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Monday, June 28, 2021

Crisis Du Jour

 Let’s begin today’s special venture by defining the word “crisis.”


According to Wikipedia, “A crisis is any event or period that will lead, or may lead, to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, or all of society…”


That being said, we can now examine the creative ways society, in general, the main stream media (MSM), in particular, have been bastardizing this word.


Upon the election of President Donald J. Trump, in November 2016, the MSM immediately began a campaign of vilifying President Trump because he was, well, President Trump.


Primarily composed of Socialist Democrats and Democrats and Leftists, the drum banging to make people aware of this “crisis” started before all the ballots were counted.


Simply electing a man who roughly only half the country voted for was enough for the weak minded to become apoplectic for no other reason than he was not a politician, and had no place in Washington, D.C., much less the White House.


Adding extra big words to “crisis” was a brilliant attempt to make the stupid sound intelligent.  Words such as “existential” and “catastrophic” merely added to the dire nature of nothing.  Insert the words “pragmatic solution,” and you have intellectual elitists leading Americans around by a nose ring.


For instance, all across the airwaves “existential crisis” flowed on a daily basis.  Not to continue her irrelevance, Congressclown Maxine Waters regularly popped-up like a turd in the punchbowl, shrieking for President Trump’s impeachment.  It didn’t seem to matter he hadn’t even been sworn-in, Mr. Trump needed to be stopped because of a perceived existential crisis.


These tactics are not new, though.  Such urgency was introduced into the debate lexicon long ago in the 1970’s.  Back then, something novel reached the public via school indoctrination – not unlike the everything-is-racist movement blanketing America today.


The then-1970’s existential crisis was the neo-science that began driving our country off the financial cliff called “global cooling.”  Global cooling was a term coined to encompass ways to trip up America in its race for a combination of world dominance and world peace.


Monies and resources were quickly shuffled, by Socialist Democrats, like a 3-card Monte scheme.  Social programs were stopped in an effort to re-apportion assets to better fight this imminent death sentence on Mother Earth.  This existential crisis involved ALL nations to board the save-the-planet train, with only modest success.


Other countries, as it so happens, would have none of that.  In fact, while they gladly latched onto the existential crisis of global cooling, they willfully ignored those same regulations that applied to them, too.  It seems as though the existential crisis was not that much of a crisis.  Still, the drum beat steadily in a call to action.  But I digress.


In any case, that crisis morphed into “global warming.”  Inconveniently enough, that existential cooling crisis was miscalculated and had now morphed into a warming crisis.  No kidding.


And so began a trip down the proverbial rabbit hole.  This existential crisis, like most others, is a solution looking for a problem.


Even though President Trump is long gone from the White House, more and more existential crises are discovered daily.  And the Left are attempting to blame him for anything and everything.


Mere moments after his swearing-in as President Trump’s replacement, Joseph Robinette Biden began signing one executive action after another under the premise of curtailing the next existential crisis.


His haplessness caused a dramatic and dangerous influx of illegal aliens to stream across our Southern border.  Unfortunately, those law-ignoring trespassers have created another existential crisis for us from a personal safety, and economic perspective, alike.


While concerned about COVID-19 vaccines, these illegal aliens are free to roam about the United States without tests, vaccinations, or scans for tuberculosis.  This seems to be an existential crisis, in my eyes.


But that’s not enough.  Medical care-for-all is considered an existential crisis, as is child care, free internet access, racism, police funding, climate change, election fraud, social justice, Donald Trump, words, college tuition, economic depression, gay pride, pollution, Donald Trump supporters, Critical Race Theory, a threat to stop killing babies, eating beef, non-organic foods, GMO foods, and the My Pillow guy, appear to invoke uncontrollable anguish in so many – too many – sheepish residents. 


Of course the simple addition of words like “existential crisis” and “pragmatic solution” enthrall the ignorant among us.  It’s time to quit teaching sex education and critical race theory in schools and begin teaching courses on American Pride and unity, along with analytical thinking based upon facts.


