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Monday, September 25, 2023

Bad Rash

 Throughout this world lives roughly 8,045,311,447 people, and although many of them are noble and righteous, honest and caring, this breathtaking number of inhabitants contains at least a smattering of those who are simply evil.

Witness the world-wide pandemic of COVID-19 that swept the world allegedly taking 6,956,173 lives. While that’s a huge number of deaths, that number represents a 0.0864245 death per populace number – something that is largely unreported. Yes, it is far less than 1% of the population of Earth that succumbed to COVID-19.

In case you thought the COVID scare was over, you thought wrong. It seems as though another American presidential election is on the horizon – 2024 – already with lots of speculation about even who may be running to represent two of our political parties.

Backpedaling to the 2020 presidential election, which was a contest between current President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and former President Donald J. Trump, the upcoming 2024 election proves to be anything but tame.

In preparation for this rivalry, the mainstream media (MSM) has been busy handpicking their favorite candidate (a Democrat or Communist) and an opponent in the form of a certain loser (self-absorbed Republican without a spine or foreign policy experience.)

Recall January 6th, 2021, when Donald Trump asked his followers to peacefully protest what seemed like a contest full of questionable activities which allowed Biden to apparently win the election. That election, and months leading thereto, were laden with pandemic fears, modified voting methods, problematic videos of vote-counting locations, and mysterious ballot discoveries days after the polls closed, allowed any free-thinker to conjure up possibilities of fraud.

All this happened while the world was battling the aforementioned COVID pandemic, machinegun-style impeachment efforts of the Democrat Congress under then-president Trump, and America’s struggle to plug the numerous Southern border holes against the better wishes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who feel otherwise.

A series of missteps were listed in the column labeled “Lessons Learned.” And perhaps that’s the reason we are now quickly approaching the 2024 election with more of the same.

Republicans are now beginning to circle the wagons in an attempt to call endless meetings to discuss, ad nauseam, the possible actions to stop any and all shenanigans the Dems have planned.

Democrats, on the other hand, are already using the MSM to ready the weak-minded voting populace that a new strain of COVID is being found – with contrived solutions to stifle its spread just like the last carousel ride in 2020.

Federal and local District Attorneys (DA) have been using the last four months ginning up any and all possible infractions with which to charge Donald Trump in an apparently clear effort to financially, morally, and emotionally break the will of both Trump and his supporters ahead of the Republican National Committee (RNC) candidate selection.

To better ensure a more certain outcome favorable to the Left, the MSM and their Democrat Congressional and Senatorial buddies are attempting to invalidate the First Amendment, among others. George Stephanopoulos, currently a TV personality and former Democratic advisor, recently mentioned he was “shocked” at the astronomic poll numbers of Trump supporters. As such, he alluded something must be done to stop Trump in his tracks.

The non-stop indictments against Trump, along with the January 6th participants, have been front and center in any and all news events for several years now. That’s an attempt to alter the narrative by controlling the language – a time-tested Communist Party trick.

In this instance, Democrats and their sleazy lawyers – but I repeat myself – have been manipulating their Trump indictments to fit neatly into the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3, disqualifying him from running for office. An aside: Suddenly that outdated, archaic Constitution has merit for the Dems.

In short, Section 3 disqualification appears to apply to any covered person who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and thereafter...engages in insurrection or rebellion against the United States...

Hence, the reason our Democrat politicians, and Republican RINOs, have been constantly beating the proverbial drum of an “insurrection” caused by Donald Trump. See how neatly that works for the Democrats?

Still, it’s always good to have a Plan B for ‘just-in-case’ scenarios. Just-in-case Trump beats these phony charges, how will the Democrats be able to continue to hold their Executive Branch power while systematically destroying America’s economy, education system, borders, energy independence, world strength, military might, sovereignty, religious freedom, and freedom of choice in so many areas?

Return to what works best; the tried and true method of controlling people, their thoughts and actions, ability to freely travel, make personal choices for medical care and treatment, along with free and fair elections...COVID.

