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Monday, April 6, 2020

Stop It!

In case you haven’t heard, there’s something called COVID-19 going around.

Not being a scientist or doctor, I can best describe this as a virus.  That’s because all the scientists and doctors on television and radio describe it as a virus.

The corona flu virus is supposed to have originated in China toward the end of 2019.  Since us Earthlings love to describe the world as interconnected – nearly instant news, commerce, travel, and communications – everything travels very, very quickly.

While sometimes good, sometimes not so much, we all take advantage of these expeditious methods of living, to hopefully better our lives.

Predictions of deadly storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes have proven beneficial throughout the past several decades, thereby saving countless lives and property.  The same holds true for tsunamis and massive wildfires and other normally deadly events that are now able inform people of perils well in advance.

So news is a bit disconcerting because we have so much, so soon, and that is often too much to mentally digest for most people.

All this information is valuable, though, if deciphered and used judiciously.  Unfortunately, throughout my many travels on my personal road of life, I have too often run across fellow travelers that possess the IQ of a folding lawn chair.

You know the kind: aluminum tubing, with those flimsy nylon straps.  Those are akin to many neighbors and associates whose vote cancels yours out.  They aren’t terribly bright and, you keep them around not for valuable information, but for amusement and entertainment.

They are the same ones that have been demanding President Donald J. Trump create a cure for COVID-19.  Of course, they don’t realize President Trump is no more of a doctor or scientist than I am.

Federal and local departments of health and contagious diseases employ people who are employed to find and create a cure for such situations, rather than The White House.  FYI.

But those folding lawn chair-types desperately want to “do something” they feel the hapless government employees are unable to do.

To feel in charge of their own lives, they are buying up copious amounts of bottled water and toilet paper.

Not known to be a cure for COVID-19
It seems as though folks are scarfing up hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, and hand sanitizer, too.

Also in big demand are food stuffs, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer.

While the media experts have been offering advice to the public about how to avoid contracting COVID-19, you’ll notice the emphasis is placed on hand washing and keeping a six-foot distance between people.

If you go back and re-read paragraph two, you’ll note that I’m not a doctor or scientist; in fact, I’m not much of anything.  Still, I’m pretty sure bottled water IS NOT a cure for COVID-19.

And just as sure as I am about the aforementioned water, I’ll wager toilet paper IS NOT going to protect you from anything except soiled underwear – COVID-19, included.

So please take time off from work and school to stay home, rest, and gather your senses, to avoid looking like an idiot while surviving this detour in life.