Everything is not an existential crisis. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Surprise, Surprise

It was the middle of the night when I awoke from a sound sleep.  Not an unusual occurrence since I have a guilty conscience which precludes me from staying asleep all night long.  Well, that, as well as a bladder the size of a garbanzo bean which necessitates me visiting the bathroom keeps me awake beyond normal.


But enough of that.  I usually return to bed and quickly head back to the Land of Nod in very short order.  Except last night, that is.


Smokey the Cat joined me for a cup of Sleepytime Tea and a brief look at what was on television at 1:53 AM.  My best guess was nothing.  I was wrong.


Surfing through the 400+ channels certainly put a drain on the remote control batteries, until I reached the series of commercial channels.  It seems as though there were copious amounts of channels on which people hawk all sorts of things.


Pressure washers, shoes, knives, vitamins, adult diapers, and spatulas, were everywhere in a time frame called “safe harbor” hours.  Safe harbor hours are when all sorts of “things” are promoted for those people who have everything except a place to keep it.


You know the kind of stuff I’m talking about.  The magic pills that former professional athletes – those you never heard of – are now reduced to trying to sell as “male enhancement” in a pharmaceutical.


That’s the same crap they tried to sell you six-months ago with similar results, but before the Food and Drug Administration filed a lawsuit against them to cease selling a modern version of snake oil.


As luck would have it, I stumbled upon an hour-long commercial selling sex toys. 


What should have appeared on the TV

In case you think you misread that last sentence, feel free to go back.  I’ll wait for you.


In an attempt to satisfy Smokey’s curiosity – he is a cat, after all – I, too went back for more research.


Here’s some middle-aged woman, not unattractive, fumbling with a sex toy.  It was gyrating much like a freshly caught trout trying to escape into the cool, clear brook from which it was pulled moments ago.


A couple of furtive glances between and betwixt Smokey and I cemented the fact we had stumbled upon something that appeared to be questionable, or at least suitable, for television.


It really didn’t take long for me to skip ahead and find a sports channel that was showing competitive sweeping on ice.  They called it “curling.”


In any case, my already overactive mind shifted into overdrive and took me back to 1992.


Back then, the country was waist-deep in presidential elections.  To keep you here, William Jefferson Clinton was elected president after defeating George H.W. Bush, making him the first Black president of the United States.


During the months leading up to those contentious elections, the proverbial gloves came off to create a more-than-festive atmosphere of politicking. 


One issue that was on the horizon was abortion.  Abortion is the taking of a life by women; that life is an innocent, helpless baby that has been redefined as a “choice.”


Republicans are traditionally anti-abortion, a contorted way of intimating that saving lives of children is somehow detrimental to selfish, uncaring women.  More on that in a future article.


Republican candidates were running graphic television ads for candidates who both wanted to save babies, as well as against candidates who saw babies as disposable.


Those graphic ads showed how an abortion on a fetus in the uterus is killed, and then violently removed from the womb, to make women happy.


The commercials were banned as being offensive to young viewers and older viewers who found this actual procedure offensive to their sensibilities.  Oh, my.


The Federal Communications Commission decided to move these offensive commercials to those handy safe harbor hours, effectively precluding most of America from seeing how this medical niche functioned.


It may have been the Sleepytime Tea, but my mind immediately headed toward last week.  It was then when I saw an equally distasteful commercial BY THE FEDERAL GUVMENT to get people to stop smoking cigarettes.


That commercial featured a woman lying in a hospital bed dying of lung cancer because she smoked since her high school days, some 30-years ago.  This pitiful woman was gaunt, drawn, wrinkled, and clearly surgically manipulated, in efforts to save or prolong her life.  The end of this 30-second public service announcement declares how this woman passed away two-weeks after its filming.


Censorship was needed during international wars and terroristic attacks to permit the guvment’s use of propaganda.  But it remains alive an well directed by those in guvment power to control and manipulate our collective behaviors. 


Too bad censorship doesn’t apply to safe harbor hours, or the fabricating mainstream media.

