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Monday, September 23, 2019

Enough of the Lies, Part 1

Today we are going to wade into some waters that are in need of clarification, something you will not get from the mainstream media (MM).  And because these waters are deep, this story is unusually long.  Keep in mind that this is as abbreviated as I can make it and still keep its facts.

The MM is drunk with power, albeit false, over the fact they have kept President Donald Trump backed-up against the ropes, all the while trying to defend himself against countless fake scenarios and allegations.

This smarmy display of bravado arose when the MM learned it could merely toss something outrageous against the wall, and it would stick, thereby creating havoc and a sense of chaos.  The subsequent pandemonium then controlled the news cycle for the next few weeks-to-months, or even years.

The only good things to emerge from all this false news commotion were the absolute inability of the MM to tell the truth, and to demonstrate President Trump’s solid character.

Here is a snippet from our Constitution, written in 1789, that must be read and understood before we can proceed further, though.

Amendment II:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You may want to re-read that last segment; I’ll wait until you do.

A few decades ago, The Left tried to limit the Second Amendment, and even repeal it, because it poses such a high hurdle to them and any foreign entity taking over the United States of America.

During World War II, Yamamoto Isoroku, Japanese Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet during WW II, famously said, he didn’t attack the U.S. mainland out of fear that a rifle was behind “every blade of grass.”

An American armed citizenry appeared to thwart a direct Japanese attack on American soil, the deterrent our Founding Fathers were apparently trying to achieve.

If you read, or re-read, the Second Amendment, above, you’ll notice there was no mention of duck hunting or deer season or target shooting.  Nothing therein mentioned gun-free zones or large capacity magazines, or semi-automatic weapons that were “designed for killing people.”

Nothing therein specified background checks or gun show loopholes.  Not one word said anything about “common sense gun laws.”  On the other hand, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed, was clearly printed in that simple passage.

Leftist Americans tried to disarm its citizens citing over-kill ability of “assault weapons.”  Assault Weapons is a creation out of while cloth to define guns by appearance, only.  There is no functional difference between a coyote hunting rifle and an AR-15.  Period.

Of course, The Left is now pandering-a-plenty with many of their Democratic Party Presidential Circus and Dog and Pony Show (DPPCDPS).

Playing off the serious tragedies of recent mass shootings, several members of the DPPCDPS have been clamoring for not just President Trump to “Do something,” but to violate the tenets of our sacred land.

The Left's definition of an "assault weapon"
An odd fellow named Robert O’Rourke, has been making the rounds of public speaking engagements and television appearances, spouting how if he were the president, he would simply outlaw assault weapons – particularly AR-15s, and AK-47s.  FYI, neither civilian model can fire more than one bullet per trigger pull, thereby classifying them as semi-automatic, not fully automatic, guns.

It is plain to see that O’Rourke has little, if any, knowledge of The Constitution of the United States.  If you need to re-read that important passage, feel free.

O’Rourke said that to be fair, he would institute a “mandatory buy-back.”  That would entail the federal government paying for your assault weapon.

Firstly, not being a lawyer or a smart person at all, I don’t think you can buy-back something you didn’t sell me in the first place.  Secondly, that pesky Second Amendment keeps getting in the way of a good pro-confiscation argument.

Other Democratic presidential hopefuls also gravitate towards confiscatory politics, as well as something called mandatory “background checks.”

If you’ve never bought a gun from a legitimate retailer – ie.: sporting goods vender, pawn shop, department store – you are required to fill out multiple pages of questionnaires for the federal and state governments, before you can legally purchase any gun.

That information is then passed onto the Federal Bureau of Investigation to see if the prospective purchaser is able to legally buy or possess a firearm of any type. 

What The Left wants to do is make that information a permanent record so that at a future time, locating and confiscating those legally purchased guns can be made a breeze.

Federal laws prohibit the storing and retention of those names and types of guns, to prevent just that kind of scenario.

And what about places quickly noted as not having well-armed populaces?  It is often celebrated that Japan, England, France, and Spain, have overly restrictive gun possession and ownership laws, making them safer places to reside than good ol’ America.

Illegal guns have been used in all of those countries to commit mass killings of innocent people.  And where terrorists wanted to exact some severe and maximum damage upon unwitting individuals, trucks, knives, pressure cookers, and swords, were used to inflict mayhem on the unsuspecting.

Unfortunately, those very places disarmed citizens, whose governments feel they cannot trust its voting population to make the right choice for their own well-being.  Of course, they look upon the American people as backward and unsophisticated.  They are wrong.

On the other hand, no one recalls Switzerland.  This is the little European country that avoided WW II, by announcing neutrality.  To ensure its wishes were respected, every Swiss man was issued – by the government – a light machinegun.  That gun is a rifle that fires continuously, until the ammunition supply is exhausted.

This effort appears to have worked and continues to work.  And, Swiss men, eighteen-years-old and up, still maintain those weapons in their homes.  Yet, no one asks why such a heavily armed nation has a desirably low murder rate.  Perhaps it’s not the gun.

Americans have the ability to differentiate good from evil, right from wrong, legal from illegal, savvy from naïve.

Please return next week for a part 2 conclusion.  Thanks for reading.