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Monday, September 18, 2017

It’s Job Hunt Time

It’s time to set the record straight about politicians.

Many, many politicians are simply self-absorbed egoists who desire to control and manipulate the lives of others.

I know this because I lived at the seat-of-government, Washington, D.C., for over three decades.  The daily drumbeat dictated more influence over citizen’s rights by greedy politicians who regularly feigned piety as a means to wrest away more individual rights.

Droning on about helping the poor always meant the hard workers needed to pay more; it never meant finding jobs for those poor, though.

Cleaning up the environment called for additional funding for recycling and endless studies, but rarely amounted to more than wealth redistribution.

Taxing food products was aimed to help fund food safety organizations and nutrition centers; those taxes regularly wound up being diverted to local road building and civic center subsidizing.

And most of today’s politicians know very little about working in the private sector, as they acquired their political ambitions during their time in law school, never holding actual jobs that require making a profit.

If more money was needed, they merely raised the taxes of the working class.  Amen.  Problem solved.

And so it goes as far as funding pet projects that keep those political weenies in office.  This system is nothing like the “real world,” where if you want something, you must work and budget for it.

This new America is why we are facing a $20,000,000,000,000 deficit.  And that’s not good.

So in an effort to spend more money they don’t have, the East Coast politicians have become more creative than ever.

Something called the I-95 Corridor Coalition was recently established by a group of state transportation agencies from Maine to Florida.  It seems as though monies paid through sales, excise, local, state, federal, and gas taxes just aren’t enough for these creative thieves.

Now this criminal brain trust is ardently working in a system that would charge drivers based on the number of miles traveled.

Of course, the gas tax would not be repealed because those finds are needed for major maintenance.

An Aside:  Remember when President Barack Hussein Obama proudly announced his program of shovel-ready jobs?  That cash went to replace road signs and guard rails, not repaving or repairing roads.  Why?  Ain’t that maintenance?

And, all those environmentalists touting fuel efficiency have now backed America into the proverbial corner.  You see, the I-95 Corridor coalition needs the money lost through gas tax because of people buying less fuel.  Clearly that needs a stern punishing.

The same thing happened with water conservation.  Save water, was the mantra.  Before long, water rates soared because people were using less water.  Neato, eh?

It’s time to send these money-hungry slugs on their way to jobs that require accountability, and involve profits for the company.

There’s an old saying: “Politicians are like baby diapers; they needs to be changed regularly.”

They are our employees, and they need firing.