Monday, June 14, 2021

She Was Right

“Vice President Biden, you are a racist.”


For those of you who are of short memories, that line was spoken by now Vice President Kamala Harris to then Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden; his title has changed to President, but he remains “a racist.”


It was during one of the Democratic Presidential Debates in June 2019 that Harris felt compelled to give Ol’ Plugs Biden the ‘what-fer’ during her sleazy diatribe.  In addition to ‘splaining about how underprivileged she grew up because of her race, Harris found time to take digs concerning Plugs’ biased life, and how “hurtful” his remarks about her were.  Alas.


Racism whistleblower

Don’t misunderstand me.  Biden is not without sin, especially the original sin of White Systemic Racism, the tripe seemingly every person of color (POC), and he, is currently peddling.


Biden entered the Senate in 1972 and evidently enjoyed the guvment teat, inasmuch as he has remained at the public service trough ever since.  Serving on varying committees as a Senator from Delaware, Biden made friends throughout his lengthy tenure.


Among those to whom he has served allegiance included James Eastland, Jesse Helms, Scoop Jackson, and Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Robert Carlyle Byrd.


In fact, proving race traitor Harris correct about his own racist tendencies, Plugs, during a 1975 interview, said, “The new integration plans being offered are really just quota systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or whatever in each school.  That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with.”  Of course it is.


It was another platitude of Biden’s: “Integrating black students would turn schools into a jungle…a racial jungle.”  Sounds as though VP Harris was onto something.


Not being an expert on race because I’m a White man, the above statement which was unearthed by The Washington Post seems to me to indicate at least a smidgen of racism on Biden’s part.


So what are career bigots and Democrat politicians to do to prove they are not racists?  Clearly discriminate by race is the definitive answer.


“Woke” current Vice President Harris married a White man.  Problem solved dispelling any and all questions regarding her skin color faithfulness, although she may not be ashamed of her skin color.


President Biden – Joe, not Doctor Jill – has been contorting since that earlier mentioned debate to shed all labels that directly point toward his apparent dislike of most POC.


He’s been trying to create official avenues to legally discriminate both against and for the color of Americans.  His plan to give goodies in the form of minority business grants and loans and college funding to POC, is as racist as excluding Whites from acquiring jobs and housing and college educations.


Somewhere along the way, the pendulum of fairness has violently swung to the opposite end of the arc.


Those phony whiners that perpetually cry foul over lack of jobs, housing, and education due to their race are the same ones refusing to comply with laws, rules, and regulations of a civilized society; they are the eternal victims.


Rather than looking into the mirror to identify the problem and main cause of their woes, it is far easier for them to point fingers at those who did follow prescribed laws and tenets that apply to everyone equally.


Stealing cars in order to joy ride or commit drive-by shootings or even to facilitate getaways of other nefarious activities, is commonplace in many inner cities.  There, crime is running rampant while the minority populace demands “police defunding.” 


Although a catchy phrase, murders, property crimes, violent assaults, and car theft, are soaring to new levels.  Who living in those sordid environments would want to eliminate police?


Only those who desire more crime is the answer.  Sounds nonsensical, but criminals and Social Democrats would be the ultimate beneficiaries of such a coup.  Witness the mayhem and madness occurring in New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, and Portland.


In those American cities-turned-into-municipal-toilets, their mayors have been pandering to those demanding discrimination, all the while deriding anyone pleading for safety and sanity.


In fact, Black Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot proudly made a public statement that she will no longer give interviews to White folk.  Only POC need to inquire.  Divisive?  Sure, but she’s somehow the victim in her own puny, sordid mind.


In any case, it’s a wonderful time to throw American life into reverse in order to revisit what segregation was like years, decades, and centuries ago.  Are separate water fountains next?  Where in the bus will White people sit?  Will Black doctors only tend to POC?  Here’s an idea: Let’s open separate but equal schools.


We’ll need to query President Biden, the Chief Racist-in-Charge.  He’s been dividing Americans since 1972, and he’s trying harder than ever to ruin any racial amity achieved over decades.


