance. Quite a bit more than Harris’ generous $750 handout.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration suddenly finds itself staring down yet another natural disaster in the form of at least one more hurricane. The unfortunate part is that our DEI FEMA director, Deanne Criswell, finds herself with no mo’ moolah. Yes, it’s hard to believe the United States of America ATM has run out of money.

What is one to do if there is one more financial crisis? To be certain we will be in an economic abyss, Biden and Harris just announced those delinquent college students were guaranteed to receive enough to cover their tuition costs. Yea!

There you have it. No one should be deprived of anything in the way of goodies or freebies except the people who work hard and contribute positively to greasing the wheels of a bloated bureaucracy. Should you feel this is fair, please vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz; the clock is ticking.

And if you need once-in-a-lifetime help, Kamala Harris will be delighted to poop in your hat.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Just In Case


  My late Mother so desperately tried to mold me into someone who was far removed from being mistaken for a Neanderthal.

Mom ensured I regularly carried a handkerchief “just in case” there was an emergency. I dare you to find a hankie for sale anywhere today. Still, our shoes were shined, clothes clean and pressed, allowing any of our immediate family to “fit in” to society. Being cultured wasn’t expensive.

And that’s good because we weren’t wealthy, but we had books to read about places we were likely never to visit or experience. Chinese food was about as close to the Orient as any of us were going to reach. But we were delighted to simply interpret those publications to suit our still developing imaginations.

I, personally, had no idea our family wasn’t moneyed largely because our worldly reading adventures took us to the same places my classmates physically visited. Ah, the benefits of developed creative thinking.

Which leads me to something interesting I heard coming from the mouth of our presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.

Not being an economist – or anything else of value to anyone – Harris has been repeatedly asked about the dismal state of affairs now plaguing America’s financial sector. The product of hate, spite, ineptitude, plus a dash of arrogance, America’s road to perdition has been welcomed – no, celebrated – by the Biden administration for nearly four-years now.

Harris, being an integral part of policy making under her boss, President Joseph Robinette Biden, has succored Biden’s intentions and actions, driving our national well-being into a chasm of financial despair.

Yet another DEI hire

Being a lawyer, and a poor one at that, Harris likes to latch onto anything that will make her popular (Read: Likable,} damn the consequences and constant flip flopping.

Harris clearly has a knack for rambling, usually interjecting the latest new words she discovered, in speeches, rallies, and interviews, alike. You’re quite familiar with them: “Venn diagrams,” “systemic racism,” “climate change,” “reparations,” and suddenly “holistic.”

Attempting to appear more worldly than she genuinely is, Harris has a penchant for trying to fool everyone into believing she is the smartest person in the room, any room, all while being an imbecile.

Blaming all the world’s problems on former President Donald Trump, Harris has been traipsing about the country in a concerted effort to hornswoggle voters into making another mistake of voting for her to enable her to continue her trip down the road of certain ruin for our nation.

A quick look into the rear-view mirror of the last four-years, Harris has been – as practically any cat owner can attest – a “good traveler.”

Put your cat into your car for a trip to the veterinarian, the pet sitter, or your vacation home, and the average feline will scream loud and long enough to wake the dead. It’s not as much fun as it sounds. Finding a cat that actually seems to enjoy a ride is not only rare, it is fodder for a Vatican miracle. Hence the term “good traveler.”

Harris has been that good traveler touring hither and yon to visit a sorority gathering, a yarn shop, as well as make more mindless speeches about space travel and yellow school buses. And while overtly critical to the nation’s well-being, those jaunts did little except waste precious time and guvment money.

One appointment from President Joseph Robinette Biden was Harris’ mission to stem the tide of illegal aliens flowing freely across our southern border. In alarming numbers, literally countless invaders streamed from Mexico – a conduit from other central and south American countries – into a once-sovereign United States.

But the open encouragement on day one of the Biden-Harris administration for people to cross our border willy-nilly has resulted in an out-of-control economic hurricane, the likes of which have never been imagined or seen.

