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Monday, June 30, 2014

Unfinished News

Although I am a product of a public school system, I enjoy reading and actually retain most of that material.  And until this day I try to read a newspaper daily to keep up on current events.  No, I don’t like watching TV news because I fear those news-readers will catch their plastic heads on fire as they tell pants-on-fire untruths.

Nonetheless, what seems to have dominated the news headlines for weeks and months suddenly disappears with no explanation other than the writers and readers are bored.

Take the Malaysian airplane that vanished.  It seems as though everyone in the Far-East, the West, Europe, and Australia, was on the case, combing the surrounding seas and oceans with everything from aircraft carriers to canoes.  A “ping” from the infamous black box would be detected and the flotilla would move, as giant snake, 5,000 nautical miles to the location of that ping.  Days would pass and the search would again move when another sound was heard, only learned to later be some cell phone ringtone.  It is still missing and every aviation “expert” on the planet has been exposed for their lack of knowledge in guessing.

Then there is the issue of President Barack Hussein Obama’s job program.  He spent billions of taxpayer dollars to get millions of Americans jobs.  He didn’t get those jobs created, although all the naysayers were proven right.  President Obama is much too busy golfing and fundraising and creating Executive Orders to help the gay, lesbian, and transgender community to worry about jobs.  It’s only been six years now so he probably doesn’t want to rush things as he did funding those failed solar energy companies.

I distinctly remember the kidnapping of 265 school girls by a group of cowards named Boko Haram.  The president and his masculine, one-sleeve wife got involved by holding up a sign to “bring our girls” home.  Whose girls and whose home is not clear.  Nonetheless, the show was produced and aired to prove the Obama’s cared.  Where are those girls today?  They don’t seem to be very newsworthy anymore.

Gas prices are up to record levels and there are no Congressional investigations about price gouging, as there were under President George W. Bush.  But, just in case you thought the prices might come down, you’re fooling yourself.  The Senate just mulled over increasing the federal gas tax by 12¢ per gallon.  This added revenue, according to those government pukes, would fund the highway infrastructure to repair those crumbling bridges.

If you just awoke from a coma, back in 2007, a bridge in Minnesota collapsed killing 13 people.  When President Obama took office, he claimed to have money earmarked for “shovel-ready jobs.”  That cash figure amounted to $150,000,000,000.00.  It seems they didn’t remember those dangerous bridges when dolling-out those highway funds, and now need mo’ money!

This time around, we’ll remember the decaying bridges and forego replacing guardrails and road signs.  Sure.

It is stuff like this that makes me drool in my oatmeal, and how these “crises” suddenly vanish when the media is tired of them.  They remain newsworthy and are important.  How about some news closure?