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Sunday, March 12, 2023

What Ifs

 Some five decades ago, an old girlfriend gave me, as a gift, a sweater.  I’m not a sweater guy; if she was more attuned to me rather than her own extra-large ego, she would have known that.  But I digress.


Not long after, that same sweater found itself with a snag.  After a few more wearings, the snag developed into a hole.  Eventually the hole transformed the sweater into a yard work garment because the previously mentioned hole kept unraveling.


Soon, that sweater wasn’t much more than a ball of cat toys which inevitably found its way into the garbage where it belonged.


And for nearly a half century – that’s fifty-years, in case you’re Canadian – America has been burdened with the likes of a fellow named Joseph Robinette Biden. Beginning as a Senator from Delaware, Biden has been spinning tales about his wonderful accomplishments to the delight of everyone unfamiliar with his inability to tell the truth.


Biden’s fabrications started somewhere around – oddly enough – fifty years ago.  December 2022 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the tragic death of Neilia Biden, Joe’s first wife; she was killed in a traffic collision in which their daughter also died.


According to the website, “Neilia [nee:] Hunter was a Republican, Neilia Biden registered as a Democrat, according to The News Journal.”


What if:  this terrible life-changing accident had never occurred.  Would Joe’s brain still be scrambled?  Joe Biden, in 1975, “Senator Biden called for broadly reviewing every federal program to weed out wasteful spending.”  Two of those programs, mentioned by name, include Social Security, and Medicare


What if:  now-President Biden was able to distinguish fact from fiction.  He would not be blaming Republicans for the alleged ache to dissolve Social Security, and Medicare.  Apparently he is intentionally misleading or is cognitively incompetent


What if:  President Biden had to personally pay for all the munitions and arms and military hardware being given to Ukraine


What if:  America had an extra $113,000,000,000 to use domestically, rather than for Ukraine’s war, for Americans to aid with hurricane relief, railroad disasters, and chemical spills


What if:  the President had a map to East Palestine, Ohio, rather than Warsaw Poland and Ukraine; he might be able to travel there to show support for those residents who pay taxes for protection and support from the federal guvment


What if:  Biden understood economics – better than either Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Elizabeth Warren – perhaps he would realize his over-spending money we don’t have only contributes to our already sky-high inflation and seemingly deepening recession


What if:  the “Great Uniter” tried uniting America rather than dividing it based on race, sex, country of origin, age, sexual proclivity, and, above all, political affiliation


What if:  sanctuary cities – promoted and applauded by President Biden – stopped drowning the United States in illegal aliens who refuse our FREE housing, transportation, gift cards, telephones, and education


What if:  President Biden ceased the release of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to our sworn enemy, the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Perhaps we’d have our own petroleum in the event of a national crisis.  But maybe his saintly son Hunter is getting rich off the proceeds of his deals with China


What if we began shipping petroleum via the Keystone XL Pipeline – the pipeline Biden shut down seconds after his inauguration – that caused fuel prices to skyrocket, only to blame it on Vladimir Putin


What if:  the United States is dragged into a war with Russia and/or the PRC.  Will Ukraine help us out militarily, as with Afghanistan who found themselves with $84,000,000,000 in military arms, tanks, helicopters, and uniforms


What if:  Code Pink devoted as much time to protesting our involvement in Ukraine as they did protesting our involvement in Iraq


What if:  Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama, and John Kerry, are equally stupid for buying multimillion dollar houses on direct waterfront land, while preaching how the rising oceans will drown everyone from the continuously melting glaciers


What if:  Bill Gates is intent on eliminating tens-of-millions of Earth’s inhabitants to save the Earth.  He’s gung ho on ridding the world of livestock and other meat animals to protect the planet.  Damn the people


What if: Biden and the balance of non-deep thinkers are able to disarm American citizens, while they trust ragtag Ukrainians and Afghanis with U.S. military arms

They supposedly want to “save lives.”  Again, the nitwits in this administration, along with stupid coeds and their secular parents feel the need to keep abortion legal


What if: the word “abortion” actually appeared in the dictionary, or a medical textbook.  Could people understand that Abortion = Death


What if:  Biden had selected competent, capable, skilled people to his administration, rather than the firsts, such as foreign-born lesbian; gay immigrant; transvestite; transgender; black; transgender black; and so on.  Things may be running more overtly


What if:  the Secretary of Transportation had been a man, rather than a gay person who needed to stay on extended paternity leave to care for their twins.  BTW, he WAS a man at one time


What if:  white teachers stopped identifying as “educators,” since they don’t appear to be educating anyone except the taxpayers who aren’t getting their money’s worth, by them teaching kids to hate white people because they’re white, while demanding respect for the other kids


What if:  cultural appropriation was as big a scam as critical race theory is.  Society hasn’t learned to not trust the guvment – even after the lies about COVID-19 and associated vaccines and masks


EV Charging - no tripping hazard here

What if:  America switches to electric stoves from gas, eliminating propane, outlawing gasoline vehicles, banning diesel cars and trucks, prohibiting gas lawn equipment, forbidding fireplaces and fire pits, as well as boats, all in the name of the environment


What if:   We had a Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, who idealizes America as much as she does the People’s Republic of China and its energy/climate policies, who might actually see China as a genuine threat to America, and the balance of the world with their pollution and wholesale environmental destruction          


What if:  our nation’s population cannot transition nearly 400,000,000 residents to electric EVERYTHING within a few short years.  We need Russia, the PRC, and Afghanistan for components to make batteries.  Go back and reread who our enemies are.


This isn’t much different than my sweater.  Everything sounded so good, and looked even better.  But the material and workmanship was less than expected, so eventually it began to fall apart.


And fall apart it did.


Our once great country has transitioned from a beacon of freedom and unity into one of overregulation and animosity, with seemingly no recourse.  Let us not accept sweaters that are imperfect, unless we are prepared to live with the substandard conditions for which we voted.