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Monday, June 28, 2021

Crisis Du Jour

 Let’s begin today’s special venture by defining the word “crisis.”


According to Wikipedia, “A crisis is any event or period that will lead, or may lead, to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, or all of society…”


That being said, we can now examine the creative ways society, in general, the main stream media (MSM), in particular, have been bastardizing this word.


Upon the election of President Donald J. Trump, in November 2016, the MSM immediately began a campaign of vilifying President Trump because he was, well, President Trump.


Primarily composed of Socialist Democrats and Democrats and Leftists, the drum banging to make people aware of this “crisis” started before all the ballots were counted.


Simply electing a man who roughly only half the country voted for was enough for the weak minded to become apoplectic for no other reason than he was not a politician, and had no place in Washington, D.C., much less the White House.


Adding extra big words to “crisis” was a brilliant attempt to make the stupid sound intelligent.  Words such as “existential” and “catastrophic” merely added to the dire nature of nothing.  Insert the words “pragmatic solution,” and you have intellectual elitists leading Americans around by a nose ring.


For instance, all across the airwaves “existential crisis” flowed on a daily basis.  Not to continue her irrelevance, Congressclown Maxine Waters regularly popped-up like a turd in the punchbowl, shrieking for President Trump’s impeachment.  It didn’t seem to matter he hadn’t even been sworn-in, Mr. Trump needed to be stopped because of a perceived existential crisis.


These tactics are not new, though.  Such urgency was introduced into the debate lexicon long ago in the 1970’s.  Back then, something novel reached the public via school indoctrination – not unlike the everything-is-racist movement blanketing America today.


The then-1970’s existential crisis was the neo-science that began driving our country off the financial cliff called “global cooling.”  Global cooling was a term coined to encompass ways to trip up America in its race for a combination of world dominance and world peace.


Monies and resources were quickly shuffled, by Socialist Democrats, like a 3-card Monte scheme.  Social programs were stopped in an effort to re-apportion assets to better fight this imminent death sentence on Mother Earth.  This existential crisis involved ALL nations to board the save-the-planet train, with only modest success.


Other countries, as it so happens, would have none of that.  In fact, while they gladly latched onto the existential crisis of global cooling, they willfully ignored those same regulations that applied to them, too.  It seems as though the existential crisis was not that much of a crisis.  Still, the drum beat steadily in a call to action.  But I digress.


In any case, that crisis morphed into “global warming.”  Inconveniently enough, that existential cooling crisis was miscalculated and had now morphed into a warming crisis.  No kidding.


And so began a trip down the proverbial rabbit hole.  This existential crisis, like most others, is a solution looking for a problem.


Even though President Trump is long gone from the White House, more and more existential crises are discovered daily.  And the Left are attempting to blame him for anything and everything.


Mere moments after his swearing-in as President Trump’s replacement, Joseph Robinette Biden began signing one executive action after another under the premise of curtailing the next existential crisis.


His haplessness caused a dramatic and dangerous influx of illegal aliens to stream across our Southern border.  Unfortunately, those law-ignoring trespassers have created another existential crisis for us from a personal safety, and economic perspective, alike.


While concerned about COVID-19 vaccines, these illegal aliens are free to roam about the United States without tests, vaccinations, or scans for tuberculosis.  This seems to be an existential crisis, in my eyes.


But that’s not enough.  Medical care-for-all is considered an existential crisis, as is child care, free internet access, racism, police funding, climate change, election fraud, social justice, Donald Trump, words, college tuition, economic depression, gay pride, pollution, Donald Trump supporters, Critical Race Theory, a threat to stop killing babies, eating beef, non-organic foods, GMO foods, and the My Pillow guy, appear to invoke uncontrollable anguish in so many – too many – sheepish residents. 


Of course the simple addition of words like “existential crisis” and “pragmatic solution” enthrall the ignorant among us.  It’s time to quit teaching sex education and critical race theory in schools and begin teaching courses on American Pride and unity, along with analytical thinking based upon facts.


Everything is not an existential crisis.