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Monday, December 4, 2017

I’m Not Kidding

Growing up, I heard plenty, on the news, about airplane hijackings.  Nutjobs, seemingly monthly, would take an airplane’s crew hostage with some sort of weapon, and then make them fly to a place other than its original destination.

Although this happened world-wide, I recall the flights that were often diverted to Cuba.  Perhaps not limited to what is today known as terrorism, these criminal acts certainly fit today’s definition of terrorism.

Terrorism is the act of putting fear into people through frightening occurrences that the victims feel could cost them their lives.

September 11, 2001, marked a day when foreign terrorists, who were in this country illegally, four hijacked commercial airplanes loaded with innocent passengers were sent into oblivion.

Until this day, counterterrorism experts are attempting to figure out why those mentally ill cowards commandeered those planes to kill nearly 3,000 blameless Americans.

Varying excuses for these heinous deeds include they were subjected to poverty at an early age, they were angry at sexual freedom in America, and they simply hated non Muslims.

Just today I came across something I consider frivolous, but is pretty costly and totally unnecessary.

This item is a pancake printer.  These are two words I never thought I’d put together, but now I can without ridicule.

It seems as though a company is selling something called PancakeBot, which is a printer of sorts.

You merely connect this 3-D printer to your computer, place the carriage that dispenses the pancake batter atop a griddle, and voila!

The computer is used to generate pictures of nearly anything you’d like to create as a breakfast treat.  Company ads for this must-have gem show an Eiffel Tower flapjack cooking away.

The best news is one of these contraptions can be had for the low, low price of $300.

If anything, I’ve got my Christmas wish list nearly complete, now.  But I digress.

In any case, it was some serious philosophical introspection that got me thinking.

Those wacko terrorists could have another reason to hate Americans, other than for its non-Muslim majority.

Perhaps, just perhaps, it is an invention that can create a work-of-art pancake in the likeness of the United States of America, Donald Trump, or even Smokey the cat.

You see, many of those psycho terrorists live or lived in desert conditions without air conditioning, indoor plumbing, running water, or electricity.  They don’t use toilet paper, yet they consider bacon unclean.

They arise in the morning to learn how to jump off a moving motorcycle and shoot at random people at cafés and citizens with baby strollers, all to make a point.  In-between, they school one-another in how to build bomb vests.  All this sounds pretty angry.

Perhaps if they used the PancakeBot they would enjoy life a bit more to be able to

skillet-up a facsimile of a Koran.  I may be on to something.

America is still the greatest pancake country in a world of infidels.