Come to think of it, “…President Biden, you are a racist.”


It appears as though Kamala Harris was right and it takes one to know one.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Gold Hat

Alfonso Bedoya, aka: Gold Hat

It was dialog between a character, Fred Dobbs, played by Humphrey Bogart, and a local Mexican bandit, “Gold Hat,” played by Alfonso Bedoya, that gave the cinematic world probably one of the most famous lines ever.


Gold Hat tries to convince Dobbs that he is a local law enforcement person, when Dobbs asks, “If you’re the police, where are your badges?” in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.        


Gold Hat responds with, “Badges?  We ain’t got no badges.  We don’t need no badges.  I don’t have to show you any stinkin’ badges!”


Throughout the decades, numerous other movies, television shows, and cartoons have used a variation of this familiar brief conversation to make tongue-in-cheek references in those varying parodies.


This premise is actually pretty simple to dissect inasmuch as the Mexican police would need their badges as identification in order to perform their job.


But to be met with an arrogant and hostile response such as Gold Hat delivered to such an elementary question only give us a good look into the state of affairs in Mexico at the time.  The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was penned in 1927, and the referenced movie of the same name was only altered slightly to remove vulgarities.


It’s been nearly one-hundred years since the novel was written, and I’ll wager Mexico still operates today much the way it did in 1927.  Police, there, have long had a reputation of being ruthless while conducting business in less-than-legal ways.  But I digress.


Such flouting of judicial and legal means to circumvent the rule-of-law only breeds contempt thereby creating lawlessness – a Genie that is unable to be put back into its proverbial bottle.


Fast forward to present day American politics, where the country is divided not only by political parties, but also the White and Black races.


Serious questions as to the validity of the 2020 elections at all levels of government have been under scrutiny since November 2020 in an attempt to reconcile voting numbers that can be easily viewed as skewed and possibly corrupt.


Rather than trying to resolve these SNAFUs, politicians and social media affiliates, as well as news agencies and even television shows, have been peppering the country with nonsense about there being any shenanigans surrounding the validity of maintaining a free and honest electoral system in America.


All sorts of smarmy tactics have been employed, as of late, to disaffect former President Donald J. Trump from the White House, to include his unbelievable success in creating a vaccine for COVID-19, a gangbuster economy, bringing peace to the Middle East, and tempering hostilities presented by Russia, China, and North Korea.


In fact, censorship has become the norm in order to hide facts, and deny the truth, not unlike tactics used in the former Soviet Union.  There, government officials and politicians, alike, were excised from written text while their images were airbrushed from official photographs.


Campaigns like these will only deepen the divide of fact and fiction from history, which, by the way, is always written by the victors.  FYI.


But it is the electoral system that has true believers in a free state, in a tizzy.  The Left is demanding more open means of voting with far less restrictions, such as identification (ID).


For nearly a decade, local and state governments have been trying to GIVE IDs to anyone asking for one.  That way, everyone who is asked to prove who they are at the polling place can offer FREE, legitimate ID.


As an aside, a valid driver’s license, passport, hunting or fishing license, pistol permit, etc., are considered legal voting identification proof, in most states.


However, the Left and Socialist Democrats have been attempting to muddy the legal waters by claiming all this “proof” disproportionately affects Blacks over Whites.


Listening to red herrings such as this only create an image of poor societal skills and a lack of the ability of Blacks to survive in settings that require following rules and obeying laws.  That thinking offered by the Left and Socialist Democrats is, in and of itself, racist.


I dare say most Black motorists have driver’s licenses, Black fishermen have fishing licenses, Black government-check recipients possess bank IDs, and Black purchasers of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes own some form of identification to prove their age.  All of those are legitimate forms of ID.


As is evident, Blacks are probably not as inept or incapable of acquiring tools they need to function, as contended by Lefties and Socialist Democrats, alike.  Perhaps those racist Lefties and Socialist Democrats need to realize they reside in 2021 America, not 1927 Mexico.