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Monday, December 24, 2012

Wise and Unwise Why's

Here’s another list of “why’s” for everyone to ponder along with me.
-          Is there no outrage about killing babies but, there people that can’t stand the killing of deer?
-          Do folks think that Social Security is a ‘gift’ from the government when we paid into that fund?
-          Are American gun owners profiled as dangerous while it is illegal to profile Middle-East terrorists?
-          Do we need an Easy Bake Oven for boys?  Won’t the girls’ version work for boys?
-          Is it said that “less is more?”  It’s not.  Just ask poor people.
-          Can parrots talk and chickens can’t?
-          Is unpasteurized milk illegal?
-          Are there so many documentary films against ruining the environment that are made with the benefit of electricity and vinyl tapes?
-          Aren’t people protesting the outrageous baggage fees that airlines charge?
-          Can’t the U.S. Postal Service make a profit?  They are a monopoly, after all.
-          Are so many people unaware that 100 watt light bulbs will very soon be illegal to buy?
-          Are we unable to lick our elbows?
-          All the vampire movies and television shows?
-          Can’t we invent a word that rhymes with ‘silver?’
-          Does nearly everyone in America have a TV show?
-          Is there a shortage of singers?  It seems as though there are too many entertainment shows searching for the next painful screamer to bless the radio airwaves.
-          Don’t many people know what the “fiscal cliff” is?
-          Can’t we punish Lindsey Lohan for thumbing her nose at the law?
-          Aren’t the homeless cleaning and tidying-up their shelters?
-          Are some scientists unaware the Sun, with its solar flares and spots, has an effect on our climate?
-          Aren’t there any people afraid of snakes until you have one in your garage that needs re-homing?
-          Do jerks send viruses to the computers of others?
-          Is smoking cigarettes illegal but, smoking marijuana is legal?
-          Does nearly everyone know how to run my life without knowing me?
-          Aren’t “universal” remote controls “universal?”
-          Can’t people accept gay marriage?  I say, “Let them be as miserable as us heterosexuals!”
-          Do we ‘rotate’ the tires on our vehicles?  Don’t they do that themselves when you drive?
-          Are there no real reality shows?
-          Can’t people find jobs if the economy is so good?
-          Do so many buffet breakfast patrons feel the need to take 57 bacons strips per trip?
-          Is the railroad system always broke?
-          Are the ‘good’ fireworks illegal?
-          Do dog owners think I enjoy picking up after their dogs?  For the record, I don’t.
-          Don’t people know what a trash can is for?  How about a class in garbage receptacles in school?
-          Doesn’t insurance ever cover the cost of damage to anything you have insured?
-          Was the fishing always “great yesterday?”
-          Do weight-loss pills always add the caveat that you can lose weight “with diet and exercise?”  If I dieted and exercised I wouldn’t need the pills!
These deliberative thoughts should keep us all busy until next time.  Thanks for reading!