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Monday, October 18, 2021

Fair Share

 Today we’re going to begin with a quiz.


1.)                Name the second smallest of our United States

2.)                Which state has no sales tax?

3.)                Which state is home to the largest number of corporations, and why?

4.)                Name the candidate who received the most votes in the 2020 presidential election


Now that wasn’t so bad.  In fact, if you spent any time in an elementary school classroom, you’d know the answers are as follows:


1.)                Delaware

2.)                Delaware

3.)                Delaware, because of extremely low fees and taxes on incorporation

4.)                No one really knows


Delaware seems to be the hub of friendliness to corporations largely due to the low fees and subsequent taxes associated with incorporation.  According to their website, the state of Delaware has “more than 1,000,000 business entities” that take advantage of its incorporation services.  They forgot to mention Delaware is the second smallest state.  (For those of you who are wagering, Rhode Island is the smallest.)


Included in that extensive corporation list are Ford Motor Company and General Motors, both of which are multi-billion dollar entities.


Since Delaware is super-friendly to these companies that rake in obscene amounts of money, it is a mystery to me how the current President, joe biden, could have been a United States Senator representing Delaware.


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This is the same guy who just recently began carping about corporations that “pay no taxes.”  Pay no taxes?  Why would that be?


Upon a closer examination, biden, a nearly 50-year inhabitant of guvment office chairs, has become adept at working the system to his advantage.  Being a lawyer, like most politicians, biden wiles his time away accusing American workers of not paying “their fair share.”


In speech after speech after speech, biden uses that tired one-note song in an effort to drive a wedge between white collar and blue collar workers.  Suddenly that tax obligation became magically transformed into a punitive measure toward class warfare.


Exactly what ‘their fair share’ is is unknown.  Back in 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, “I’ll know it when I see it,” in reference to pornography.  That phrase remains sufficiently vague until today, not unlike biden and his fair share rambling.


Biden offers no parameters to what a fair share is, but I’ll wager his idea of a fair share is commensurate with covert political donations and a wink.  But I digress.


So what can corporations do to further manipulate their financial responsibilities in favor of their respective shareholders, to make money?


Usually, they hire prominent individuals with readily recognizable names to sit on their executive boards or become ambassadors to awe potential customers and investors with their name recognition.


All this writing would not even be necessary had it not been for joe biden and his crack cocaine addled son, hunter biden.  Hunter has been involved with side hustles for years making literally tons of money for his name recognition – much like those aforementioned executive board sitters.


Ukraine, the People’s Republic of China, Amtrak, and now art appreciators, have been giving unsubstantiated cash to hunter because of name recognition and little else.  Period.


But the peculiar part of hunter’s story is that all his activities have been covered up by the mainstream media (MSM), for years.  During the 2020 elections, hunter’s shenanigans were totally ignored by most of the press to protect his father’s election efforts.


Yes, those same MSM that were agog to exact revenge on President Trump via his income tax returns, turned a blind eye to hunter biden’s sleaze with glee.


But only recently it was reported that joe “pay your fair share” biden, himself, may have skipped out on paying $500,000 of his personal taxes.  That’s quite a bit of money that could be better used by the anointed guvment types who are overly anxious to get their greedy paws on your, and my, hard earned cash.


Money makes the world go around, and businesses are businesses because they want to make money – otherwise, they would be charities.  They incorporate in business-friendly states, hire the right people to represent them, and implement practices to maximize financial returns for shareholders.


It’s not a sin or crime to be successful in commerce.  Stop punishing winning.