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Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Genius Bunch

 In the corporate world, there is a saying: Problems are opportunities. 


Simply put, that little ditty means that “when you think of problems you’ll only attract more problems,” according to  Hence, if you recognize a problem, you can address that problem to turn a negative into a positive.


Rather than hemorrhaging money or resources, you could analyze your situation to rectify your position and reverse your financial bleeding.


That is basically the way private companies and corporations get revenues for reinventing, thereby making more money and more money and more money.


On the other hand, “the guvment doesn’t use those systems of belief because the guvment was designed to hire the unhireable.” Those simple seventeen words are attributed to yours truly.


If you’ve ever had to deal with guvment speed bumps, you know of what I speak.  Think back to your last trip to the DMV.  How about a call to the police or sheriff to report a crime?  Reaching out to your federal Representative or Senator, or the Veteran’s Administration was likely more than challenging.


Remember the angst associated with your most recent federal tax return?  How about your state tax return?  Any questions you had were promptly addressed, weren’t they?  Don’t even get me started on building permits or construction inspections – two more manufacturers of guvment red tape.  And vehicle inspections are simply the worst.


All these roadblocks are because the guvment employees associated with the IRS, DMV, police, Department of State, VA, FBI, etc., know they control you and you need them more than they need you.


You’re likely thinking you have no recourse for acquiring your driver’s license, building permit, tax filing assistance, passport and visa help, and automobile registration, so you need to be beholden.  And you’re right.


But what is genuinely maddening is the way these guvment types lie to us.


Take our current White House, for example.  Since the President and Vice President are both very, very busy, they have a “spokesperson” who daily meets with the press to offer current situations and answer questions for those media-types.


As of January 2021, the day Joseph Robinette Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, the Oval Office nearly ran out of ink while Biden was signing one Executive Order after another to erase any and all evidence of former President Donald J. Trump.


One of those EOs was the rollback of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a major energy conduit for the United States.


Almost immediately, the price of gas began rising, and that price has been soaring ever since.  In January 2021, regular gas was selling for and average of $2.67/gallon on the East Coast.


Today, fourteen months later, we are in the midst of a Russia takeover of Ukraine, a former Soviet Union state; both Russia and Ukraine produce oil as an export.


But inasmuch as Russia and Ukraine are battling one another, America’s purchase of crude oil from Russia would be a tacit funding of that bloody conflict.  Standing on the sidelines borders on heartless, but the U.S. entry into another no-win war is suicidal.


Today, our gasoline prices are a healthy $4.99/gallon on the East Coast, and have no sign of changing course.


No caption necessary

Already, after only a few short weeks of fighting, US politicians are ready to jump into the fight – but I cannot figure out why, and no politician can give Americans a really good reason other than the price of oil.


A trip through the Wormhole Activating and Bridging Automatic Computer (WABAC) Machine – a fictional time travel machine from the Sherman and Mr. Peabody cartoon show, offers some interesting insight.


For all you youngsters, and old fogies too ancient to remember, America suffered several “gas crises” decades ago.


In the early 1970’s, “Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo against the United States in retaliation for the US decision to re-supply the Israeli military and to gain leverage in the post-war peace negotiations,” per History.State.Gov.


I was stuck in miles-long lines to refuel my car at gas stations back then.  Gas went from 33¢/gallon to over $1.25/gallon.  That was lot of money because minimum wage in 1973 was $1.60/hour.  That should put things into perspective.


But ask White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, about today’s astronomical gas prices and she’ll answer with a whopper.  She claims this fuel price is rising because of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Putin is conducting his nefarious business in Europe.  Our Keystone XL Pipeline runs through Canada into the United States.


That weak cover story is an attempt to hide the truth behind the record shattering gas price rise.  The truth may anger you, so if you don’t want it, quit reading now.


A look back on the campaign trail in 2019, Biden stumped from town-to-town for his election.  When elected, he promised he would eliminate fossil fuels in America.  This was his promise to the eco-warriors who allegedly got him elected as president.


Biden is now taking advantage of the European crisis to cling onto the environmental fanaticism.  No more Keystone Pipeline, no more oil from Russia, no more oil from the Middle East, no oil from Venezuela.  How fortuitous. 


The definitive solution was recently offered by our U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.  Recently pregnant Buttigieg rose to fame as a Mayor in South Bend, Indiana.  He likely never even rode a bus, but he was qualified enough to earn this lofty position.


Along side Mayor Pete, is Jennifer Granholm.  Granholm is the current Secretary of Energy; she was the governor of Michigan, so naturally she meets the criteria for managing America’s energy.  Unfortunately she was as poor a governor as she is a Secretary.


Mayor Pete, Gubenor Jenny, and President Nitwit, contrived a rather simple solution to this economic mayhem in which we reside.


All three feel the definitive solution is to buy electric vehicles (EV).  Pretty simple, huh?


Of course, the least expensive EV costs around $60,000, while many other manufacturers sell theirs for $150,000, and up.


This Mensa group glibly stated that you will save so much money from having to purchase gas if you owned an EV.  Unfortunately, they forgot to mention the outrageously expensive and rare recharging stations for your new EV.  Alas.


As the late Paul Harvey used to end his radio program: “And now you know the rest of the story.”


And now you know how the unhireable solve your problems by creating an opportunity.  Yea!