Once again I awoke this morning
to more bad news: Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., was still the President of the
Since January 2021, this doddering fool has been leading the charge of pure stupidity as the leader of the once-greatest-country-on-Earth.
Upon his inauguration, he has
spent a full third of his time in his representative state of
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A duck |
As a federal senator from
Why anyone who ardently believes the oceans are rising to deadly levels would buy a beach home is evidence of a diminished brain. But he is the textbook example of insanity on steroids. But I digress.
Biden has spent the last
year-and-a-half of his Presidential term attempting to destroy – with some
great success – the framework and associated camaraderie of
During his senatorial terms he made blatant racist remarks that remain on-record, should he or anyone else want to review them for accuracy and posterity. He smeared 7-11 store employees, donut shop workers, and everyone else of a different race, to clearly differentiate himself from the ‘working class’ among us.
He was, in his early years on Capitol Hill, a buddy of many Ku Klux Klan members, and even delivered a eulogy for the late Senator Robert Byrd, (D-WV). He gushed over their friendship during his widely-viewed delivery amid Byrd’s televised funeral.
He eventually made public comments regarding keeping black students out of public schools which were attended by his children. He referenced jungle-like environments and disruption from the unwashed masses, in an effort to keep schools segregated.
At least one person called him on these tirades of exclusion and division, though. It was Kamala Harris, his candidate for Vice President. During a televised debate, Harris gave Ol’ Lunchbucket Joe the “what fer.”
Her rambling sob story about her being discriminated against while attempting to merely acquire an elementary school education was dramatic, to say the least. On the split screen, Joe seemed totally uninterested to Harris’ rehearsed, passionate speech regarding her bus trip to school. She punctuated her monologue with a true claim of racism.
That would seem to be the first and last time these two would ever communicate with anything over which they agreed. It was.
Until last week, that is.
With Biden’s plan for
Closing oil pipelines, draining the country’s bank account, lying about the COVID-19 flu and approved vaccines, pushing for Americans to buy electric vehicles at insane prices, causing hate and distrust among our citizens, being policed by an Attorney General with an axe to grind, filling cabinet positions with people who would have difficulty collecting my garbage, turning a blind eye to the influx of illegal aliens, and attempting to bankrupt the United States for decades through prohibitively expensive “free” health care, while forcing the middle class taxpayers to pay off student loans for the rich and anointed, Biden is the one constant in the universe of spending good money after bad.
All this changed a few days ago when someone – likely a Left-wing activist – probably a Supreme Court Clerk, divulged sensitive, proprietary information about a decision involving abortion.
Abortion is one of those topics not necessarily discussed anywhere except in private, lest there be bloodshed or at least police intervention.
There are two sides to an abortion: pro and con. Women have long held that abortion is sacred and is carved in stone. It is not.
They claim it is a Constitutional Right. It is not.
They insist it is solely for them to make the decision to kill their baby. Again, it is not.
That baby did not ask to be created, and it took two people to make that child. Unfortunately, it seems as though women have been brainwashed since the early 1970’s to believe abortion rights reside in The Constitution.
No where in The Constitution does the word “abortion” appear, anymore than “condoms.” Period.
But the riots and hoopla began nearly immediately upon the leak of this Supreme Court writing. Laws that are on the books have been ignored by the Attorney General and politicians, alike, hence the Molotov Cocktails and police interventions, nation-wide.
Even lesbians who cannot procreate without necessary male ‘help’ are complaining about aborting babies – who don’t seem to be an issue in their private and sexual relationships.
However, VP Harris found her grown-up girl voice and publicly promised that abortion would not be stifled because, well, she’s a noisy Leftist who believes what her boss said about keeping abortions safe and rare. Tell that to the 63,000,000 aborted babies.
Still, it is amazing how much disruption can be foisted upon Americans who still refuse to act or become angry.
Today’s Big Biden Blunder from his Build Back Better plan was his administration’s ignoring the dwindling supply of baby formula.
It appears as though through a series of missteps and intentional redirecting of current baby formula supplies, our citizens are at a loss to find it, while the illegal aliens seem to have plenty at the Southern Border.
Ineptness and haplessness are the norm for this administration, with no one able to hide from the mess they have caused. Their solution is to blame everyone else for this massive debacle, except themselves.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
Likewise, if it looks inept, walks inept, and quacks inept, it’s inept.