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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sour Grapes


  Since the January 20th Presidential Inauguration, we’ve been on quite a roller coaster ride.

Pundits from both sides of the aisle have been scurrying about the nation in an attempt to sidle up to what each feel will be the ‘winning side’ in a contest geared toward the next election in 2026. Some are seeing better results than others, nonetheless, they continue to vie for future votes.

When the last guy – Joe “Plugs” Biden – was in office for a torturous four-years, the gaggle of sleaze balls, also known as: the legacy media, totally ignored the skyrocketing prices of everything – EVERYTHING – gasoline to dishwashers; automobiles to lettuce; bacon to bottled water, all because of his failed hare-brained policies.

When confronted about these exorbitant price increases, Biden’s spokespersons usually blamed them on former-President Donald Trump, Biden’s predecessor. While making for sensational headlines that deflected the truth, the Biden administration even desperately evoked Russian president Vladimir Putin for the high price of oil.

That segment of the Biden goat rodeo was a cover for Plugs’ shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline that supplied the United States’ oil through Canada – America’s hat – to both countries’ benefit. Unfortunately, the aforementioned legacy media contorted the facts to reflect all was well.

Biden’s unelected cabinet created havoc by taunting American citizens over banning such everyday items as gas stoves, water heaters, incandescent light bulbs, gas-powered vehicles, air conditioners, wood stoves and fireplaces, and efficient toilets, all in the name of science.

And while weak-spined Republicans were busy infighting, their Democrat counterparts ran amok trying to keep the mayhem alive in an attempt to razzle-dazzle the taxpayers by mesmerizing them with a genuine lack of candor on all fronts.

All the while, the Biden Organized Crime Family (BOCF) was apparently hard at work funneling money from foreign sources to include Ukraine, China, and Venezuela. Using scowling facial expressions to deflect any reference to graft and corruption, the BOCF successfully whitewashed the lies for most of their term.

When actually caught in a scandal of perpetual falsehoods, the BOCF denied all charges, and with the help of the legacy media plus the Department of Justice, swept the tax evasion, graft, foreign collusion, and quid pro quo, under the Oval Office carpet.

Since an estimated 94% of the legacy media proudly registered as Democrats, it shouldn’t be incredible that genuine bias is incorporated in most, if not all, stories. Those stories then become fiction rather than non-fiction yet still affect the gist of the narrative – all at the expense of the voters.

As of today, we are less than two months into the second Trump administration, and the wacky Leftist television talk shows are already blaming President Trump for former Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s

botched prognostication of our out-of-control inflation she termed “transitory.”

Assuring the entire world inflation would fall back to more reasonable levels within a few short months, her statement has proved to be off by only 43-months. Of course, it’s not her fault as she was unable to predict the future. Nearly every working American could, though.

But now seems like a good time for the Democrat slugs to crawl out from under their rocks to take a poke at President Trump because the price of inflation is still high. If you have the attention span of a gnat, please go back to reread the previous paragraph that sets out a time frame for our economic woes.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck “Lizard King” Schumer, has been haranguing President Trump about the current rise in the price of eggs. Evidently the Lizard King is unaware something called “bird flu” is spreading throughout the nation affecting the health and longevity of chickens, as well as the eggs they subsequently lay.

The Lizard King's biggest problem in life

With flocks of chickens being destroyed to contain this disease, the law of ‘supply and demand’ becomes reality. Fewer chickens laying eggs means egg prices rise. Awfully simple, except that Dems are agog to falsely tie soaring egg prices to our current president. Perhaps that’s how the Lizard King got his nickname.

In any case, to apply even more pressure on the new Trump administration, Democrats are desperately attempting to find a way to impeach President Trump once again.

Forgetting about the estimated $50,000,000 conveniently distributed throughout the BOCF bank accounts, mostly due to the pre-crime/indictment pardons Biden gave to his brother, son, wife, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren, this public display of giving the United States of America and all its citizens the BIG MIDDLE FINGER says it all.

Still, after Biden’s smarmy exhibition of insolence the legacy media has ignored any and all contemptuous behavior in lieu of attacking President Trump.

With President Trump-related merchandise being advertised and sold to commemorate his historic re-election bid and consequent term, those items have become sour-grapes that Lefties finally feel they have something new on which to bite.

Keeping in mind Mr. Trump, while serving as president, opted to take no salary for his job over his term. That salary amounts to $400,000 per annum, which President Trump gives back to the Treasury for other beneficial uses.

Mr. Trump, according to The Washington Times, “began lending his name to products through licensing agreements with business partners long before he started his second term, but it ramped up after his November win and hasn’t stopped since he returned to the White House.”

Merchants have been selling a wide variety of Trump ware and kitsch to adoring fans that some collectors hope will someday be valuable. Others are buying up this merch simply to show support and respect for this man-turned-martyr at the hands of seething Democrats.

Wrist watches, talking wall-mounted fish, busts of President Trump, hats, bobble heads, t-shirts, even silver coins, are all part of the memorabilia marketed with President Trump’s likeness that are grating wound-licking Democrats.

And so, “Democrats are calling for an investigation into Trump’s meme coin $Trump, which he launched three days before taking office. The coin raised billions of dollars, but Trump said he ‘didn’t know much about it,’” The Washington Times continues.

In an ardent attempt for Dems to follow the elusive ‘rule of law’ – that was missing when Democrats were seated in the White House – are now ready for action. After circling the wagons around “Plugs” Biden to protect him from outside snooping, they suddenly found religion enough to persecute President Trump, with extreme prejudice.

It seems as though with all the attention focused on President Trump, the law-and-order Dems have missed the forest for the trees.

A former White House ethics adviser stated then-President “Biden concealed an influence-peddling scheme that netted his family millions of dollars,” per The Times’ article. Further, “After he became president, Mr. Biden continued to lend his name to the Penn Biden Center think tank at the University of Pennsylvania, which would not disclose donors.” Oh, my.

As luck would have it, “The university, which funds the center, reported a significant increase in China-based donations while Mr. Biden was president.” How fortuitous.

This exercise in “Gotcha!” has been brought to you by those who care about the sleazy dealings and lies, extortion and corruption, besides graft and payola. All this boils down to the hard feelings on the part of Democrats in the form of sour grapes. Get over it.