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Monday, February 23, 2015

School Daze

It’s been forty years since I was in high school, and I now realize how much I missed throughout
those formative years.

Indeed, high school was the best seven years I spent in my life.  For you mathematically-challenged readers, that is a joke.

I mostly hung out with equally nerdy kids – none of which could buy a date much less get one from a fellow classmate for nothing.  To say the least, we were woefully inept upon reaching the real world of dating in college.

Jocks were not in our clique because they were so much better than us.  They were more muscular, better-looking, drove cars, wore fashionable clothes, and had facial hair, but none could be accused in a court of law of being intelligent.

It seems as though high school girls in the Stone Age were attracted to muscles, vehicles, pretty clothes horses with beards, over someone smart enough to come in out of the rain.

So it is with interest that I read yet another unbelievable story, this one from Florida.  Florida is a place where the sun is so hot that it actually bakes brains.  In case you don’t believe me, do an internet search for weird stories and see how few are not centered on Florida.

Once again, a teacher was arrested for having sex with a student.  Before we jump to conclusions, we must check the ages of the participants.  Some of my fellow jock schoolmates may still be in high school, and this “victim” may be one of them.

Alas, this victim was only 15, while the teacher was 30.  Nope, none of my classmates.

In any case, this teacher was allegedly discovered performing lewd acts in this minor because of some stupid reason.  You see, if the kid was a jock, he told on her; if he was a nerd, he’d never tell anyone but his nerd buddies.

Instead, this teacher is in jail for teaching sexual education lessons after hours.  Where’s the outrage over not applauding this educator for going the extra mile?

But I’ve read this story before.  So an internet search of “teachers having sex with students,” turned-up voluminous lists and accompanying photos and bios of the imprisoned teachers.  This list contained literally hundreds, and there were several lists from which to choose.  This seems to have reached epidemic levels.

Some quick ciphering – based on this list alone – tells me that in 2023, America will be fresh out of female teachers that aren’t teaching reading to fellow inmates or aren’t wearing ankle monitors.

Granted, some of these relationships are lesbian in nature but, for the most part, they are heterosexual.

So, if you are a female teacher with an over-exuberant libido, and simply can’t find a more age-appropriate partner for your sordid sexual escapades take my advice and get yourself a nerd.

After all, they know a lot.  They would also be delighted to not be virgins and not to open their mouths.  That is free advice.