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Monday, March 25, 2019

More Punishment

Thanks to the media, I have learned that I am likely the most egregious offender of the environment – ever.

Since I was a toddler, I recall drinking sodas and malteds with the benefit of a straw.  That was a treat in and of itself.  We didn’t use straws at home because they were an unnecessary luxury that cost money.  Rather, we indulged ourselves all five times we ate in restaurants.

To counteract those wasteful indulgences we bought milk, beer, and soft drinks in glass bottles that were dutifully returned to stores for a minimal deposit that was applied to the next purchase of beverages.  We didn’t buy water because our house was fitted with indoor plumbing.  But I digress.

As discussed in a prior story, “progressive” politicians are reinventing the proverbial wheel.  Many states are just discovering bottle deposits, as well as paper bags at the grocery store, and reusable cups and mugs.

Not original thoughts by any stretch of the imagination, these lame “recycled” recycling ideas are soaring with the assistance of mindless politicians who want to be the first county councilman or alderman to be awarded the Noble Prize for stealing ideas.

Not to be outdone, these politicians and environmental nut jobs are desperately trying to be the first in outrageousness.

Driving electric cars is admirable.  Making everyone drive electric cars is plain stupid.  Trips on the Eastern Shore are usually lengthy.  For instance, I drive about 45-miles to pick up prescriptions, and drive another 45-miles home.  That’s 90-miles for all you Canadians.

Currently, most electric cars have a distance of about 100 miles between charges.  Sounds great, if you don’t use petty accessories such as lights, radio, air conditioning, or the heater and defroster; otherwise, it’s a long walk home.  Alas.

In any case, those environmentalists know better than you.  They ardently want to save the planet.  Saved for whom is not necessarily clear, though. 

They insist people are killing the Earth with their wasteful ways, which must stop now.  End of discussion.

Maryland political nitwits unleashed their legislative might on drinking straws, outlawing them, but legalizing mind-altering drugs.  Yea!

Now Florida, the land of sun-fried-brains, is desperately trying to save coral reefs.

Yep, in case you were unaware, the coral reefs are dangerously on the brink of something or other – likely extinction – because you probably have never seen them. This is why some buttinsky wants to “raise awareness” about coral reefs.  Sanctioned punishment is a better description.

The words “raise awareness” are political code for “give me money for research so that I don’t need to get a real job.”

It’s all part of the game of guvment redistribution of wealth.  It’s not as complex as you think.

Take, for example, just what is happening in Miami, Florida.  It seems as though Miami Beach is considering banning sunscreens.

BUT, you’re yelling at the screen, “I thought doctors warned you to generously lather up at the beach to prevent skin cancer?”

You are correct.  Unfortunately, the fickle finger of guvment wealth redistribution is now pointing to that awful, dangerous sunscreen that may be responsible for the wholesale destruction of, well, nothing.  But it could be destroying the coral reefs.  Only a guvment grant and a moratorium on swimming in the ocean will tell.

Hawaii and Key West, Florida, already have bans on sunscreens containing two particular chemicals, notably oxybenzone or octinoxate.

Between no drinking straws and no swimming with certain sunscreens, let’s just close all the beaches.  More punishment.

Thank Heaven for environmentalists and insightful politicians.