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Monday, June 8, 2020

The Problem With Identity Politics

The law of unintended consequences is in direct correlation with the adage about paving the road to Hell with good intentions.

An example of unintended consequences is when you install security bars on your windows to keep people out; unfortunately, during a fire, they also keep people in.

America is the ultimate experiment in nation building.  Begun in the early 1600’s America became home to countless peoples from around the world, who left their native countries to join in fostering a new nation by all, for all.

Along the way we stumbled.  Because of colonization and slavery and discrimination, among other sins we created along the way, our country became an example of both what to do, and what not to do, when creating a nation out of whole cloth.

After 400 years of fine-tuning, we have reached a point in our nation’s history when its inhabitants are in a quandary about many things, one of which is how to talk, the other is how to listen.

Not being a perfect country, America consists of - as I stated in paragraph three – peoples from all around the world.  Along with the arrival of these new cultures and languages, customs and clothing, foods and religions, we also received new ideas and attitudes.

We are not a homogenous a nation as we would tend to believe.  Our tenets have guided us through centuries – actually the longest continual free nation in the history of the planet – via The United States Constitution.

The Constitution serves as a quick reference guide to what we are, how we should live, what the limitations of the government are, and when we should say, “Enough!”

Since January 2020, our nation has been taken hostage by a Chinese-originated virus that has turned the world upside down with fear.  It had so terrified American politicians that they practically suspended the first, second, and twenty-first Amendments.

People were immediately plunged into destitution and frightened to the point of fist-fighting inside stores to get toilet paper.  “Esteemed” doctors and scientists peppered the radio and television airwaves to insist which prophylaxis was best and which was merely a waste of time and money.

The following week, those very same doctors and scientists insisted their 180 degree turn in opinions and directives were because of new evidence.  It seems as though they were as baffled as the rest of us, and they still are.

We needed to stay 6-feet apart from one another; not five, not seven, but six.  That was the magic number.  We were told to wear masks to prevent the spread of the infamous virus, and to wash our hands thoroughly for 20-seconds.  And this information reached us through the media.

Unfortunately, the media was lying to its people because of their hate for Donald J. Trump, our President. They told us promising drugs which would help stave off this flu wouldn’t work; that President Trump was spinning yarns about its effectiveness.

The media further insisted people were taking aquarium cleaning tablets which were causing their deaths, because of President Trump; that was a lie.  It seemed anything President Trump uttered was deemed a lie, when, in fact, that was the truth.

If that were not enough mayhem for a country sliding into a lockdown, no income, fewer jobs, a lying press, and confused doctors, a bad cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, killed an innocent, unarmed man.

Immediately, as if on cue, hundreds of thousands of “protestors” gathered in mass across the globe for the cause of “justice.”  The victim, George Floyd, was the cause célèbre, suddenly going from obscurity to stardom because of a terrible, unforgivable tragedy.

Cardboard signs carried by angry protestors were visible everywhere on every TV news channel and internet news sight and newspaper.  People in Great Britain marched, as did others in Japan, for justice for Mr. Floyd.

Of course, interspersed throughout this display of angry numbers of marchers arose angry, destructive troublemakers who broke windows, burned shops, looted sneaker stores, set police vehicles ablaze, and attacked and killed innocent others, all in the name of George Floyd.

After a more than a week of sheer mayhem, the “leaders” of this goat rodeo began issuing inane demands.  Among their demands, they want more dialogs about race relations, and disbanding the police as a start to alleviating their anxiety.

Spineless mayors, governors, and Congressclowns, are actually considering dissolving police departments, while any dialog is instantaneously met with chants of “you don’t know me,” and “it’s a Black thing.”

The aforementioned Constitution is now being nitpicked by those liberal politicians, who suddenly love the First, Fourth, Tenth Amendments to keep troops away from providing law and order.

As a nation we’ve been through much worse.  But survival as a country depends on unity, not division.  Keep that in mind when you see a cardboard sign that reads: Black Lives Matter.  What about every other life? 

And that’s another example of the law of unintended consequences.