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Monday, August 28, 2017

Stupider and Stupider

Just recently I read about a young man who was in the midst of passing around a petition to get California to secede from the United States of America.  This guy, who appeared to be in his mid-twenties, insisted this move was good for California; this guy is from California.

He had lots of answers, albeit half-baked, when it came time to explain financial matters, immigration issues, military protection, and the interstate highway system.  He wanted out.  Period.

Sure this secession would be good, but not for California.  The state is run by aging communists and socialists, hippies, do-gooders, and illegal immigrants.  They are largely in debt because of all their social programs and socialist grants to solve planet Earth problems related to the environment, and fund anyone with an extended hand looking for a freebie.  The United States government picks up the balance of their frivolities for which California cannot afford.

The country would change its name to the Nearly United States of America, but the good news is that most of the country would stand for the National Anthem.

So it was with interest that I also read a news story concerning the invasion of people in California making their way to their local hospitals.  From a Redding, California, television station news website, people were crowding emergency rooms because of the recent solar eclipse.

Don’t get ahead of me.  It’s not likely what you think.

Sure, their eyes were burning, but that was because – drum roll, please – they didn’t buy those cheesy cardboard solar eclipse glasses.  No, they instead put sun screen on their eyeballs to protect themselves from looking at the Sun.

Yep.  No lie.  I can’t make this stuff up.

It seems as though these mental giants opted for a budget solution to viewing the solar eclipse of a lifetime.  It was broadcast over both network and cable TV for hours.  No one needed to look up, but they did.

Now, they are in a heap of hurt – until the next solar eclipse in 2024, that is.  You know these dolts will repeat their bone-headed stunt in seven years.  But I digress.

I must admit I never, ever thought about putting sun screen in my eyes, for any reason whatsoever, much less to stare at the Sun.

According to the Center for Disease Control, getting sunscreen in your eyes will not cause permanent eye damage.  It will make you wish you weren’t so stupid as to apply it to your eyeballs, though.

The pain should subside in a couple of days.  Yea!

But, California seceding would appear to help the other 49 states’ in their effort to lower health insurance costs.  I’m just saying.  Now secession sounds really promising.
