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Monday, November 25, 2013

Snax for All

A recent trip to the supermarket, to garner edible supplies, led me to the snack aisle.  When I talk about the snack aisle, I am referring to the more appropriately titled “potato chip” aisle.  Granted the newly-renamed potato chip aisle houses more than just potato chips, a la corn chips, cheese curls, popcorn, and pretzels, it now has more meaning as to where to locate certain foods.
Some food merchants enjoy throwing curve balls at their patrons filling their “snack” aisles with crackers and rice cakes.  Such blasphemy deserves legislation to prevent these practices from spreading nation-wide and becoming an epidemic.
In days of yore, snacks were never healthy or advertised as such.  If a snack has the word “diet,” or “lo-cal,” avoid them with vigor.
Snacks, by their very nature, are deadly.  Firstly, they taste great to encourage you to eat more.  Secondly, they taste great because of the fat, grease, salt, and high-carbohydrates, associated therewith.
Do-gooders will direct you to the pretzel area but, don’t be fooled.  It seems as though pretzels have 22 grams of carbs, compared to the 16 grams that potato chips offer.  I could rest my case here but, I still have lots of room and time left.
Those all so healthy rice cakes have 21 grams of carbs so, there!
Then, you have busy-bodies who will say, “Try the baked potato chips.”
That’s akin to eating boiled chicken instead of Southern fried.  Not much of a challenge, if you ask me.
My sainted wife will invariably return home with nacho chips which, when appropriately adorned, are edible.  Eventually, they make their way onto a baking sheet with sautéed ground beef, shredded lettuce, salsa, and generous amounts of Velveeta cheese, only to be pooped into the oven for flavor melding.  Now, they’re edible.
But, the newest fad appears to be those popcorn “puffs.”  These snacks come in different flavors, such as cheddar cheese and butter.  They are simply puffed corn without the hulls with salt and flavor.  By nature, corn has no flavor and merely serves as a vehicle to introduce those flavors.  As a note of importance, those flavors consist of a special concoction of chemicals that not only taste terrific but, also wreak havoc with ones intestinal tract to create copious amounts of methane gas.  FYI.
That same warning applies to flavored potato chips and rice cakes, as well.  But, I digress.
The snack aisle is not the magical supermarket area it once was, and is only getting more bizarre.  Today, its shelves are stocked with potato chips made from processed potatoes, ground corn formed into horns, and even ersatz onion rings.  Each of those are designed for a special need, such as totally uniform chips sold in cans, a scoop-like trumpet to get more dip, and a means of generating some of the worst bad breath in North America.
There are chips with ridges and without, some fried in “kettles,” and some cut into lattices.  All of these deserve their own accounting for their existence, likely in future stories.
Now to wash these treats down with a cup of some wholesome milk that contains only 12 grams of sugar!?!