With pious Biden-Harris aids and cabinet members passing out t-shirts prominently emblazoned with those two names on the chest, to the first 2,000,000 invaders, it is impossible to deny whose denial belongs where.

An estimated 12,000,000 to 18,000,000 “newcomers” are now living free – FREE – on your tax dollars. Of course someone has to be responsible for the well-being and safety of these leeches.

Yes, leeches. They arrived with little in the way of skills, very few unable to communicate in English, and are now owners of free cell phones, thousands of dollars in debit cards, housing, meals, and offspring sucking resources in the way of an education plus medical care.

This is the peculiar segment of the story. These people came to America to receive their promises of goodies, along with good jobs and a better future for themselves.

To get here, many of those travelers paid sleazy “coyotes” who are merely smarmy smugglers. At costs of roughly $5,000 per person, a family of four needed $20,000 to set foot on our soil. Unfortunately, they now need money from you and me to exist.

Because very few of those invaders had $20,000 in coyote fees, they often transported drugs into our country as payment for their voyage. Suddenly, we have a monumental drug epidemic that is virtually unstoppable.

Now for the good part.

Harris, as vice president, was anointed the “Border Czar,” by President Biden. As Border Czar, Harris was to find the solution to the problem both she and Biden created. With nearly every mainstream media (MSM) organization covering the administration’s back, the border remained open and accessible to anyone, worldwide.

Feigning the good fight from the beginning, Harris regularly spoke about her attention to this issue, even going as far as proclamating “the border is closed.” It wasn’t 3½ years ago, and isn’t to this day.

Even Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, appeared numerous times in front of Congress to talk about the state of the border. And each time he appeared, that smug little weasel lied claiming, “The border is closed.”

The big question is where is all this support money coming from? Cell phones, related service, debit cards, repaying hospitals, El-Hi plus college educations, apartments, hotel rooms, police and other emergency services all cost money.

In between the Executive Orders Biden signed on his first day in office erasing Trump’s previous four-year term, he modified the immigration statutes into a very, very liberal policy. It was this action that created the massive influx of foreigners into America.

The odd part is that throughout her tenure as vice president, Harris has seemingly done everything but her job. Throughout all that travel, she never visited the Southern Border, although she did travel near the border once.

But all that changed in a phony display of concern when Harris visited the Southern Border this last weekend in September 2024, a convenient time for a photo op in an attempt to appear presidential.

With our debt out of control, and the interest on that debt exceeding our entire military budget, lately Harris has been terribly busy traveling about the country in a campaign to become our 47th president.

Talking in platitudes about the future, and joy, and unity, making everyone legal, and giving even more money to anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and college debt, potential home buyers, and EV car shoppers, and baby killing procedures, Kamala Harris is still a bit thin on the details of how this wonder gimme, gimme, gimme grift is going to be paid.

Answer: TAXES. And lots of them. After all, she knows better how to spend your money than you do.

Yep, simply tap the working people in America who can barely make ends meet between exorbitant gas and food and housing prices. But just what sort of tax could be instituted on these overly-enthusiastic people who are more than willing to push Harris up the final ladder rung into Supreme Boss status?

I’m glad you asked.

The latest contrivance to removing more funds from our wallets is something called “unrealized capital gains tax.” It’s quite a sleazy tactic to collect monies from you that you don’t yet – or may never – have.

For example, Everett Piper from The Washington Times explains,” Your mom purchased her home 40 years ago. She paid $50,000for it which is great because Mom lives on a fixed income, it’s now worth $500,000! Kamala Harris wants her to pay 25% of that gain even though your mom has no plans to sell the home. Now, Mom has to take out a $112,500 loan on the home to pay Kamala’s 25% unearned capital gain.”

Of course, Harris didn’t conjure up this moment of brilliance up herself; she’s too stupid for that. It’s likely her sycophantic aids, Biden’s marionette-master, and Barack Obama are the presumed sources of such financially destructive nonsense.

There you have it. Just what the United States of America needs at its helm: another empty, hapless suit, but a suit with a hankie in the pocket for your tears. Just in case.