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Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Thoughts

Politicians, too often, forget they were hired by us, work for us, and need to heed us to keep their jobs.  If they forget those things, they should be fired by us when they don’t do what we want them to do.  It’s a job.
What’s the big deal with corned beef and cabbage?
Newspaper funnies are no longer funny.
People have tried for years to evade smoke from cigarettes and cigars.  They enact laws to prohibit use of a legal product which is heavily taxed in order to discourage its use.  In some cities, smoking in your car or apartment is illegal.  It’s interesting that a new push is on to legalize smoking marijuana.  I suppose that smoke is less offensive.
We regularly hear folks tell us that dogs are smarter than cats.  Cats poop in a box when it is raining outside and cover it up when they go outside.  Dogs don’t, hence cats are smarter.
Complaints are heard about the high cost of insurance, food, and gas.  But, we think nothing of spending in the neighborhood of $100 per month for internet service.
Microwave pizza is still awful after thirty years.
People pay more for bottled water than gasoline, and complain about the price of gas.
Women who often say, “I don’t care what other people think,” are very concerned about what other people think.
Weather forecasters would do better to get real jobs in which they need to be correct.
You never want to hear a doctor say, “Ooops!”
Where does all the toilet paper go?
My doctor told me to exercise more.  I offered to let him exercise with me.  He declined.
My sainted wife is at the store so often I suggested she get a job there.  And a discount.
It’s absurd that we can teach Islam principles in school but not say, “Merry Christmas.”  What happened to that church and state thing?
Why do people keep snakes as pets?
I wonder what those tattoos you got at age twenty will look like at age seventy.
Our U.S. attorney general said it was okay to kill Americans with drones domestically.
There are so many stupid people in this world you would think schools were outlawed.
Nobody counts change anymore.
It seems as though every kid has ADHD.
The lines in parking lots are there for a reason.
A former friend was sitting at my kitchen table when she got a phone call, looked at the number and said, “Not him again.”  Now I know why she never answered when I called, and you know why she is my former friend.
I could use a big lottery win right now.
Keep an eye out for knuckleheads with Confederate flags in the back windows, blaring rap music.  They’re actually pretty easy to spot.
Thanks for reading!
Excuse me while I get the cat more toilet paper.