Indeed, another COVID scare is on the rise. People I wouldn’t trust with two-day old garbage are suddenly making headlines, warning us non-anointed of another round of impending medical chaos – a chaos whose origin seems unimportant to the powers-that-be, but whose control is very critical to society.

Like The Bible’s Lazarus of Bethany, not only is COVID itself being resurrected from the dead, but authorities who drove the proverbial bus to health off the cliff during the original COVID pandemic are, as well.

Remember the highest paid person in the United States guvment? It was Dr. Anthony Fauci, the same person who managed the HIV-AIDS crisis in the 1980’s. Being the foremost authority on infectious diseases, Fauci was tapped by then-President Trump as a logical choice to lead America through the pandemic of the century, COVID-19.

In the event you missed it, Fauci lied his way through most of the COVID craze by telling susceptible citizens that wearing N-95 masks was no way to stop the spread of COVID; a week later, he insisted the only way to stop the spread was to wear a mask. And he flip-flopped on this gospel for years thereafter.

Eventually, he lost track – as did the complicit MSM – which position was current. This is important because Fauci’s make-it-up-as-we-go-along leadership style was used to create some unique situations directly affecting COVID attending doctors and nurses, police, military personnel, supermarket clerks, chefs, prison guards, and guvment employees. If you were “ordered” to receive a COVID vaccination, you either got it or lost your job. That is pure evil. Amen.

As luck has it, “in February, a major study from the Cochrane Library found that wearing them was pointless,” per The NY Post. Continuing, “There’s still no evidence that masks are effective during a pandemic,” Tom Jefferson, the study’s lead author, said in February [2023].

Imagine the mayhem caused by medical personnel being given pink slips because of that pesky freedom of choice thingy about eliminating freedom of choice for individuals. Choice suddenly dissolved when it was applied to mandating vaccination receipt, but it remains applicable to abortion-on-demand. Wow!

By the way, many doctors and nurses, police, military personnel, supermarket clerks, chefs, prison guards, and guvment employees who exercised their choice to not received a vax were terminated from their jobs leaving a gaping hole in their fields because they were noncompliant.

But it is Dr. Fauci that just recently climbed out of his retirement burrow under the tool shed. Probably responding to the Batman-like spotlight in the sky pleading for superhero help, Fauci began anew appearing on television talk and news shows to offer his usual expert advice on how to combat the new COVID strains.

It seems as though Fauci dusted off his ol’ spiral bound notebook containing all his thoughts and plans for eradicating the ‘new and improved’ COVID virus. Speaking with his annoying gravely Noo Yoik accent, Fauci earnestly squinted while uttering “he admitted that a wide-ranging study found that face masks made no difference in the course of the pandemic,” added The NY Post.

Allow me to reiterate: Fauci earnestly squinted while uttering “he admitted that a wide-ranging study found that face masks made no difference in the course of the pandemic.”

Fauci’s solution? Mandate masks for everyone on Earth for this next go-around. Yep. Follow the science. Hmmmm, Where have we heard that before?

Remember those compliant mask-wearers in the grocery store and Walmart? They proudly shoved their carts up one aisle and down the other with a mask in their shirt pocket, or dangling off one ear, or wearing it well beneath their noses? All useless. But apparently compliant according to the COVID cops.

In an effort to further spread the good ideas, pharmaceutical companies are already ardently working on creating a viable vaccine plus boosters that will, once again, drive a firm wedge between Americans who feel superior to their less-compliant, more disobedient counterparts.

Politicians-aplenty seized the first COVID battle to their advantage by insisting people vote by mail rather than in-person. This sleazy measure opened the door to voter fraud and other questionable activities that are still being debated. Hey, let’s try that again in 2024!

This is nothing more annoying than discovering your once-cured bad rash has returned to cause nettlesome discomfort by playing along to get along. It’s high time to say, “STOP IT!” and let people decide for themselves.

Lastly, vote in-person in order to end the shenanigans, and if people want to wear a mask, wear one. If you feel you should receive a vaccination, get one. Just leave me and others who fail to share your thoughts, alone.

Perhaps the two new COVID strains should be called Bad Rash-1, and How About a Punch in the Head-23.