Fads can best be described as
‘quaint, little diversions that eventually succumb to the next new thing.’
As a kid I remember my sister
fiddling with most of the fads du jour. Some of those included playing with the Hula
Hoop, pogo stick jumping, and making straight A’s in school.
I also partook in the frenzies
with a Frisbee.
Of course these were not of the
modern variety fads that incorporate scads of money – something of which we had
little, at that time.
Modern fads run in the vein of
Beanie Babies, baseball cards, playing video games, smoking weed and spice, and
annoying the public-at-large with their cell phones.
Not to be outdone, Gen-Xer’s and
Millenials are desperately trying to one-up my group, the Dinosauruser’s. (Yeah,
I just made that last word up.)
Once upon a time, a girl and boy
got together because of raging hormones.
There was usually a dance of social boogying involved that began with a
lame movie followed by an inexpensive dinner, climaxing in necking.
Rarely was there any further
physical activity involved – other than, perhaps, the girl pushing the boy away
with some martial art-style moves, while explaining how she couldn’t get
pregnant lest her father kill her. This
was called a reality check that usually worked, and worked well.
But today’s fad is a bit more
public. Sure, occasionally, boys and
girls get together for some hormone readjustment. Unfortunately, today’s fad includes Gen-xer’s
and Millenials publicly airing their dirty laundry about how weak those groups’
women are.
It seems as though today’s women
and girls have lost several skills over time, much as our predecessors lost
their gills when they began walking on land.
Suddenly, girls became unable to
say, “NO!” when telling their boss, boyfriend, or fellow actor they didn’t want
to have sex. It would appear that they
wanted both a job and attention from so many men with extraordinary libidos.
Yes, they had sex to obtain
employment, an entertainment industry role, or a more prominent position in the
company. These women call this
overaggressive behavior “sexual harassment.”
The words, “By any means necessary,” come to mind.
Then there is something called
the “Law of unintended consequences” that may solve the immediate sexual
harassment claims, but create another dilemma.
I consider myself a quick
learner; if I burn myself on the stove, I become especially conscious of any
With any modern female crying
‘sexual harassment’ at the drop of a hat, men such as myself will more likely
be stove-shy and pretty well avoid most male-female situations.
This seems as though it would be
a good thing until we discover that procreation requires male-female
contact. (The lesbian connection will have to wait for another time.) That might be more palatable if that social
chastising were not a critical part of dating.
Now you know as much as I do
about sexbots. Their name alone is
guiding my mind through many avenues of functions and results, without lame
movies, expensive dinners, and public humiliation.
The best part of having a sexbot
would be not having to put the toilet seat down.
I’m just saying…