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Monday, April 13, 2020

Different Kind of Sick

Today is a good day to begin with something we haven’t touched upon in a while: trivia.

As of this writing, the planet Earth is under siege from a microscopic critter called caronavirus, more specifically, COVID-19.

Worldwide, the number of people affected by this virus hovers just over 500,000.  That’s a lot.

But if you think that’s what this story is about, you’re wrong.  Don’t get ahead of me, please.

We’ve been told by “experts” that COVID-19 is little more than the common cold, not very dangerous, extremely dangerous, can’t be treated, was  product of the White House, first discovered in Wuhan China, not from China, and is likely to kill 150,000,000 Americans.

As a result, President Donald Trump begged Americans not to panic; he further gathered renown scientists and doctors to manage this pandemic because he, himself is not a doctor or scientist.

The only good news to come out of all this is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the presumptive Democratic candidate for president in the 2020 election, has been given a reprieve from scrutiny for at least a few weeks.

Wrong Corona; please do not avoid this one

Suddenly, everyone is panicking, largely the result of a carpet-bombing style of reporting by the media.  You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone on television wearing a disdainful scowl carping about how President Trump dropped the ball with this crisis.

Somehow, it’s President Trump’s fault the states of California, Washington, and New York, don’t have enough ventilators, machines that enable COVID-19 sufferers to breathe while infected with this lung-affecting virus.

It is also his fault that COVID-19 test kits aren’t available or plentiful enough. It seems as though plenty of athletes, singers, actors and actresses, and politicians, have access to these kits even though they aren’t suffering from any of the symptoms.

For the record, symptoms include fever, a dry cough, aches, and difficulty breathing. These are clues to being infected by this pandemic.  Unfortunately, many of the aforementioned B-listers are only concerned about themselves, thereby depriving genuinely sick people of the test in lieu of their own overly-inflated egos.

Spreading this potential killer virus is done through a means of aerosol-like transmission, which can be coughing, sneezing, any type of exhalation, and is acquired by transferring these droplets onto your face.  Nostrils, eyes, and mouth, should not be touched before a thorough cleansing.

Cleansing, according to experts, can be done by vigorously washing with soap and water or 70% rubbing alcohol.

Food stuffs and door knobs, cell phones, and elevator buttons should be sterilized as potential incubation stations for COVID-19.

Another way to slow the spread, it was suggested, is to avoid close contact with others, be it in stores, schools, mass transit, or even in parks.

To demonstrate their situational awareness and management prowess, local politicians and law enforcement are now sidling their way to the television cameras and microphones.

In an effort to lighten the overcrowding in schools, most schools have been dismissed for the duration of the school year.  Businesses are being told to close, and buses and subways are being halted.  People are being told to keep their distance by at least six-feet from other people.  Or, just stay home.

In fact, Pinellas County, Florida, Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, has just ordered the accelerated release of prisoners to prevent the close quarter spread of COVID-19 among jail inmates.

Hundreds have been released over the last few days, in the name of keeping people safe.  Now that’s pretty noble.

But Florida authorities just announced a fool-proof effort to keep people off the streets and beaches to maintain that aforementioned “social distancing.”

They proudly threatened to imprison anyone not self-quarantining.  You read that right.

The people who are walking the street or beach can be jailed because they are more of a threat to society than those released overcrowded prisoners.

Now who is sick?