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Monday, October 14, 2013

Get Over It

In case you just awoke from a lengthy coma, here is the latest news: Nearly everyone in America is easily offended.
People with ample time on their hands (read: Unemployed losers and/or college pukes) have been figuring out ways to irritate the rest of us.
Christmas has been under attack by a handful of whiners because it is too religious.  The image of Baby Jesus is much too much for most of those clowns for some unknown reason.  This likely goes along with that ‘freedom of religion’ stuff in the Constitution but, I’m not sure how.
Conversely, the same folks who have been ardently trying to eliminate Christmas because of its religious roots, are first to celebrate Halloween.  Halloween is the celebration called All Hallows Eve, a celebration of saints and the deceased.  Not being terribly bright, I would deem Halloween a religious event which should be shunned by schools and the other easily offended folks.
But, it is not enough to climb aboard some else’s offended train.  People from all walks of life are now reaching for their own cause du jour.
By way of background, my high school mascot was an Indian, and the sports teams were dubbed the Red Raiders.  This name was derived from the steeped history surrounding the Upstate New York area.  It seems that back in the 1700’s, the “City Beyond the Pines” was repeatedly attacked by fun-loving Indians who eventually burned the city down after killing all the inhabitants.  ‘Take-no-prisoners’ was the lesson we learned from those peaceniks.  But, I digress.
Today, however, the school is gone, as is the Red Raider moniker.  On the other hand, in the Washington, D.C. area, the too-much-time-on-their-hands crew is working on making things right for the Washington Redskins.
They clearly believe the name is racist in nature, and Redskins recalls a time when red-skinned people lived in America.  I guess they still do but, someone feels the descriptive name is offensive – too offensive to even speak aloud.
So, President Barack Hussein Obama has weighed in, taking time off from his secret “jobs” plan, to say he would change the name.  No word yet on the fate of the Boston Celtics or any other team changing their names.  Perhaps President Obama will find time to add his two-cents after a round of national security golf or taking a break from his jobs initiative.
Redskin’s team owner Dan Snyder has said there will be no name change as long as he is the owner.  Why all this is news is baffling because the offended parties can, and should, boycott attending the games as that is the solution for nearly everything else coming from the seat of government.
The politically correct crowd – a term given to do-gooders who enjoy sticking their noses into other people’s business – have renamed the Indian population “Native Americans.” 
It seems as though “Native Americans” is now the preferred term to refer to not only people born in America, but also Indians.  Sure, it’s a bit confusing but, well meant.  Maybe Mr. Snyder will consider renaming his team the Washington Easily-Offended Native Americans.  He’d better jump on this brainstorm before the Atlanta Braves or Cleveland Indians catch wind of this.